Who is it!?

Stan quickly shook himself out of a daze as, through the window in the conference room, he saw another person passing by outside stop and look through the glass...

Stan quickly adjusted himself best he could while presenting a polite smile and wave...the girl in yellow's nervousness seemed placated as she smiled and waved back.


Stan was getting more confident as time passed as he began to truly act the role of 'crewmate'...he passed a few people and had pleasant conversations....each had an undertone of wariness but it was still civil before they separated.

The game was passing by slowly as everyone was still new to the game and enjoyed exploring the 'map' so after fifteen minutes of time, the taskbar was only one-fourth completed...


Approaching the twenty-minute mark, Stan stumbled into a building on the upper West side of the map and went down a long hallway which ended with a room on the left, filled with screens and electronics...' is this the monitor room mentioned on the map introductions? '

He looked at each screen one by one and saw no other players there but before long, near one of the exits of the starting building, he saw the yellow lady approaching the conference room entrance ...but, she suddenly turned around and spoke in the direction she came from...

She made placating and 'come with me' gestures, she looked like she trusted the other party...when the yellow woman turned to enter the building, the person she was speaking with came into view...she was dressed in all pink and adorned with a malicious smile while putting her hand into her pocket silently approaching the oblivious yellow girl...

Before she could act, however, she looked up and saw the blinking red light of the camera...

When she saw the observation device, she quickly stuffed her hand down into her pocket and took off in the North direction...' that looked like she was going to do something bad...why did she run upward, could she be...'.

With hairs standing up, Stan quickly turned around and crept away from the cams...he looked outside the room door and sure enough, at the entrance of the building, a pink-suited lady with a blood-coated knife stared back at him with cold detached eyes...' oh my god, I've met a real psycho'...

"Oh, you're like me...well carry on then, have fun!..." the pink lady spoke jovially while skipping off in the distance after laying eyes on the red outline of Stan...

He ran back into the camera room hyperventilating...."Oh my god, oh my god...OH MY GOD!!"...

*weez* *weez*

'Those eyes...If I wasn't an imposter I would've had to face that lady... I don't know if I can do this...No! Come on man, don't you want to impress Athena with a good story? Of course, you do! Man up! ...I CAN DO THIS!'...


He couldn't get his breathing under control before he heard footsteps again. He didn't have time to stand up before someone new entered the cam room...it was the blonde-headed streamer...

"My Man!... What's up, dude? I've almost finished my tasks and haven't found any dead yet, we're crushing this! You seemed like a smart guy so I'm not surprised to find you perched here...you run and do those tasks while I take over your shift here, no worries... I and my viewers will keep our eyes peeled!..."

The man's smile was almost blinding as he sent me a thumbs-up pose before turning to look at the cameras...when he turned, he saw the yellow-suited woman leaving the starting building on one of the screens...

Before she could walk out of frame, she stopped and waved ahead, obviously seeing someone she recognized...

Before she could do anything though, a pink blur entered the frame, thrusting a knife into the yellow lady's gut....with an added upward thrust, she raked the knife from gut to sternum for good measure before darting away quickly, leaving a kind-looking lady in yellow to collapse...



The streamer felt extreme pain causing him to become silent and look down...

Covered in his own blood, he saw the weapon causing that awful pain...it was a huge knife protruding from his chest.

Looking back, he saw a weak and frail-looking Stan shaking with tears falling like rivers...

"I'm sorry man...I'm just scared right now, please forgive me...I.....I just don't wanna die...and.....and I have a woman and she likes stories...oh god, I'm so sorry"...


[Netizen 69: OH MY GOSH WHAT A TWIST! Killed by a friend and ally...what a sad story...BUT SO AWESOME TO WATCH! DOUBLE KILL!]

[Netizen 2: Wait, isn't that the manager of the Eolian? I've watched some shows there over live streams...he always seemed like a nice man...I'm really surprised he had it in him!]

[Netizen 14: This guy is TRASH!! HE only killed my favorite streamer because of luck! The dude was trash, lucky kill...SMH]