Assassin vs. Caster/Berserker

Stan, being weak in both strength and will, was instructed to hide in the Caster-Berserker alliance's temporary base of operations while the Rook leader, Zetsu and Daidara made their way to the location specified by their spymaster (Zetsu).

Heaven's Arena is located on the outskirts of the entertainment district, at the end of a long golden bridge that opens up into a large platform, which housed the arena and many other venues.

The direction of the group, however, is not across the bridge.....but the waters beneath the platform. Altissia is a city on water, whereas Dome City is a city half-in-water. There are many small islands located below the beautiful Origin City, one of which was housing a strong waterbender named Hama.

Hama was a waterbender from the southern water tribe who, after being captured, was imprisoned in a fire nation facility specifically designed to keep water away from waterbenders. She was starved for food and water and used however the guards wished.....she lived in h#ll for years until, one day, she discovered a power, unlike anything most waterbending masters could imagine.....bloodbending.

She developed the skill by practicing on rats that came to her cell, with the goal of eating her dinner, eventually gaining the confidence to break out of the horrid prison. Something broke within her during incarceration, and she became obsessed with the art of bloodbending and the power it gave her over others.

Bloodbending added to her grand-mastery of waterbending, and you have a force to be reckoned with after combining it with the guild master of the largest guild in Raven Oscar's multiverse, the Adventures Guild.

That's right, the summoner of Hama, the Assasin Class Hero, is Ban Renald. Ban was part of the second wave of Travelers to enter Raven's multiverse...thus, he has had plenty of time to become the powerful man he is now...

Unlike his counterparts that built their base skills in moderate worlds like The Four Nations or Earth, Ban spent every minute he had in The Shinobi World. Until Dome City was opened, he rarely spent time out of his beloved war-filled planet.


"Hehehehe.....just as you predicted young man, that 'thing' is back in my sensing range with two additional people.....they are snooping around trying to find our exact location..." Hama smiled eerily towards her summoner, who was wearing a blue coat lined with fluffy white fur for his top piece, while below the waist he wore black shinobi pants with close-toed sandals.

On his face, he wore a plated metal mask that covered his entire forehead and ran along his face's outline like sideburns. One could see most of his face, making three clear red markings visible...

Ban had stark white hair and a handsome face.....and a solemn atmosphere which made Hama slightly fearful surrounding his person .....' he isn't scared of my art at all, almost like he always has an escape plan...' thought the old granny as she readied herself for what is to come.

"Grab hold of my arm Hama and ready yourself, we will appear amid the enemies in just a second...." the white-haired man didn't look fazed at all, the same calm that caused the high-ups in his guild to respect and look up to him as a leader was ever-present.

When Hama grabbed his arm, the two disappeared from their hideout, only to find themselves amid the Caster/Berserker alliance. The alliance failed to notice a small mark on the ground nearby which gave off space-time temporal waves which could be sensed if powerful enough...

Hama widened her stance before making a grasping motion with both hands, causing the three alliance members to stiffen...


With a deadpanned face, Ban Renald teleported three times within a second causing three blood stain marks to appear on his enemy's necks...

Timothy Lee, with his preflex ability, knew what was about to his body turned out to be a simple ink clone that was destroyed by the sudden attack.

Zetsu was killed instantly, but losing only one body is nothing to the plant....but Daidara wasn't as lucky as the other two...

A red line of blood gushed from his neck, while the liquid filled his throat. His eyes filled with rage as he made a hand sign while dying...

[Ultimate Art]