
After Raven finished creating the new world, he prepared the announcement right away. After a week's time, a message popped up in front of everyone in both Dome City and Altissia....the contents made the headline news, and thus, the day when culture changed once again for the better has arrived...


[Dome City and Origin City Announcement,

Good morning dear Travelers. I wish you well on this fine day. I am happy to announce that, at 0800 hours tomorrow, the new world 'Parallel' will officially open for those who have reached Dome City...if you haven't ascended yet, I can only wish you luck in your journey. May your endeavors bring happiness and fulfillment.

For those who qualify, I introduce you to a unique experience...however, there are additional rules for entry...choosing to dive into this world means that you accept the following terms:

Firstly, you are not allowed to share specifics of the world except for the information related to your studies....anything learned in an official student capacity may be conveyed/spread out. This rule includes but is not limited to, world structure, political layout, the 'Parallel' trailor, etc...

Secondly, you will not be able to dive into this world more than once before it is reset, thus I hope you will stay safe. Moreover, you will not be allowed to share your status as a Traveler with anyone while in Parallel...including your fellow divers. To everyone except yourself, you are a native to that world and must act as such.

Finally, no streaming or outside chatting is allowed while in this world. After entering, you are to fully integrate and focus on your endeavors....this world is almost identical to our Blue Star with a different developmental path.

That is all the information you will get from me.

I hope you enjoy my newest creation and come to value the robust education and diverged developmental path showcased in 'Parallel'.

As always, I wish you all well.


Raven Oscar's]


In Dome City, Travelers all around could hear loud cheering released from the unusual amount of individuals jumping into the swirling red vortexes.....which led to the new and exciting world.

After entering, the divers were promoted to choose their desired destination. There are currently only two options available but none of them gave Monster Hunters a second glance...their united goal is 'Parallel'.

Once they chose the world, the introduction to their new destination began to play...

.....*suspenseful music in the background*.....

Along with the music, the sounds of an old record label scratching were clearly audible over the melody...a transparent image of a disheveled old man with an eyepatch was briefly shown, before slide after slide came and went with the narration of an elderly man....telling a story of sorts.

"I forget where I left off so, let's start from the beginning..."

"I was born Cornelius Augustus Tower, the spoiled brat of an enormously rich family, the kind of wealth unfathomable to the average person..." the sentence was followed by a self-deprecating chuckle before the man continued after a black and white image of a young boy standing with good posture appeared...

"My early life was uneventful and boring so let's just....move on. My first love has always been....fiction and I had dreams of becoming a great novelist, but my various attempts at writing only led me to my first nervous breakdown..."

A picture of a handsome young man wearing a three-piece suit and monocle sitting in front of bookshelves was replaced with that same nicely dressed man, strapped in a straight jacket overshadowed by a lab coat-wearing psychiatrist dangling a hypnotic ring in front of his eyes...

"But while in recovery I became obsessed with psychology.....and it was not long before I became a psychologist myself..." the same man that was shown broken and erratic inside a straight jacket was now wearing the lab coat, dangling a hypnotic ring in front of his supposed patient.

"At the advent of World War I, after my personal experience and diagnosis with schizophrenia, I was recruited to be a spy.....behind enemy lines I befriended and shot down Manfred Von Richtofen, otherwise known as, The Red Baron..."

Images of a destructive and vicious war played out, with the labcoat-wearing man now dressed to the tee in military garb, in front of a wrecked plane sporting the infamous symbol.

A tired sigh was heard by those watching the trailer, and the man speaking seemed to age a decade before continuing...

"After the war and my.....second nervous breakdown, I sought excitement in a series of new unrelated careers. For a while, I even fronted my own jazz band..." this sentence was followed by an old-school musical band's cover image but instead of the usual scheme, each of the five band members had the same face.....the face of the Red Baron's killer.

Over the image, a new song played just a few lines: "So meet me in my dreams tonight, and wake me when we're in love!..."

After the short reprieve, the old man continued with a new photo.....showing a magician cutting a box in two.....a box with a woman inside.

"Then I became a stage magician known as, Towerdini. While on tour in the Far East, I was introduced to the older forms of magic..... learning the ancient arts of mysticism and, the old Indian rope trick..." a smile could be heard in the man's voice, as if remembering good times.

The playful atmosphere became somber once again as the old man darkly conveyed..."While I was in India, my father came to me in a dream and told me of his death and told me that he had left me his fortune at a mysterious and unexplored peninsula..."

The image of a funeral procession was shown before being replaced by a black and white photo showcasing a vast peninsula, surrounded on three sides by an unidentified ocean.

"While recovering from my third nervous breakdown, I dreamt of turning this land into a paradise for technological advancement and the preservation of all creatures on the planet...... It is strange how In Dreams Begin Responsibilities...."

"I traveled the globe bringing back any rare or near-extinct species occasionally making headlines..." the image of Cornelius Tower appeared alongside the sketch of a cyclops. It was on the front page of an old-school newspaper under a shocking headline...

"But these things were all distractions and subterfuge, to make people think I was some crazy fool so that they would pay no attention to what I was really doing here..."

"For my main concern was collecting a special group of human create a haven where they could improve and advance our..." at this exact point, the record went silent as the old man stopped telling his story.

It didn't take long for sound to return but this time, it came in the form of angry yelling and the crashing of items as if thrown at nearby walls and windows...yelling from the old man was constant and continued for some time.

Eventually, the gasping man calmed somewhat after throwing up in a coughing fit and continued...

"Why?...WHY!?....I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS.....The betrayals, infiltration from friends and loyal staff fired, exiled...KILLED!..."

"This hostile takeover by these, corporate lackeys, they don't appreciate what I've created here....taking something pure and noble, corrupting it.....they've taken my students, they're turning them into...."


At the last second, the noise went quiet....before each of the divers opened their eyes to see an unfamiliar place....each in a new body with a set of memories not their own. What waited for them that day was something none of them expected...