Showdown III

Standing high on the ocean's surface, the four members of the Saber-Archer alliance are waiting... prepared for anything. A few moments ago, Chastain and Rango both confirmed that Ban Renald had died via the memories of their destroyed shadow clones.

The only threat left is the Rook Leader Timothy Lee, someone Rango knew very well to be cunning and resourceful.... especially when you have him backed into a corner, he will do anything if it means winning.

"Get ready, I sense something approaching underwater..." Chastain warned the group, pulling out a Kunai from her pouch. Her insects were her main sensory technique; without them, her ambient energy senses are only so-so...


The water surface all around the group broke apart, and the entities shot up from the depths of the ocean. Numerous Ink dragons attacked the guarded individuals...

A counter-attack this massive wasn't expected, certainly not from only one man presumed to have been unable to refill supplies over the course of days...

Rango and Ukyo bobbed and weaved, sustaining many injuries but taking down many of the ink dragons. Jack Sparrow disappeared from the venue after flipping open his stopwatch, presumably enacting an ingenious plan that will save the day at the last moment...

Throughout this entire ambush, however, it was clear that the main focus of the attackers was "Death Touch", I.E; Chastain Grey.


Chastain jumped and twisted 360 degrees horizontally, ten kunai were sent flying towards the various ink dragons, each kunai having a tag behind them.

*Boom* *Boom*

Ink constructs were destroyed one by one under the graceful maneuvers of Chastain.....her kunoichi training, paired with the elegant style of a seasoned Chi Blocker, coupled with her Kidaichu beetles picking up the Ink Dragons that dared to come too far out of the water, was enough to fend off the assault.

But, her advantageous position was not to last...

She landed on the water surface once again with two kunais in hand.....she spun slowly, with vigilant eyes dancing, waiting for the next attack.....but ten ink dragons simply swam around her in a large circle like predators.

The small number of her insects which she had left, moving just above these predators swimming in the water...

The tense stalemate was broken when suddenly, all ten dragons shot out of the water toward her location. The insects shot into motion as did the many kunai she seemed to be in endless supply of...she continued to throw without worry.

Suddenly, during the heat of the attack from directly beneath her feet, Timothy Lee shot up from the water while holding a trident in one hand, and a handful of harming potions in the other.

The potion was immediately thrown so Chastain could not move out of the way due to the speed of the attack...

*splash* *splash*

The potions hit, causing Chastain to die instantly as that many harming potions were lethal to anyone at her level...however, she burst into beetles that fell down dead the next second. This showcased the quick substitution with an insect clone, masterfully executed by Chastain.

Before Timothy could regain his bearings, the real Chastain appeared from behind him, she ran him through the back of the skull with a kunai, but what she didn't notice was the subtle smile on the edge of his lips.....

Just as Timothy's body began to melt into Ink, hinting at the Ink-Clone Technique, his Lagiacrus appeared to execute the last part of the plan.


From the depths of the water, like a bullet, the Lagiacrus's head shot up vertically, its mouth engulfing the shocked Chastain before it closed its mouth. This wasn't it, however, as before Chastain could use her beetles once again to kill the Lagiacrus from within, thereby escaping death, explosive tags located all over the ocean-monster's body began to light up and burn.


In a grand explosion, a small fortune's worth of explosive tags generated by successful assassination missions was used in this final step of the plan devised to take out Chastain Grey, the key figure in the Saber-Archer alliance.

"NOOO!!!..." Rango, who was nearby, saw this and after destroying the final two ink dragons attacking him, he darted towards the explosion. He needed to confirm if the team's strongest person, the reason they'd come this far, and their best shot at coming out on top of this war was dead.