
"Honey, I don't know what happened to you in there but you shouldn't sulk like that....we've barely received anything from you by way of updates, apart from cryptic messages over the recent years...." a beautiful middle-aged woman was speaking with her daughter in an expensive restaurant located within central Blue Star City, on the BSV main planet outside Raven's multiverse.

The daughter, hearing her mother's rebuke, lifted her head from the table and gave an annoyed look....."mom, I can't tell you, it's against the rules of the event. Suffice it to say I messed up, I became too I have to wait a year in this crap hole before I can re-enter...."

The mother didn't take offense to her home being insulted, she knew from past correspondence how much Chastain loved being in Raven's multiverse, she instead was curious about her daughter's statement...

"Sweety, why are you so confident that your application for re-entry will be accepted directly after the one-year mark?..." Chastin only blushed slightly at this comment, but quickly hid the expression.

"Don't worry mom, Raven will let me back in...." the mother only cocked an eyebrow at that assured tone and familiarity, but she didn't have time to ask as they both heard a noise.


The sound of the front door opening and closing caused the mom and daughter pair to turn and look at the room's entryway. Mr. Grey, CEO of Blue Star News walked in wearing a darkened and scowling face...

"Honey, the government is forc---OH, my little princess, I didn't know you had come out of Oscar's multiverse to see us..." the haggard man smiled brightly at the sight of his beloved daughter before he went over to give her a warm hug.

.....(Scene Break).....

Timothy Lee, although highly injured and tired, was smiling happily within the Rook's hidden base, deep in the Altissia graveyard. He's ordered all members to evacuate for some time while he handles his wish...

While caressing the Holy Grail in one hand, the Rook leader went over his thoughts once more...

'I have long thought about what I'd wish for if I were to obtain the grail....the real question is, what is the limit of the wish?...' although there were no specifications on the wish's limits, everyone knew there were unspoken rules.

For example, Raven Oscars wouldn't allow you to wish for ownership of his multiverse, all of the ideas he has currently thought up, an infinite amount of Raven Coins, etc...but the wish should have great potential if they had to go through all of that for the Holy Grail to be obtained.

After an hour or so of consideration, Timothy decided.....'I'm not low on money, and I don't really have any desired high-priced techniques available for purchase since most of my time is spent in Dome City or Altissia. The real thing I need, and believe I could obtain through this wish, is help...'

' I need trustworthy people around me to make my ambitions come to fruition. The five-member Rook guild, although powerful, is not enough..... moreover, they're only loyal to profits.'

Using waterbending to conjure a small amount of liquid out of thin air, Timothy allowed it to fall into the grail. The water glowed before settling into shining crystal-clear brilliance.


After swallowing the entire cup's worth of water, Timothy looked towards the space in front of him before speaking allowed...."Raven Oscars, I wish to have an unkillable (or can resurrect after death), completely loyal, and skilled subordinate who would be as powerful as possible after fulfilling the first two conditions..."

The room fell into silence for a moment before the holy grail disappeared in golden light...

Timothy waited...and waited....and waited, but nothing happened. He was about to fly into a rage thinking that he had wasted his wish before he heard a taping sound...


It sounded like a cane hitting the ground firmly before the nearby shadows gathered to form a dark-blue and grey silhouette. The humanoid creature was tall, had a long furry tail, cunning eyes, and carried a wooden staff topped with a golden hook.

".....well, well, well...." the creature spoke with a playful but confident voice.


Before the experienced and skilled Timothy could react, the creature that matched him in height disappeared into a blur that arrived right beside him, it took his Rook mask, and then tapped its cane on the ground again, causing black smoke to be released and the raccoon-human to disappear once again...

This all happened in less than a second, but the now unmasked Timothy wasn't angry after being violated. Surprisingly, he was actually excited...

He looked around the room, unable to find his new subordinate, which caused his smile to widen again before asking...

"What's your name creature?..."

"Little old me?..." the Racoon-man appeared once again, perched atop his hooked staff as if the weapon was stuck into the ground, but the trained eye could see it was all balance. He swirled the Rook Leader's mask around his finger before continuing...

"I'm the last member and sole heir of the Cooper family, the greatest thieves to ever name is Sly..."