Causing Trauma 2

In a flying red airship, high up in the sky, there are ten people wearing different colored suits...but, two are imposters....killers looking to kill them all before they're found out...

Two of the players, a handsome and charismatic man, and a beautiful young woman were in the admin room. The handsome man was wearing the color white, as it was the farthest from the color black he could get, while the young woman was wearing a bright pink color, which accentuated her plump red lips and tan skin.

The handsome man paid no attention to the beauty of the young woman though, as this was life-or-death and he'd be d@amned if he loses due to carelessness being the experienced Among Us Diver that he was.

"Alright..." said the handsome man in white, "it looks like everyone is spread out evenly throughout the airship besides us two. I have memorized everyone's location and the closest to us is orange who is doing download at the bottom left..."

He hopped back from the admin device and gestured for Chastin to be quiet while they moved silently towards their first task, in the gun room...


As we both crept our way to the gun wall, we passed no one...the halls were quiet...

When we approached the wall at which our task needed to be performed, this guy proved that he was STILL skeptical of me, to a degree, as he motioned for me to do the task first so that he could see if I was lying about being crew...

The tasks in this Among Us 'mini-world' were something I spent quite a bit of time reading about, and each was different but they all had one thing in common...

If one did the task correctly, a crewmate will be told that it was completed perfectly.....

However, an imposter who was trying to blend in, would never be told when the task was completed perfectly.....he would have to assume when it was done and stop as if he was notified of if a card wasn't swiped in the right timing, or wires were mismatched, guns were not aligned on the backboard exactly as outlined to crewmates, etc, a good crewmate could quickly notice and make your identity known.

There were numerous ways to screw this up but luckily for me, I was the host so I could choose the map that I studied the most; including the tasks and how they should be completed.

Faking this gun board will not be a problem...I quickly placed the guns on the rack in the exact location and orientations they should be using the weapon outlines in my head, mimicking what a REAL crewmate would see projected onto the hanging board in this scenario...

'I must have performed perfectly...' I thought, looking back to see the handsome man in white breathing a *sigh* of relief....apparently, that was the last test I needed to complete for him to fully trust me...


After the pink-suited woman, it was her teammate in white's turn. As the handsome man in white concentrated and started to place a set of guns on the wall, he became hyper-focused on the task as messing up may make his newfound ally distrust him, and in the meeting, the last thing he needed was her throwing 'sus' on him for misplacing a gun...

What he didn't know was that Chastain had no thought of ensuring he was a crewmate, as she already knew he was.....moreover, she had a job to do.

She remembered that this handsome guy said that orange was in the bottom left, which was close to their location...she peaked her head into the adjacent room and found that her luck was excellent...

Crossing the kitchen floor, heading towards the cooking station was a little fatty in orange who was bouncing in the direction of his next task. The suits allowed for little to no peripheral vision, so her standing in the doorway went unnoticed...


The man in orange had just reached the station and started to prepare the food when he felt danger approaching swiftly, he couldn't do anything though as he glanced down to see a kitchen knife sticking through his neck, leaving him unable to make any noise or move his body...the cookware he was holding dropped to the ground because of his injury...

He hoped with all his willpower that the falling metal would make a huge noise, causing those in the vicinity to notice but sadly, just as the item was about to crash, a smooth and gentle-looking hand nimbly caught the handle...

He also noticed that he was being guided to the ground by the killer's other arm, it was a silent assassination...a death without revenge.

As the pain overwhelmed his senses, he stared at the back of the quickly disappearing figure heading into the gun room, as silent as a cat...


"Hoo...I probably almost got you worried there, don't be nervous though, I'm always bad at aligning these things..." said the man in white, as he turned around to see the expected pink-suited lady smiling at him reassuringly...

"No worries, where to next? I don't know where to go to fulfill my next task..."