Taking Her In

Clarice's P.O.V

After that day, Esmeralda and I would meet each other in the plaza every weekend. The weekdays are a no-go as I was too busy with the paperwork that needs to be passed and given to that damn prime minister and some requests the soldiers would have that the queen needed to approve of. The little girl on the other hand would also be busy hunting all through the week and together we would go to the butcher shop to sell them.

The owner of the shop would always give us some yummy foods and even desserts times for us to eat at lunch and just talk the whole afternoon. She would always say goodbye to me three hours before dark so she can go back home with more sunlight to guide her. I tried asking her where she lived but the way she tried avoiding the question would seem that she still does not trust me that much. I can't blame her though. Trusting people is risky in times of war.