Cavewoman Extraordinaire

A woman was running through the thickets in a makeshift robe made of leaves and vines. She had black markings running from her right temple, straight down to her collar bone....disappearing beneath her new outfit.

She carried a small weapon that she crafted out of a small sharp and jagged stone tied to a bamboo shoot...

She was panting harshly with two visible wounds...there were scratch marks on her arm and shoulder, a testament to the dangerous creatures chasing after her.

Although she lacked the necessary skills to excel quickly in this primitive new world, she was brave and fierce...a tenacity only strengthened by her will to succeed.


As Athena approached a small clearing in the dense jungle, she came face-to-face with a medium-sized black was growling menacingly at her, as its grey pack-mates surrounded the now still prey...Athena.

'Well sh[[t, sh!t, SH$t!! I can do this...I CAN DO THIS...'

With an almost inhumane sense of optimism and perhaps delusion, she readied herself with her weapon...just as she planted her feet, the wolf directly behind her lunged...

Not expecting the attack, the wolf was easily able to bite into Athena's shoulder, locking himself on her with its legs while trying to tear the flesh off her body...


Without thinking, she stabbed the knife in her left hand into the eye of the attacking wolf, killing it instantly...before she could get a breather though, two other wolves attacked each of her legs, grabbing onto her ankles and pulling her into opposite directions...

The pain was unbearable as Athena was crying tears, waving her knife around in a delirious fashion, unable to kill another wolf...but just then, a whizzing sound came and two arrows nailed the ankle biters to the ground before a large, towering man landed with a thud...the ground cracking under his weight...

Even while in severe pain, Athena was able to understand what was happening and tried to warn her would-be hero, but there were simply too many...that was until she saw him...

A towering man with a confident gaze and long brown luscious locks gripped the black pack-leader by the neck, choking the 'little-pup' with nothing but his firm handshake...

"You are tenacious young lady..." the man spoke, he looked as if these terrifying creatures were bugs to him....with a simple flex of his muscles, which showcased bulging veins a *crack* was heard as the wolf leader's body went limp...

With almost inhuman speed, the rest of the wolves were beaten to death with their leader's body...before the man threw the disgusting corpse aside...


When Athen's consciousness was about to fade for the second time after coming to this torturous world, she heard the man's unyielding voice...

"Do not fear, you will not die...I need brave warriors like yourself to handle the weakling Senku...together with the others, you and I will be creating a new world..."


Sitting around a newly built fire with an uncharacteristically somber attitude, the great sorcerer Chrome was recovering from a bad feeling that arose in his gut....he has been getting nervous since he took over this body but hasn't had a moment to look for his beloved since getting established was the best thing to, this Senku guy seems somewhat capable.

He's not as capable as me after inheriting the past Chrome's memories, but he's acceptable...

"Chrome, are you okay?..." asked Senku, as he looked at Chrome...

"I'm fine...just had a chill...I'll get back to cooking..." Chrome spoke, shaking his body as if ridding himself of all bad thoughts before continuing to stir the hanging pot.

'I just hope you're okay baby...I will meet you soon, I promise!...'