James Monroe

Within the vast mountains spanning a dense forest area located within the eastern part of the USA, James Monroe just woke up to find himself on a bed....his bed, to be exact. Or at least, the old hims bed...


"...it's all getting so confusing".

Although the voice sounded regretful or sad, the smile spread across the young man's face did not match his tone...

"...all right, let's, make a plan for this world. I'm in a good starting place, so I should be able to have some fun with little restriction."

".....first things first, I need to stay away from all s#xY women, forget about maintaining the plot since all that got me was a nice ball shot and it doesn't really matter since the overseers will always make adjustments to ensure plot integrity to a certain extent.....although there is a lot of freedom when it comes to this world's plot."


'Who am I kidding? I know that if I didn't let those things happen, they wouldn't have occurred...I let Chastain kill me because I wanted to be a b@d@ss and put a gun to my throat and let a beautiful woman hold the trigger like in those movies.....although the women never shoot in the movies hehe...'

"Ehh, whatever.....the creator of the universe needs to enjoy himself right? This old geezer will never grow up!..."

Just then, out of the void, a tentacled monster appeared within the rundown cabin.....it relayed information to its master for about fifteen minutes before retreating once again.

'Well...the guys in suits started looking for me faster than expected, although I'm already prepared. Herm was informed by Vrai that they have switched to searching manually now....well, let's wait and see how effective they are...'


Weeks passed within the world Irregular as many Travelers entered the vast world which is very familiar to them...they each had a large cultural shock as hearing things like "magic" and "Psions" caused some cognitive dissonance...

Over time, however, they acclimated as all humans do, and just like Jame Monroe, they slipped into their daily lives.

James Monroe (Raven) spent these past weeks delving into his knowledge pertaining to this world. Although he knows everything that exists in this world currently and will in the future, he spends a lot of time siphoning out all of the currently needed information.

Most of his knowledge needs further technological advancement to use properly, something that he can't really help as a poor young man with no identification or money.

So, in the end, he decided on his next few goals...

First, he will use magical sequences which he has in the forefront of his mind, ready to be activated, to mine some ore out of these mountains and maybe create some better clothes...

'This world's magic isn't as universal or "magical" as Harry Potter magic, but using the proper magical sequences and time, transfiguration can still be done to a certain degree...'

Getting his plans laid out before him, James started his daily life of nothing but waking up, workout, training manipulating Psions and activating magical sequences mentally (since they're all stored in his mind), and finally hunting food and creating new magical sequences by combining and modifying known ones...

Thus, six months quickly flew by...