Crhela Kingdom Party

Third Person P.O.V

People all over the empire had come, traveling from faraway places and nooks of the entire country to celebrate the king's return. This being that everyone was invited, may they be nobles or humble commoners. The gates of the kingdom are open and welcoming. It was an attempt of the kingdom to allow the increase of merchants and the profit they may accumulate from all of the stalls and shops that rented their spots in the local trade centers.

It was not a surprising or new concept made by the kingdom. They are the wealthiest and golden out of all of the kingdoms except for the grand capital. The Crhela kingdom is the main business capital of the realm's country as far as anyone was concerned. They also had the most portals and access to the business districts found in the human realm making every resident of the kingdom a business entrepreneur in the human world as far as anyone is concerned.