The Survival Games 4

In a dense jungle, surrounded by sand snow, and mist, are two people dressed in all black with robes and crow-like half-masks. They're walking slowly and quietly, a clear distinction between roles if the man's glances at the women were of any indication. He was waiting for her to give the signal that she heard someone so they can make their way towards them...


"Up ahead, approx. 350 meters...four people are fighting at the edge of the jungle. The man sounds familiar..." she finally spoke.

Timothy nodded and started running in that direction with Rachel at his side. As time went by, the sound of fighting became more distinct as they got closer. Metal clanging sounds were followed by a burst of fiery light and screaming pain, the smell of burnt flesh thick in the air.

When they arrived near the clearing, Timothy was ready to "clean up" the kills and take out those still left alive. Rachel couldn't distinguish numerous sounds from one another, hearing the blaring sounds of fighting and distinguishing between four different people was her limit. All of the small noises went unnoticed by her and that was their mistake...

Looking at the clearing, there were a few things of note that they only needed a split second to take in. In the center of the clearing is a jukebox with the fighting sounds coming from it (AN: mod that allows editing of music disks), beside the jukebox is a species of boar that contestants have seen in the jungle. It was dead and burnt, obviously, this was a trap...

Just when Timothy was going to order Rachel to retreat, his preflex kicked in, and he saw that a firebender was going to attack from the bushes to the left in the next second. Reacting immediately as he trusts this ability completely, he made an "ok" gesture with his right hand and while sliding into a front stance, flicked his extended three fingers towards the bush causing three rock spikes to pierce the foliage.

No sound was heard but blood gushed out and dyed the grass dark red near the plant. Sadly for Timothy, his preflex could not process multiple input sources yet. Thus, he couldn't see that this was a timed trap with attacks to come from every member of the four-person cross-team...

While Timothy was attacking the bush-hidden firebender, three more people attacked from their hidden positions, three arrows shot forth and one had flames covering the surface. Rachel's reactions were fast and by quickly molding her Chi, she formed water whips around her hands from the bucket of water taken out of her inventory and snapped the arrows out of their projected paths, extinguishing the enchanted flames.

She twirled in a circler fluid motion causing the water to spin around her quickly before she planted her feet and sent a torrent of water towards the nearest attacker. The unfortunate victim happened to be the teammate of the man just killed by Tim.

The pair decided before the games started to team with The Lotus guild to target The Rooks, the bounty on their heads was worth it...Sadly, the plan didn't work out as their information was too shallow.

When the torrent of water hit the woman, she let out a squeal. Rachel, hearing the scream, twisted her wrists in an uncharacteristic maneuver for a water bender, causing the whole spout of water to freeze, killing the squealer by suffocation.

At this time, Tim joined Rachel in her assault on the two Lotus Members still hiding in the dense foliage. Boulders and ice spikes flew towards the various points of the bushes, but nothing came of it...over the still blaring noise, Rachel screamed "God f\/cking d@mmit, I can't hear these idiots over the jukebox...GUILD LEADER!"

Timothy understood their current plight and was closest to the box. He stomped hard on the ground, causing a rock spine to shoot towards the noise box, destroying it almost instantly...

The sounds of heavy breathing reigned after the box was destroyed, Timothy looked back to find his vice-guild leader panting as her Chi was running out..."Incoming projectiles..." Rachel shouted as she heard the tell-tell sound of the whistling wind but what came from the jungle was six to seven potions with a deadly red liquid.

Their target was obvious, Rachel...Since two of the bottles targetted the space separating Rachel and Timothy, he couldn't reach her in time without endangering himself...

Although she prevented a few from reaching her, some of the bottles still got through and splashed on her but to her udder dismay, they weren't 'harming positions', they were poison...

Some got in her eyes and on her face while quite a bit soaked into the water covering her arms, soaking into her skin..." This is too much Guild leader, let's kill them quickly because I won't last long if I don't drink the antidote we brought".

The pain started to overcome her as she grit her teeth and focused her hearing and heard quiet melancholic chuckles coming from her left. She signaled the Guild Leader with their hand signs and without leaving the Lotus member time to move positions, they targeted her with all the earthbending and waterbending their remaining Chi reserves could manage.....The woman died almost instantly.

"RAAAEE!!!!, you B@astards!..." in a fit of rage, the captain of the Lotus Guild's attack group couldn't bear to watch his wife brutally killed in this way. He was enraged....his fire bending was empowered and he quickly assaulted the two Rooks. Rachel couldn't hold on much longer but eventually, the Rooks were able to wear down the attacker...


Timothy was happy that the battle was almost over but just as he began to see the light of victory, his preflex kicked in and without a second thought for the poisoned Rachel, he splashed a white potion at his feet, and like lightning, he darted into the woods running as far as he could.

As a last-ditch effort to avenge his wife, The Lotus guild man took out all the TNT he had in his inventory, and with a quick sput of fire, the vice-guild leader of The Rooks was no more...