There is a killer Among Us

Three months after Raven entered into TSW to handle the rogue AI and Overseers, an announcement was made to those currently within Altissia...a long-awaited one since most divers were too scared of the newest 'hardcore' level world TSW; very few Divers were successful in that vicious place and even fewer gave it a second go after leaving...

This created a new ranking amongst the Origin City inhabitants...simple Travelers, Divers, and Adventurers...the adventurers were those who scoffed at danger and pain, choosing to venture into anywhere and everywhere if it means experiencing something new and getting stronger...they were the cream of the crop, the top of the food chain and champions of their profession...the most feared and respected guild...but that is for another time...


[Altissia Announcement: Attention Dear Travelers,

The new easy-ranked mini-world called "Among Us" is now open, please enter through the designated tele pad at Gate of Worlds.

This 'mini-world' is structured differently as it is not 'a world' exactly. It has three maps and requires ten players to enter a match. Those who enter the tele pad will be transported to a lobby where you will choose match settings.

The Goal?

We crew members need to complete all the tasks before we're all killed while knowing that there is an Imposter Among Us who is the murderer...

Good Luck Dear Travelers, and Happy Holidays!]


Stan Hope had just finished his recent favorite pastime...he was on a date with the Seraph that introduced him to the sports game in the arcade and to his surprise, she didn't mind the age gap between them...they just finished playing another round of tennis when the announcement for Among Us came...

"STAN, we have to go come on!..." before Hope could respond, he was dragged by his angel of a girlfriend towards the Gate of Worlds to join the queue...


Spending time with such an outgoing person as Athena, Stan gained greater communication skills and confidence...he fell head over heels for this woman and didn't care if she was an AI or not, if she was younger than him or not, etc...she was real to him and he loves her...' and all the anti-AI radicals out there could S\/ck MY... '

"Stan, hurry up let's get your promised you would go into the next world and tell me what it's like!"... his girlfriend said, pulling him from of his 'out of character' thoughts as they both received a ticket...

Seraphs were created by Raven with specific parameters in mind but they do have their own thoughts and feelings...they have their own society in the Seraphs-only section within the city of Altissia...

While most Seraphs were not very interesting and lived a bland life as far away from Travelers as they could, Athena was the exception....she loved all things human, more specifically, music and the arts...

She admired her creator and the inventor of all the amazing art that comes from his worlds and wished she could one day be allowed to Dive into them like the humans...

She also loved her new boyfriend, a practitioner of the thing she loved most, along with being kind gentle, sweet, and loving...amazing.


The lovers bought their tickets and hand in hand, walked to the tele pad resulting in Stan Hope disappearing, leaving an excited Athena behind as she opened up the device given to her by Stan, which could allow her to see what he sees in the new world live...

When he regained his sight, he was alone in a small room with chairs lining the wall, a door hatch, and some crates...the vessel felt like it was moving but his attention was too drawn to the computer sitting atop the closest crate to think about it...