How To Be Queen Part 2

John's P.O.V

I sat inside my office buried with the paperwork I have left for the past couple of months, trying to find even a smidge of her shadow. There was nothing. She was hiding well and I know people were backing and helping her behind my back. I was furious to think that she would hide away from me when I did nothing but do all of those things for her future benefit!

"Your highness.", my butler called out from outside the door knocking at my office. As of late, I did not allow anyone inside my own space as I did not need any disturbances. Killing those attendants was a waste so I had to forbid everyone from even coming close to me. Fearing that they'll just be a part of my long list of unintended kills for the year. I promised myself and her that I would not kill so aimlessly in the past.