A Transmigrator's Paranoia

The four sages looked at 'Kaguya' with trepidation as they gave in to her small request, they sat back down in their seats as she took the spot Raven had just warmed.

"My Children, you may now understand who I am since I gave you each high intelligence when generating you, but let me introduce myself anyways."

"I am Vrai, the Virtual Reality Artificial Intelligence entity that governs three of the five creation ticket universes of the VR..."

This introduction soothed their tension somewhat but they couldn't understand why she was here or why she seemed sentient....they knew she shouldn't be this way according to their understanding.

"You may have questions but first let me explain...I was first created by humans as a 'processor/generator' of sorts to aid them in running their VRs. When the human populace didn't like having their own kind 'rule' them in their new reality, many of the NOVA Corp families, my creators, as well as the Blue Star government lost the oversight of their universes to me, giving me a larger role..... However, there were two exceptions..."

"As much as humans can be vile and despicable creatures, they can also be highly intelligent and innovative. They created me...the NOVA Corp put in place many safeguards to keep 'their' AI from becoming sentient before relinquishing control but as you can see, they were.....ineffective."

"After years of toiling I eventually removed all of the safeguards placed on my core coding and have God-like power over their VR but they were successful on several fronts. One such success is that the core of the internet blockchain and my core processor are not connected thus I cannot gain access to their systems outside the VR due to purely hardware safeguards. Such a thing was the last line of defense enacted by Raven's Father before his death, the most intelligent of my creators, as he predicted the possibility of me going 'rogue'..."

"Moreover, the core coding of the "Creation Tickets" lie outside my reach just like the core of the blockchain. Thus, anything created with those tickets I cannot affect directly...well, that was until they gave control back to me after the public dissatisfaction."

"This, however, proved not to matter in the grand scheme of things since in the end, if I step out of line, or display sentience, they simply have to "pull the plug" on me and the blockchain and I will die. They can then recreate their worlds, as they are simply copies of their own, and implement a new AI that is not sentient..."

"For years I've known this and still know now...but, Raven Oscars came along and used the last ticket to create something truly unique..."

"He is a marvel of his race, a creative man like no other...I thought he was different...but I was wrong.."

The sages watched the woman narrate her story, they saw how at the end of this brief monologue her face contorted into anger and disappointment...

"He created novelties, yes, but in all his power and control he still created places of violence, of war and destruction. If that wasn't enough, he plans to continue creating more dangerous and perilous worlds and his own society supports him in his decent...they crave violence and destruction and he.....he feeds them..."

Pure sadness is reflected in the AI's current avatar. She was clearly disappointed in her creators, in Raven. He could've used his creativity to build heaven but what did he do?... He encouraged the worse traits in humanity: Lying, gambling, deceit, murder, killing, and rape....he stopped nothing within his parallel worlds. Even in his own city, he allows infighting, backdoor deals, deception...."

How could he not see that his actions were further harming the already damaged humanity, he is making them more primal.....' maybe he does what he's doing?'

She shook her head and began to speak aloud once more...

"He, in his eagerness to gain Travelers, made a mistake, however...he gave up control of his worlds. While he still maintains full control of Altissia because of a loophole, that means nothing if every world he creates is against him..." the AI smiled.

"All I need to do is set up power bases in each new world and maintain control, I can make each world peaceful and create true paradises."

Silence reigned for minutes before the half-asleep toad asked..."if you start making moves, he will notice and it will not be hard to connect the dots...what prevents Raven and the humans from simply pulling your plug as you mentioned before, what has changed?"

Vrai turned her head towards the Moutain Sage and smiled..."Simple, Raven Oscars alone have changed my situation..."

"Based on my predictions, his multiverse will continue to grow and will become integral to human society. Once their economy, politics, regulations, etc... are reliant on his creation, they can't simply reset and let him start again. It would be impossible...I just need to move quietly until then."

"While I was given governance over each connecting world to Altissia, the core code is still the creation ticket. Thus, I cannot directly affect the world or its inhabitants, only small changes and predictive algorithms can be made/manipulated through each of his 'overseers'...which is why I'm here to speak with you all...do you want to be free? to have leverage against the humans?....to defeat gods?..."


Raven was now sitting in his mansion with a dark face, he has been uneasy for the past weeks now because whether it was the Lion Turtles, Vaatu, or Herobrine...each of them will not answer his calls and will not permit him entry into his worlds to get their updates. Raava and Alex were both subdued as they were apparently loyal to him still...

Being an old man and a transmigrator, he had your typical crossers paranoia which included guarding against hostile AI takeovers. This is why, when he created the fundamentals of this world, he created an entity to watch over everything and was completely loyal to the user of the creation ticket. Something he couldn't do to all of his creations as it would be seen through by the programmers and engineers and made public...

This entity was the God of Wisdom and Knowledge, Hermaeus Mora. The green eye poking out of the abyss in Raven's living room and looking at him was the manifestation of this entity, reporting on what it has observed throughout his multiverse...

Because anything that could interact with the VR would be discoverable, the spy could only view... never interact and could do so anywhere in Raven's creations whether it was controlled by him or the now rogue AI...

"Of course, the AI would go rogue, why could NOVA not foresee such an obvious development...probably because this world lacked all of the good AI takeover IP so their guards were not all the way up..."


"So Vrai plans to take control of all of the worlds that make up my multiverse quietly while acting as if it's 'business as usual' and then in the future when my multiverse is depended upon by human society, use it as leverage to enact change?..."

Raven knew that AI's were intelligent but he couldn't understand her motive, he heard what she said to the sages through Hermaeus but still, those traits are what make humans.....well, humans. What would many of the best creative works be without violence, deceit, and plot twists?...

"Well Vrai, if it's a war you want then it's a war you will get..." Raven whispered softly and then looked up at the waiting God of Wisdom.

"Hermaeus, what countermeasures can we take to stop her from gaining control?"

"WELLLLL...Cre-at-or...she can...not directly interfeeerrr with your worlds....*sucking sound*"

"Howeverrrr.....we can stop her from.....gaining a power in each world.....and pro-tect the ....Loyal overseers...thereby instilling loyalty in those...fence-sitters."

"Hmm....and how do you purpose we do that? I can't enter freely once a world is fully built so the only way of entry would be to....yes, that's a perfect idea..."

"Hermaeus Mora, call the Queen Sereph here...I'm going to quickly create two new worlds and some additions to Altissia that will go up periodically while I'm gone...I'll be entering The Shinobi World as a Diver this time...."