--(No Spoiler)--

On the battlefield, many things happened at once....while Ban Renald confronts Timothy Lee, his Lagiacrus, and three ink dragons alone, Hama is handling an army of Zetsu.

Timothy used one of his command marks when he ordered Zetsu to attack with all of his clones and lay siege on the now lone bloodbender, which was indeed an effective plan.

As the first three Zetsu attacked the old woman, she entered a fluid kata-form weaving around each plant monster that, when she passed, twisted and turned in unnatural ways before they fell limply into the ocean...

Sweat began to form on Hama's forehead as performing the art of blood bending this much is hard on her.....so, she decided to rely on the more traditional forms of waterbending. With a graceful spin, a torrent of water began to spin around her in a circle....the rotation speed quickened as her hands waved back and forth until it was able to slice right through the spymaster.

"Tch, what a troublesome old lady..."

[Wood Style: Parasitic Vine]

From the ocean floor, green vines shot up and moved to attack Hama who only smiled lightly before going into another set of graceful moves....she learned from the waterbenders in the swampland how to control water within vines to bend them...

Zetsu was surprised as all control of his chakra-infused vines was lost, using Chi to perform waterbending apparently overrides chakra...this is a characteristic that Travelers have come to realize. Although chakra is more diverse and is considered stronger energy, when it comes to wielding the four elements, Chi is unmatched.

If one shoots an elemental jutsu, such as a grand fireball, a firebender can take control of the fire using their chi unless the chakra user is well beyond the scope of the bender's strength. Thus, most high-level Travelers have worked towards a hybrid skill-set where they use Chi for elemental attacks and chakra for everything else if possible...

Using the vines and her generated water-cutting wave, Hama went on the offensive.....Zetsu's were falling down like flies but there were simply too many.....Hama was beginning to weaken and her Chi was running low.

"Ahhh, sorry Granny-chan, most humans have the same problem....only a few monsters I've known never run low on energy, whether chakra or otherwise...." the smiling plant monster antagonized his foe while the fight was almost finished...

Hama firmed her expression and continued to fight, but the Zetsu continued to attack....in a final form of defense, Hama widened her stance before making a scooping motion with both hands that ended with both being thrust into the air palms first...

A pillar of water enveloped her figure, and before Zetsu could react, Hama twisted her wrist and made a grasping motion which cause the water enveloping her to freeze over.....she was now encased in a defensive layer of ice.

The old lady watched with melancholic eyes as the plant monsters bored into the ice....banging, clawing, attacking....they were going to kill her and she knew it...

'That clever little summoner of mine must have expected something like this, because even if I lose.....he's already ensured that my enemy will go down with me...' the old lady watched as the ice barrier cracked and broke down leaving her exposed.

Just as her heart was pierced, a black mark appeared on her tongue that spread out over her entire body...

[Reverse Four Symbols Seal]

Ban Renald, while in The Shinobi World, developed many techniques that could be considered forbidden....many of which were sealing arts. The one he was most proud of is his Reverse Four Symbols Seal which would ensure those that thought they could win against him, would face death.

Zetsu, remembering the battle with Sasuke Uchiha/Tobi and Danzo Shimura, knew that there was no escaping this art since every single body of his was within the seal's range...

'Well, so much for my wish...I wonder if I'll be chosen for this war again?...' the sad plant monster looked into the distance where his summoner was desperately trying to get the upper hand against the enemy.

Just like that, in a flash of black light, both Hama and Zetsu disappeared from this plane leaving the rushing water to calm in their absence...