Listen Up Children Part 2

Third Person P.O.V

Violet turned around to face Michael who was at her back the whole time, listening in on the conversation as well. He had heard everything that made his eyes turn pure black and the symbols on his face intensified the deadly vibes he had. She shook her head to stop whatever the brother was thinking as it would cause problems if he were to kill more nobles. He had a lot of blood on his hands already after the tea party in the past, adding more would only ruin his reputation.

The prince did not listen and walked forward out into the eyes of the public. The rulers are nowhere around to stop him and prevent the murder that was about to happen. Violet took a step forward, praying that she would get to her brother in time, but warm arms wrapped themselves around her waist, pulling her back into the shadows of the large pillars and silks. She could not stop her twin from facing the low noble and ripped his neck apart.