
"Firstly...put your hand on this statue here, it is the mage stone and will aid you in learning related abilities. I can explain why, but I doubt you'd care at the moment....you've got more important things to do than speaking with an old man like me..." the mysterious man in black coaxed lightly.

Igrid, the not-yet-known-Dragonborn, touched the mage stone after a small pause, causing the constellation on its surface to light up and a beam of light to shoot into the sky. The surprised young man watched with widened eyes as the clouds parted after he simply laid a hand on this weird stone.

"Close your mouth lad and listen..." the man in black continued while looking at the rising beam of light.

....(Scene Break)....

My name is Whiskey brown. I grew up in a small city located in the Northern parts of Blue Star. My mother was from below the equator while my father was a Northmen, born and raised. My childhood was boring and ordinary, only my name was worth mentioning so let's stop there...

My father said he named me Whiskey because he liked the sound of it.....but I found out later that he simply liked the taste. My mother was irate when she learned what my father had written on the birth certificate while she was still under anesthesia....there were too many complications during delivery for a quick recovery.

Time passed, however, and like with all things, both my parents and those around me became used to my unique name and so such a novelty lost its luster. With time, I too grew to appreciate the uniqueness of my name...

Once entering Raven Oscar's multiverse, I found a new life goal. A reason to live in this otherwise boring world.....'I will live every moment to the fullest and create my own adventure story!!...' I thought, and so I did.

I kept a detailed journal of every world I visited, all of my near-death experiences, relationships, families, confrontations, and friendships. They were jotted down as I experienced them...

Every day was unique in a way, and my life was never more enjoyable. My parents were happy that I found happiness and begged to read my 'adventure book'. So, every time I returned from a dive, I would send them the latest chapter of "Whiskey's Adventurers". It had a nice ring to it I thought...

Recently, I was chosen to participate in the holy Grail War as the Lancer Summoner...I wasn't interested at all in the Wish because I had everything I ever wanted currently.

Contentment was the one thing I could never lose as this multiverse truly makes me happy.

To that end, I trained under the Lancer Class for weeks while showing him around Altissia. He really got a kick out of this 'land of gods'.

Eventually, Raven's latest announcement came and I spent quite a few months trying to relax while biting my nails in indecisiveness. The next chapter in "Whiskey's Voyage" (that's got a better ring to it I thought) will either be about Temerant or Skyrim.

As time passed, I inevitably had to choose or my excitement would kill me so I flipped a coin, and Skyrim it was...when I woke up, however, I was looking into the soulless eyes of an 'executioner' raising a huge axe ready to chop my head off...

Luckily though, this black dragon attacked and I was able to escape with Hadvar. I thought I was free from trouble and could explore this new world....but this mysterious guy in a top hat had appeared out of nowhere.

Now, looking at the man who was staring into the sky, I listened attentively as he instructed....despite what this guy's motives are, he seems to know something about me, or more accurately, this body I inherited.

.....(Scene Break)...

"You'll not understand this for some time, but simply take in everything I say and do what you think is right when the time comes. After you leave Riverwood, which is the town close by if you keep on this path, ensure that your next destination is the Hold of Whiterun..."

The mysterious man raised his hand to stop any sort of questioning and continued...

"You don't need to know why, just that this is my recommendation, you can choose to listen or not. Know that many parties are interested in your existence and your impending journey, so take heed and stay vigilant..."

"Finally, Igrid, take a look at my ring..." he raised his hand to showcase a black ring with runic engravings that glowed faintly.

"If someone is wearing this ring, they are dangerous. I can't explain why, but you must listen..." the man's voice became grave and filled with power.

"Know that curiosity killed the cat, so I wouldn't go investigating about The Foundation if I were you...simply enjoy your journey."

The masked man finally turned to look down at the young man, his momentum expanding and blue energy seemed to eminate from his very being...

"I'll say it again...beware of those with this ring...."

The mysterious man began walking towards where Igrid came from as if heading directly for the decimated Helgen.

"Enjoy your new life as a free man Igrid, and always remember. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift...that's why they call it the Present..."

With a flourish and flare of Magicka, the mysterious man used [Blink] and disappeared from the young man's sight...

This marked the beginning of the Dragonborn's adventure...and the next chapter of "Whiskey The Gallant"...

'Yeah, that sounds much better...'