--No Spoilers--

*static noise*

"Come in bravo six.....Bravo Six? Do you read me?..." Through the earpiece of the squadron leader, headquarters was inquiring as to each of their raid team's situations. Each Bravo Team squad is out tonight on yet another mission...

Putting a finger to his earpiece, the squad leader of Bravo Six whispered his response, never taking his eyes off of the beachside villa across the quiet street...

"This is Bravo Six, I read you loud and clear..."

"Good. Status on mission?..."

"I'm currently doing the preliminary scouting with my team, everything seems in order with no presence detected at the location. All lights are off and the street is empty...we will start the raid in ten minutes, at approximately 0200 hours..."

There was silence for a few seconds before the reply came...

*static noise*

"Read you loud and clear Bravo Six, the mission is a go....good luck."

"Understood. Going radio silence, Bravo Six out..."


None of the others decked out in combat suits with weapons galore made any sound, the ten-person squad moved around like ghosts as they observed the villa for any sign of inhabitants. There was none, but they had to be sure....so at the turn of the hour, the midnight raid began.

After crossing the street, the leader made a few hand signs after which the squad split up into teams of two as the villa was too big to search efficiently as a unit. Moreover, the target was just a rich second generation with a creative streak, assuming the boy is even here...


Two squad members made their way through the side alley, they broke open the gate and entered the back yard to search near the pool area...

They didn't notice the well-dressed man with piercing blue eyes looking down at them coldly through half-lidded eyes from the lower rooftop above...

After taking a few steps, the two men who were scouting with raised guns and heat vision goggles saw a shadow pass over them, but it was too late...

The young man crouched above dove off the roof corner with arms outstretched.....in a highly skilled maneuver, he oriented himself mid-dive so that he would land just behind the two squad members. After half a second of falling, the young man's hidden blades appeared, and using the force generated from the fall, both blades were inserted into the necks of the two side-by-side military men...

While the blades severed their spinal cords, the attacker didn't stop his motion, using his planted blades as leverage, he swung his feet up in a backflip motion, forcing his blades out of the individuals while the young man landed on the grass without a sound...he then slipped into the nearby shadows, disappearing into the night once again.


Hearing two *thumps*, two nearby squads ran over to find the dead bodies.....after a quick analysis the call went over the squad's channel.

"Attention, enemy combatants are on site. I repeat, enemies on-site..."

"Get eyes on them?..." the calm voice of the captain came through their earpieces after the alert.

"No, found Necko and Dog dead near the pool. Clean kill with blades through their necks....professional work, so the target must have hired protection."

"Understood. Be on the lookout, target must be nearby if he has protection here..."

"Roger that cap--"


The three other men who were looking around for the enemy turned quickly to see the one who was communicating via radio now lying limply on the ground....they were about to scream out to be on guard but before they could, each of them was hit with Senbons to the neck as well.

Walking out of the shadow, located under and nearby tree....a handsome man in a three-piece blue suit with half lidded-eyes slowly approached the downed me. His eyes drifted coldly, and after a few seconds, he turned to enter the villa via a nearby entrance.

When he turned to leave, the moonlight glistened off a metal circlet that adorned the young man's head....it glowed for a second before a spear made up of some of the most expensive metals on Blue Star and engineered using advanced technology from both Blue Star and a galaxy far far away, darted out of the woods and stabbed each of individuals paralyzed with senbons.

After dealing the final blow, the spear flew to the young man and hovered just behind him vertically....as the young man walked slowly into his home.

'.....six down.... four to go'.