The Survival Games 3

After jumping from the airship, Timothy dove straight down and after a few seconds, he maneuvered into a horizontal position which slowed him down allowing him the opportunity to consider where to land. He whispered "Rachel, let's land in the dense jungle over there, your hearing ability will play an important role in tracking. Paired with my ability, we're untouchable there so follow me..."

Tim then shot off into the direction of the Jungle without looking back, knowing that even thru the tearing wind she heard him. He made his way towards the densest part of the woodland which was parallel to the desert and snow terrains on the East and West sides. The mist that circled the entire dome was North of the jungle while in the southern direction laid a vast and hilled grassland. This grassland serves as the center stage of the dome arena...


The Crafters duo followed a team they knew to be weak after jumping out of the airship...although they're usually passive and friendly to their fellow Travelers, Greg was resolute in his will to win these games...He was not going back to writing popsicle stick jokes, he wasn't that whimpering man anymore and he'd be d@amned if he is kicked out of Altissia after dying.

The team they followed through the sky are the only participants who kept their spots after being initially on the randomly generated list. These two were so focused on where to land they didn't notice the lurkers behind them. When they approached the desert they pulled their shoots quickly, hoping to get accustomed to the gliding speed before their descent but this happened to be their biggest mistake.

Greg looked at Leah and nodded as they have formulated many plans for different assault tactics, the proper one to use in this situation didn't need to be discussed. Leah pulled her spread-out arms and legs together making her more arrow-dynamic *swooshing* through the air and past the now startled targets who are gliding with opened parachutes. Once she got about 180 meters above the ground she pulled her chute and landed roughly on the open sand, the terrain cushioning her landing as predicted.

She turned around quickly and looked up to the now 'sitting ducks' that were slowly gliding towards her. They had confused faces until they saw what appeared in Leah's hands...


Although Travelers buy many different things from the Pavillon, some items are ubiquitously bought. One such thing is "Inventory" slots from Minecraft. The first slot is very expensive, but each subsequent slot you purchase costs outrageously more. To that end, even the vice-guild leader of the second-largest guild in Altissia only has two slots.

What she pulled out of one of the two available slots is a crossbow loaded with the newly developed weapon of the Crafter's Guild; Firework Rockets...


Leah aimed her loaded crossbow towards one of the two frightened enemies and fired, the firework rocket swiftly approached. The male, understanding their current position, quickly removed his only ender pearl from his single inventory slot and chucked it towards the ground before un-hinging his harness to the chute.

Luckily Leah's first target was the woman, and with no response to the incoming arrow the lady could do nothing but scream "AHHHHHHH, PLEASE NO, LET ME G...*BOOM*...IT BURNS!". The lady, after surviving the initial explosion, burned to death while in the air as her parachute and clothes caught fire.

The screaming quickly died out but Leah was in no shape to care as she just turned to aim at the other target when he vanished, she knew about ender pearls from her time in MC so she quickly whipped around and fired another shot without aiming, as she sensed danger...

The rocket collided with one of three Sai's that were thrown at her, the enemy is obviously a throwing weapons specialist. The two Sai's that were not stopped by the explosion quickly approached Leah and without the time to dodge, her neck was sliced open on the left side followed by a gash to the outer thigh. Leah quickly covered the neck wound, unable to scream as blood pooled in her throat...

Just as she was about to lose consciousness from the fatal injury, she saw an arrow shoot from the sky with such power that it hit the top of the enemy's head and burrowed its way through his body coming out of the man's pelvic arena, as if there was no resistance to its course at all.

Following the man's collapse, Leah closed her eyes wishing Greg good luck but just then, her eyes shot open again as she suddenly felt reinvigorated and the cut on her neck healed quickly because of a glass bottle that hit her head...