
In a dark room at the top of a luxury high-rise building in central Blue Star City, the seat of the united world government's headquarters, a large circular table was surrounded by high seats filled by important men and women...

The hall was bathed in silence.....they had just received an in-person report from a scarred individual, the sole survivor of Bravo Six who had a deadly encounter with a previously underestimated target.


"HOW DARE THAT BRAT! DOES HE THINK HE CAN GO AGAINST THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT LIKE THIS?..." a heated old man with a white beard slammed the table in anger.

"....well, he took out one of our elite squads by his lonesome and then again disappeared from the face of the Earth. I doubt he will come out again, and finding him will be close to impossible given what we now know of his capabilities..." a delicate and analytical female voice rang through the hall.

"Yes, he seems to be even more intelligent than his father, the creator of the New-Life capsule...and his skill set seems to be more, diverse to say the least."


"....I bet that eccentric guy secluded his son and tortured him with training and education from a young age, what a cruel father....but he ended up creating a real monster if that report was even half accurate. Completely new technology and weapons, unheard of martial prowess with unusual techniques...I guess that answers the question as to where these obscure martial arts come from when talking about his worlds."


The men and women continued to speculate about Raven and bicker before the man located in the highest chair raised his hand, beckoning for quiet...

"Alright, that is enough of this. We can't touch the boy for now....until the time when we find him and have the opportunity, we will order the army to start a full-scale invasion of Raven Oscar's multiverse. Although his "entry-permission" will curtail our attempts, many will still get through..."

"Their mission will be to become the strongest, learn and develop under this genius of a man....little does he know that while he plays god, he will be training the very people that will end his life...."

*Nods and Affirmation*

"Moreover, we will start to reduce Raven's effect on the outside world.....we'll start a smear campaign focused around the dangers of his universe and its sociological effects, contact Mr. Grey at Blue Star News to ensure a smooth execution..."

"Finally, we will use every opportunity to gain influence within the two main cities (Altissia and Dome City)...and this "war" mentioned by the young Oscars seems like the perfect opportunity."


Currently piloting a small personal-sized submarine away from the beachside villa, on course for New Zealand's shores, Raven had a firm look in his eyes...

He seemed to be back to his normal self, but the introspective look in his eyes showed that something unsettled him...

'After my best friend died, I knew I became apathetic to anything not related to media (books, tv shows, movies, etc...), but what I felt back there was something different. Even though the will of the universe put all of the IP in a section of my mind partitioned from the 'actual me', it seems like it still is affecting me..."

After some thought, Raven concluded that it wasn't exactly affecting him, it was just that the inevitable conclusion to having everything, all training, emotions, experience, etc...of every living person and being from each and every IP's world, led to a form of slight apathy and disassociation.

'I haven't changed exactly, I still feel emotions like always it just seems as if I've become 'dull' in certain areas...I felt very little while killing those men, although they were out to get me, I still would usually have felt a little remorse. I wonder how my personal changes will end up affecting my future worlds...'

Deciding after a few hours that worrying about such things was worthless, Raven focused on his next project once he gets back into Dome City...he was still him, just complete understanding of all the IP's in his mind led to a different outlook on life and death and the associated feelings, a factor that was not incongruent with his future plans.