Absolute mayhem engulfed Solitude's streets for some time. With the escape and mass exodus attempt by the prisoners, all armed forces were assembled to kill or recapture the escapees.

The citizens were running in panic and The Blue Palace was filled with frantic advisors....eventually, the Palace was ordered to be put on lockdown by General Tullius.

This order came the second he received reports about a breakout...

...(Scene Break)...

"General Tullius Sir..." a guard barged into the general's office rudely but paid no heed to etiquette.

"The prisoners general, they've escaped and are currently fighting their way out of the hold..."

Intelligence and perspicacity flashed through the general's eyes, he formulated his orders quickly before barking out to the surrounding men and women while standing from his seat.

"ALRIGHT LISTEN UP!..." everyone stood at attention, awaiting the orders.

".....I want every able body in this army out there in formation in two minutes. Assemble every garrison and send this order to the stationed Penitus Oculatus as well. A breakout from within the most secure stronghold of Skyrim must not be allowed to happen.....I'm going to the main gate myself, let's see them try and overcome the Empire."

.....(Scene Break).....

While the military vacated the barracks and surrounding area, Mithifus, while under the [Invisibility] and [Muffle] spell, snuck into their facilities. He went through the general's office while stashing some important documents and eventually made his way toward the most important and secure rooms in the structure.

'This is the logistics room, all of the messenger birds and certified couriers get their letters from here...' thought Mithifus as he dusted off a nearby chair before sitting down at the main desk.

He had a good hour or so to have some fun and cause some mischief, so that's what he did...

Firstly, he sent some specific Imperial troop allocation schedules and movements to Whindhelm via messenger bird. They were signed with the name "Sherlock D. Holmes".

"Hah, I wonder what that soon-to-be-captured Jarl will think when he gets this letter. I won't be informing him of the events that will result in his capture, but some insignificant things that will allow the Stormcloaks to retake some key positions...."

Closer to the end of his hour, Mithifus could be seen carefully opening sealed envelope after envelope, writing some interesting magic runes on the parchment while ensuring they have enough mana to last, and hidden from detection, before resealing them perfectly as if they were never tampered with...

When he finally breathed a sigh of relief, he heard two people approaching the room so he jumped into the rafters and fled quietly from the vicinity.

Inexplicably, the entire west gate and the two guards stationed there all disappeared from the face of the earth...and the ambassador for the Dominion, Mithifus, disappeared as well. All that was left near the destroyed gate and absent guards was a rabbit and parrot, the parrot kept yelling...."WABBAJACK!"

...(Scene Break)...

".....well, that was a terrible tragedy, I heard the prisoners killed over a hundred unlucky people and injured many more. They'll be getting the death penalty for sure." the mail attendant told the nearby courier.

"Mhm, but that General Tullius sure was fierce....if only he came out on deliveries, courier deaths wouldn't be so common. By the way, did you read my suggestion for how couriers should behave?..."

The mail attendant was happy for a change of topic, so he nodded and replied..."I did, it's the new convention going around all the holds right? Something about minimum talking and no contact after delivery?...."

"Yes, simply say we "have something we're supposed to deliver for your hands only" and then turn and leave quickly. If they try to ask more, just say "that's all we have for you" or "Hmm?"...it will be eerie enough for them to stop troubling us hopefully...."


A few months later, in Dragonsreach of Whiterun, the Jarl is accepting today's correspondence letters from outside his territory...