
Whiskey, who has taken over the body of the Nord Igrid, was declared the Dragonborn when his deed of absorbing a dragon and being summoned by the GreyBeards was made known.

He accepted a quest to delve into an ancient Nordic Ruin that supposedly held an artifact of the Greybeard's founder. There, in the depths of the cave, he was certain he would find Horn of Jurgen Windcaller.

But the only thing he found at the pedestal where Jurgen's Horn should have been was a note telling him to travel to The Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood.

The note said to "ask to rent the attic room", which if one reads the subtext is simply code. Someone took the horn and want to speak to the Dragonborn in a secretive manner.

Nevertheless, after everything that has happened, Whiskey could not sit by when an amazing chapter of Whiskey's Adventure is simply waiting to be written. Thus, he set out to the town of Riverwood located South of Whiterun, a place he was familiar with as this was the first town he visited after entering the Skyrim world.

He never could have imagined that such as small-town might hide someone who can infiltrate those deadly nordic ruins and steal the horn...

'I must be careful with this encounter...' he thought vigilantly, already knowing that those who know of the Dragonborn will try to take advantage of him. He has experienced this already...

It was dusk and the town was dimly lit by sporadic fires on poles, but he quickly made his way to the Inn passing many guards who have been stationed here after the Dragon was spotted nearby months ago.

....(Scene Break)....

Igrid walked up the few broken wooden stairs in front of him and was about to push open The Sleeping Giant's door when someone on the far end of the porch spoke out...

"Good evening lad, spare an old man a drink and conversation?..." the man wore 'fine clothes' and looked wealthy. Igrid has seen the type before, but this man didn't seem pompous or aristocratic, he looked simple. The type of many who had wealth from owning a ranch or a welding company.

"Umm, sure. I don't mind.....what are you having?..." Igrid smiled politely taking things as they come in this new world. He pulled up a chair and enjoyed the warm light on this autumn evening in Riverwood with the old man.

"Simple ale I'm afraid....anything else and I'd never share it with you haha!..." the old man poured some normal ale into a tankard and handed it to Igrid.

"So, young man, tell me about your recent Travels. I'd love to hear about it!!...." you could tell this guy enjoyed speaking with strangers, the relaxed atmosphere around spoke of his experience with such encounters.

Igrid smiled happily, a lot had happened to him along the way, and dumping his recent experiences onto this guy seemed like a great way to tidy things up and then talk to this mysterious contact. Something told him that what happens next will be important...