First Mission-Gather?

After sorting out his ammo pouch, throwing his bowgun on his back, and strapping his carving knife to his thigh, Tracha made his way out of his home and quickly headed towards his father's place...

Being the second son of the village chief and an ex-hunter has its perks as a variety of supplies and materials are available to Tracha if he pulls from his father's treasury. Which, just after he finished training, he was given permission to do it if needed...

After reaching the chest housing his father's goods, Tracha decided quickly on what he needed...

'Well, I will try to get my usual kit together....never know what you will find in the field.'

He took some extra ammo, some casings, herbs and honey, a net, a fishing rod, a pickaxe, smoke bombs, a shock trap, three hand-sized explosion barrels, and a dung bomb...

The tools are all collapsible and the metals that make up the tools are extremely lightweight and native to this world, allowing his backpack space to not fill up completely while still housing each piece of equipment...

Standing up, Tracha made his way to the only Hunter Guild representative living in Moga Village, the young and beautiful lass in the red hat....she recently took a position in the village and relays guild information and posts missions.

Since she posts the guild tasks, locals requesting tasks have simply made requests to her as well, that way all of the hunters have a one-stop shop for accepting and submitting quests.


"ALL RIGHT AWESOME! Since you're a new hunter with no mission experience, you are only allowed to accept these tasks..." said the smiling young woman as she gestured to a list of about ten entries...

'Hmm....well, the only monster I can hunt now is the Jaggi, interesting. I'll just take this mission to harvest some machalite ore posted by that old goat...'

"Miss, I'm gonna head to the insect den up north and grab some doesn't specify how much so I'll just grab as much as I can carry if I find a good deposit..."

The lady nodded quickly..."Yes sir, please do just that as the requirements weren't is the latest report of the monster scouts, there have been quite a few sightings in recent days.."

Taking the report, I saw the 'Monster Forecast' information.... 'oh, turns out that a Great Jaggi and a Royal Ludroth were spotted in the vicinity of the valley....the Royal has been migrating towards the village in look for richer food.....probably looking for the little guys to start its own herd.'

"Here you go, I will be on the need to worry..." I handed the report back to the lady and quickly made my way out of the village...I passed by one ugly little kid on the way out...he was giving me the biggest stink eye I've ever felt...little twerp...


"Ahh...." I sighed contentedly, it has been three days since I've left the village, and I have collected quite a few resources....the only monster I've encountered is the Kelbi' of which is now being cooked on my spicket.

It is currently early in the morning and the sun is starting to peek over the horizon...

'It should take another three days to climb up to the mountainside, there is a path leading to a waterfall that drains near the insect nest...I should be able to climb down there and mine the ore deposit that always gave me machalite ore...'


As I sat there in contemplation, I heard crazy sounds coming from over the nearby ridge...I knew the sounds well as I've killed many such beasts in another life...

A smile started to grow on my lips as this gathering quest near the village has just turned into something much more interesting....*sigh*, so much for a simple start...

I silently made my way over the hill after applying a layer of dung to my outer body, reducing the 'human' smell commonly detected by these magnificent I peeked my head over the hill, I saw a sight that couldn't compare to any game or video...two monsters crashing into one another causing the very ground to shake.


In a small valley surrounded by hills with various entry points, with a waterfall-fed creek flowing through the middle, were two creatures that were mentioned on the forecast locked in a heated battle...

The Great Jaggi and The Royal Ludroth were clawing, biting, and ramming one another with their follower's bodies scattered all around...

Around fifteen Jaggi and ten Ludroths were scattered around, bloody and maimed.....sad collateral damages of the raging war between the two bosses...

'Well this isn't something you see every day....their territories rarely intersect but I'm not complaining....more goodies for me hehe..'


The Royal Ludroth created some distance from its opponent by shimming backward and once a suitable distance was created, it reared back on its hind legs and its mouth bulged.....with a powerful roar, the beast expelled a jet of water out while collapsing to the ground...

The agile Great Jaggi quickly dodged to the side before, using its powerful hind legs, leaping into the air and landed on the Ludroths back, digging its talons deep into the semi-aquatic beast's hide...

The Great Jaggi became a little too complacent from its current position because its tail swung in front of the frantic Royal Ludroth's face resulting in a vice-grip being placed on the thick tail...

A terrible cry erupted from the great Jaggi's throat as it was torn away from its opponent's back with a jerk of its tail....the Ludroth flung the Jaggi against a nearby ridge, and the rocks penetrated deep into the thrown beast's body resulting in the Great Jaggi barely being able to quickly realized its situation and limped away from the battlefield...

The Royal Ludroth raised his head and its crown puffed up proudly as it roared towards the sky, telling every beast nearby of its victory...but it didn't give chase. These monsters were intelligent creatures and it knew, that fighting an injured Great Jaggi in his current state will only result in a quick death for both it turned and headed in the opposite direction, towards the direction that Ludroth's are known to live.


Tracha *sighed* quietly, as he watched the Great Jaggi limp away and the Royal Ludroth roar proudly...

'Well...I need to make a decision here....'

The hiding hunter took glances from the dead little guys scattered around, the limping Great Jaggi, and the proud Royal Ludroth who turned to leave...

'Well....if the creator of the world himself can't pull a pro gamer move during his first hunt, then I couldn't look my fellow Travelers in the eye...' thought Tracha as he resignedly pulled off the bowgun from his back and snapped it into place...

He quickly loaded four purple bullets into the chamber and aimed toward the big yellow head that was covered in blood...