{Author's Note: Hello dear Travelers, it's been a while since you've seen one of these in my writing, I hope you're all well and are enjoying my work.

I wanted to inquire as to if my readers would like me to use the shadow clone Jutsu, and start telling two stories at the same time while we sit together and talk to the moon?

That's right! I have a new work ready to start, I wanna get some reader feedback on if this is something you want...}

I was almost certain that this Headmaster and my new father was Raven Oscars, but I need to be sure...therefore, I decided to use my unique ability...

CJ Ward (my new identity) has the ability to read microexpressions on the face of an individual....by using these small points of interest, I can decern thoughts, feelings, and emotions....the ability is almost developed enough to read these things through a median such as handwriting, although not quite there yet.

I could see on the Headmaster's face that he was confused at the moment, most likely because it was class time and I just showed up in his office...

"...Father, what do you think about higher beings?..."

From his microexpressions, I decerned that he was surprised, and perhaps even more confused than before...

"Why do you ask sweetheart?... Is this related to something Philosophy is teaching?..."

My eyes narrowed slightly as I just stared at him, which was a bad move as his expression turned stern very quickly and he spoke in a firm voice...

"...Candace, I take great pride in the fact that despite my better judgment, I don't use my ability on my family members...I hope, at the very least, you can afford me the same privilege. Otherwise, I can adjust my own policy..."

And there it was...CJ Ward's father was always stern, but would never threaten his daughter like that, reading minds is much more taboo than expressions, despite the fact that in general, we are both using our abilities on one another...

The room fell into silence as I just continued to look at my father's stern expression, not daring to use my ability on him again...


"Sorry dad, I just needed to know something..."

His expression became softer, and he replied to my unspoken question..." please, ask me anything and I will try to help if it's in my power..."

"...well, I was reading the Odyssey by Homer in Philosophy's class, and there are passages about the goddess Athena taking the form of a bird...can I ask, what is your favorite bird?..."


I was watching my daughter, Candace J. Ward, as she asked her question...I didn't give much thought before I replied, this was probably related to the essay assignment given by her teacher. Maybe related to the mythological representation of animals?..... I ddin't know.

"It's the Raven of course..." I replied while going back to signing work study time cards, and because of that I didn't see her growing smile...

"...and why the Raven?"

"Well, there are many reasons.....it represents many powerful entities such as Death, and is a beautiful creature that radiates mystery and--"

I looked up from my work and saw the smile growing on my daughter's face and immediately, I knew I was missing something...

'What is it?....out of the blue visit, weird questions....higher-beings....reading my microexpressions for no reason at all.....asking about birds.....smiling when I answered Raven....'

A guess finally came to mind but I quickly shook my head mentally...' the only way that such a scenario is possible would be if a Traveler has taken over this CJ Ward, and knows who I am.....but that wouldn't be possible since Hermaus would have warned me when Travelers are nearby....unless...'

After a minute of silence, the one exception to Hermaus's assigned task of spying would be Ms. Grey, the one I encountered in Monster Hunters...

I decided at this moment to break my previous rule just this once and read the mind of my new daughter since it will technically not be the same if Ms. Grey has taken over her body...

I sat up straight in my chair and crossed my hands over one other and leaned my elbows on the desk...I gazed into the eyes of my daughter and was about to activate my telepathy when I heard her speak out...

"Don't you dare Raven....."

I blinked several times and then looked at her again.....that confirms it...."Ms. Grey?..."

Without answering she stood up from her chair and moved around my side of the desk, she smiled sweetly before sitting down on the desk tabletop...

I gulped looking up...."Well, I was looking forward to seeing you again Ms. Grey but I must confess, our current situation is not something I wasn't expecting...."

"....oh?" she asked, tilting her head with a finger on her lips.

"I dove into Parallel with the goal of finding you again....and I agree, this situation doesn't suit....well, whatever is going on right now...."

The eye contact lasted for minutes without either of us speaking.....I didn't know what I was feeling or what to say, but eventually, I shook myself out of my thoughts. I decided the best way to handle this was to ease any sort of tension rising...

"I'm flattered you traveled worlds in search of me but, becoming my daughter wasn't the best decision I must say..." the almost visible tick-mark that appeared on her forehead made me satisfied.

"...you think I wanted to be your little "Sweetheart"?...."


Eventually, the meeting between Raven Oscars and Chastain Grey came to an end with them agreeing to meet another time...Raven told her that he needed her to play along with his plans in regards to Ian Archer. He didn't tell her anything more than that but she agreed reluctantly...

"Now, I just need to wait for this plot to play out and when Ian and his group try to make their run for it, I'll have to show Ms. Grey what her daddy is capable of....hehe..."