Escaping the "Greifers Guild"

After watching the Minecraft trailer and listening to the explanations of the attending Seraphs, Kyle (a prominent veteran Diver) understood quite a bit about this new 'game' and quickly began to formulate a way to become powerful and influential in Minecraft.

He then, with some Divers he met in HA before, quickly gathered a group of like-minded Travelers and entered the 'new world'. After tinkering around for a while looking for exploits and the like, the coordinate function was discovered and they quickly found that three of their entry group spawned within two days of travel...

Being who he was, he immediately saw the nefarious role that "cords" could play in this game and right after meeting up with his team, he logged out of the game while his mates watched over his 'game body'...

He logged onto the biggest streaming site (which has been popping off in the past months) and filtered all streamers that were not playing Minecraft. Inevitably, he needed a mark that could serve his newly created plans but also offer the least resistance and after looking for a while, he found a talented individual with a creative streak named Greg Watson...

After sacrificing a little money for the coordinates of his mark, he double-checked and saw that he was less than a week's travel away (mostly by boat) if the time taken to reach his mates was of any indicator.

"Boys, it's time for the first mission of the Greifer's Guild..."

...(Back To Greg Watson)....

Greg was quickly, and quietly as possible, digging out some space around him trying not to let those above ground hear his actions. He was performing the game's "sneak" function by squatting down which will stop people from seeing his name tag through burnt his thighs and calves and ran his stamina down quicker but he had plenty of food to alleviate the pain...

He placed his furnace and crafting table down (luckily he had those on him when his base was attacked) and after filling the furnace with coal, he started cooking all of the raw meat he had to prepare for the inevitable battle. He learned the importance of food when battling monsters at night during his first few days...

He then moved to the crafting table and using string from the spiders he, unfortunately (or fortunately) ran into while making his mineshaft escape, he created a bow...

He then took the item he created off-stream as well as the items collected from a 'desert temple' during that time and began to prepare...

He placed down the anvil which, when he did so, caused his loins to hurt as all of the perilous mining he had done to get that amount of iron ran through his mind... He took out a shimmering book called "Flame I" that he received from a villager nearby for quite a few emeralds.

He added the Flame enchantment to the newly crafted bow and checked his arrow stock...'I have enough for this plan if everything goes well, damn these guys...'

After moving the food, bow, a sword, and some TNT (got from the pyramid) to his toolbar, he breathed in and out for a while, collecting himself...

With a firm Will he dug his way to the 'spider spawner' area he was just at and placed TNT all around the cobwebs hidden within the walls and floor with only a single piece showing, sitting proudly where the spawner should have been...

'Fuck it, here it goes...'

"Guys PLEASE! Don't do this, I just want to create in peace!!!..."

Greg said while standing up from his crouched position near the TNT with his Flame Bow in hand...