Our Leader

Third Person P.O.V

As soon as the metal doors closed. Darkness surrounded Violet and the messenger. Out of nowhere an arrow passed by Violet's head, almost hitting her right ear. Violet frowned and closed her eyes making her sense reach the peak. Her sight may be blinded now, but that does not mean she can't use her nose or her ears. She heard the shuffling of feet on her right and took out a small dagger from the holster hidden underneath her dress to parry the sword that came swinging down.

She analyzed and observed the setting and the situation carefully in her mind. There is her, the spy, and possibly two other people in the dark, unless the person she came in with was the one who struck her with the sword. The bow of an arrow being drawn made her realize that there are two attackers. Next, was it only the archer and the spy who attacked her, or was the spy attacked and the person who uses the sword a different person?