This new world(s)?

Raven was sitting in his Altissian Mansion, reading over the final draft of his newest announcement....he's been considering the topic of opening a new world ever since the Holy Grail War ended, and now he's come to the decision.

'I'm going to open both of the recently prepared worlds at once via the antlion pits in Dome City. I will do so after giving the Daedric Gods and Aleph orders to ensure both Skyrim and Temerant's Travelers, as best as possible, are placed on equal ground. No lucky or unlucky placements; the overseers will make all Divers start at the same position....'

This is Raven's best option to ensure the average power of Travelers does not rise too quickly...

Although many Travelers will set themselves apart from the masses and therefore gain more power at faster speeds, that will be up to their own ability and luck, not the whim of the overseers or themselves. The overseers, instead of just putting people in the first body that suits their personality, knowledge, goals, etc... will ensure that they find a person in the world that has a merger background with the same characteristics for the Travelers to inhabit.

After musing for a little while longer, Raven teleported to a skyscraper in Dome City and jumped off the building towards the nearest antlion pit underneath. While mid-air, he activated the prepared worlds for entry, and sent out the announcements after a few clicks, before disappearing into one of the two newest worlds.

....(Scene Break).....

[Multiversal Announcement,

Hello, inhabitants of Altissia and Dome City, I hope this announcement finds you well. I'm happy to announce that two new worlds that will be available to those who've ascended to Dome City.

For those who have yet to ascend, I can only wish you luck in your journey to do so, please continue to enjoy my multiverse as we explore the unknown together.

The worlds "Skyrim" and "Temerant" are now available for entry. For your convenience, introductions and streaming rules have been provided for each new world to help you in making your choice of first entry, please take a look through the world selection interface after entering your nearest antlion pit.

I hope you find a fulfilling and/or interesting life in one of my new worlds. Until next time, when we meet again after we're a little older, and a little wiser.

Best wishes,

Raven Oscars]

...(Scene Break)...

After the news broke, the typical excitement that usually preludes grand adventures rioted in the hearts of netizens and Travelers alike, each wanting a taste of the new worlds. Those qualified quickly dove into the nearest antlion pits in Dome City and started to review the introductions...

The Temerant introduction took the form of a small POV video, it was from the perspective of a great figure talking about his life experience across the four corners of civilization. When those that chose to watch the video opened their eyes, they were in a rundown inn, it was night outside and the only light source was the hearth's fire nearby.

The two men populating the introduction video sat in silence across from one another. On one hand, there was a young-looking man with red hair, red as flame. He had a weathered and haggard look as if his whole miserable and unfulfilling life is currently replaying in his mind, his face marred with guilt and pain.

The man across from him look scholarly, ink and pen suspended above blank parchment, waiting for the young man to tell his story.

After waiting for a few seconds, the nearby firewood cracked in the fire, signaling the start of the story. The flame-haired young man sat up straight and opened his mouth to speak with a dangerous glint in his eyes...

"I've never told this story before, and I doubt I'll ever tell it again. So, before we begin, you must know that I am of the "Edema Ruh". We were telling stories before Caluptena burned, before there were even books to write in...."

"....thus, you should understand when I say the following; do not presume to change a word of what I say Chronicular. If I seem to wonder, if I seem to stray, remember that the true stories seldom take the straitest way..." those watching held their breath, the atmosphere surrounding this young man seemed to have power that could span the void, pressing down on them through their perspective.

After Chronicular nodded solemnly in understanding, the young man looked around the Inn for a bit before setting back comfortably in his chair. His tale is about to begin...

"In the beginning, as far as I know, the world of Temerant was spun out of the nameless void by Aleph, who gave everything a name..."