The Blood of The Queen Part 2

Third Person P.O.V

Draca sat quietly on the bench in one prayer room as they call it inside the headquarters. He was suddenly called out by the queen no less to bring some materials from the underground vicinity of the queen mother. It was a box of some sort with some plastic tubing all over it. It resembled iv tubings attached to some clear glass bottles. Draca sat quietly on the bench in one prayer room as they call it inside the headquarters. 

Draca sat quietly on the bench in one prayer room as they call it inside the headquarters. He was suddenly called out by the queen no less to bring some materials from the underground vicinity of the queen mother. It was a box of some sort with some plastic tubing all over it. It resembled iv tubings attached to some clear glass bottles. Draca sat quietly on the bench in one prayer room as they call it inside the headquarters.