Insect Techniques

As time passed, within Abruame Mizi's house, one would hear quick sentences spoken in a deadpan voice everyone minute or so....after the seal was unlocked, Mizi was instructed to start 'feeding' her partners...the sensor Abruame, using his sensor insects, would let Mizi know when any one of her insects showed signs of aggression, instability, etc.....he also explains to her when she had fed too little or too much chakra to these beetles which could possible enlarge thereby killing Mizi if she made a mistake in giving her chakra...

"The one directly above your left patella needs a little less chakra..."

"The beetle sitting on your left ankle is receiving no chakra, ensure that each beetle is being treated fairly..."

"That's it, That's it now try to instruct them to enter your clothes so that you appear normal..."

After six hours of constant coaching, to the sensor Aburame's surprise, Mizi could gain control of her beetles....although they do not completely obey her orders, big ones like swam here, retreat, scout, etc...they all obeyed. Moreover, Mizi seems to have an easy time communicating and understanding the insect's wants and needs.....she seems like a natural nurturer which came as another shock to the sensor Aburame.

'Well, she's been working hard at training these past years and even made it to Chunin without the clan specialty, there must be some talent...' thought the sensor happily as he greeted Mizi and then left the house.....his job was done and he earned some pocket money from Mizi which will allow him to buy the special treats for his beloved little guys...


Watching the guy leave, I sat back down and communicated with my new friends...

'This is the weirdest feeling I've ever senses seem to meld with my insects and I can now sense the environment around me much better. When I spread my insects throughout and around my house, I can feel everything within the vicinity...'

Since insects breathe through their skin pores by simple diffusion, I can even know which locations have proper airflow which allows me to feel disturbances in the unless someone can suddenly appear without displacing the air, I can be sure that someone, or at least something, is near...

'Well, I'm going to train in directing my insects for a couple of days and once I gain their full corporation and ensure that they're not going to suddenly expand and make me explode, I will get every clan technique I can from the clan library and master each one before I go to the mission center again...


The next day in the late afternoon, Mizi was sitting in her house with a backpack full of scrolls...she was allowed to take them away from the library with two, that she ensured that one of her beetles was with the attendant at all times so that she can notify them if anything happens while she has the scrolls, the second is that she cannot take them outside of the clan land which is constantly crawling with insect sentries...

Of course, she accepted them both as she wasn't planning on leaving the clan land anytime soon. She glanced down at her paper as it held a list of each clan technique she got from the library, these are the ones she wants to learn and the habit of making lists seems to have transmigrated as well...

{Insect Clone Technique}

{Human Cocoon Technique}

{Insect Transormation Technique}

{Insect Jamming Technique}

{Long-Range Insect Communication Relay Technique}

{Beetle Jar Technique}-Kidaichu Version

{Insect Structure Technique}-Kidaichu Version

{Parasitic Giant Insect Technique}-Kidaichu Exclusive

{Finite Insect Control}-Kidaichu Verison
