Causing Trauma 4

Everyone present in the meeting watched as the teal-suited aggressive man confirmed to be an imposter was sent flying down from the airship.....death by hitting the ground at such speed isn't that bad, relatively speaking, so no one thought anything else of was time to finish the match.

Before the meeting timer ended, the green-suited analyst quickly added "alright, so that's one imposter down and of the crewmates left, we only need to complete half of the remaining tasks... so good luck and stay safe..."


The round started again and the remaining five divers descended the latter... the white-suited man turned to Chastain at the bottom of the ladder "so, what's your next task?..."

"I need to go to records and then cargo bay" she lied in reply, "what about you?"...

"I have to head towards the vault and then the kitchen area as I never did my tasks there..." the man sighed, as he knew it was time to separate from the one player he trusted if they were going to win by tasks...

"You now have a good handle on the game flow and the ins and outs of Among Us, so it's time for us to go our separate ways...Good luck miss, be safe...see you at the next meeting!..." the white-suited charismatic man darted Westward after his speech...

Chastain watched the crewmate's back disappear in the distance and then hopped onto the floating pad, taking it to the other side of the platform...


'Heading this way is the best for, that guy can vouch that I needed to head this way for tasks.....two, it's far away from my 'ally' so he can't see me fulfilling the role of imposter...'

I reached the other side and agilely hoped off the platform...I immediately went into stealth mode (as best as possible in these large suits), as I crept my way through the hallways...when entering the records room, I heard the shuffling of books so I quickly darted to the side, where I wouldn't be spotted unless one came in the door I entered...

I needed a little more time as my cooldown wasn't up...

I crouched quietly as the shuffling sounds continued to permeate the room as I watched the kill timer go down slowly....10...9...5..3..2..1

Knowing that I had a lot of killing to do with five people left, I darted quickly across the room, jumping into a slide across the table, landing right in front of a yellow-suited lady with a folder in her hands...

Fear filled the woman's eyes and she screamed in fright...I quickly stabbed her in the throat and again in the heart, she was dead but the commotion will defiantly be heard...

I ran quickly through the lounge area and eventually arrived in the showers where I controlled my breathing...luckily no one was nearby so I didn't need to act like I was running from the killer...

I finally got my breathing under control with only ten seconds left on my kill cooldown...I heard footsteps coming so I hopped up and began 'fixing' one of the shower heads like a normal crewmate.....


A purple-suited woman popped her head into the showers and spoke in a relieved tone "oh, it's just you pink...I was worried that it wouldn't be you or white that I heard in here....tasks are almost done...?"

I smiled politely back at the inquisitive lady, hoping she would be reassured and come into here with me...I still had a bit on my cooldown and if I could get her here, I'm sure to win...

"Of course, I'm almost done here if you can wait for me..."

The purple-suited lady, to my disappointment, shook her head and said "no worries, continue on...I'm just headed right up to records to sort some folders....come to me when you're done and we can take the platform over together..."

She darted out of the shower room leaving me with a darkened face "well, this lady is going to have to take the fall...time to put my acting face on..."


A few seconds later, all remaining divers were summoned to the meeting room and the purple-suited woman was ashen-faced while pointing at the lady in pink...

"Oh my god, oh my god....we're all getting played...IT'S PINK! I found the body in records after I passed pink in showers..."

Pink was quick to respond..." hah, you can kill right in front of me and make up such an obvious lie....guys, she killed yellow in records and I stumbled upon her right as she turned to run...I was coming back from my task in the cargo bay..."

The man in white nodded with an assured smile while the green-suited analyst nodded as well, most likely glad that the second imposter was who he thought it was as wasn't long before the voting occurred while the purple-wearing lady kept screaming to high heaven about being wronged...

With satisfied smiles, the three remaining individuals returned to the meeting table...just waiting for the purple-suited lady to hit the ground and die....but as time passed, the counter never stopped and everyone present became surprised...

The meeting ended in udder confusion as each of them conveyed shock at the fact that there is still an imposter alive....eventually, pink and white's attention shifted to green.....the only remaining diver not confirmed crew...


I grabbed pink's hand and ran to the ladder, we two had to get out of here....this green-suited guy is definitely the imposter...

' I know in my heart that either myself or pink have to die for this game to end but, I just have to run, this game was fu^ked up!....'

We kept running and running away from the meeting room and eventually ended up at the viewing deck located towards the bottom of the airship...and surprisingly, no one was chasing us...

I slowly recovered my breathing, replaying this entire game in my head trying to figure out what went wrong...I second-guessed everything which inevitably led me back to the first person I ruled out as being an Imposter...and that also explained why green didn't chase us...

' can't be...'

Before I could turn around and look back towards the ship from my spot on the viewing deck, I felt a stabbing pain in my lower gut that was raked up to my was horrible yet familiar...


Something inside the charismatic man snapped at that moment, the trauma he had before was exacerbated and he was left broken.....he slowly fell from the ship into the waiting clouds with tears flowing out of his eyes...

'It was you all along miss, how cruel....' he thought sadly as his falling body turned mid-air seeing the pink-suited lady looking over the deck with a melancholic smile and bloody knife...


'I really feel bad for the guy...' thought Chastain as she looked upon this scene, this picture was somewhat reminiscent of when she saw Sokka falling from the fire lords blimp, and used the blimp she was riding to catch him and then they both destroyed the rest of the fleet while Aang fought the crazy guy...

"Hehe...those were good times when we were young..."

The Among Us game ended with a smiling woman in pink leaning on a deck rail, remembering times long passed in worlds far away...