chapter 10

( Yn's house)

(You walks in as the maid helps her go in. Jongki gets up and walks to you and holds your hands)

Jongki- "yn i need to talk to you?"

Yn- "yes oppa what is it?"

Jongki guides you to your room makes help you sit on bed and sits in front of you.

Jongki- "yn now should be extra careful about where you go and with whom you go."

You could feel seriousness in his voice. You were confused because of his this behaviour.

Yn- "oppa is everything alright. I mean you never behave like this"

Jongki-" yes honey everything is alright. But i want you to take extra care. Of yourself. Ans jungkook is there with you"

Hearing jungkook's name youu blushes instantly.

Yn- "oppa . I-"

Jongki- " its getting late go to bed early okay. Don't think much about it."

He helped you lay down covers you with sheets pecks your lips.

Jongki - " sleep well princess . Goodnight"

Yn- "goodnight"

You instantly falls asleep.Jongki walks out of room before going out he turns to you . You were sleeping peacefully.

Jongki- " I'll protect you. At any cost. I can't lose you like i lost mom. The man i have choosen for you he is perfect. I hope your heart will choose him too "

With that he walks out and goes to his study.

(Boys. Mansion)

Jungkook walks in smiling about what ever happened. He never thought he'll confess to you ever. He. Never thought the girl whom he thought was out of his reach would ever notice him. Being a maffia he can get any girl and why not. He got beauty. With brains. But for him you were not any other girl. He knew you won't fall for him beautiful is damn handsome face. He knew you was different so he thought you was out of his reach. As soon as he walks in all the members who were busy chit chatting looks at him weirdly. Nd why won't they. Boys never saw jungkook smiling as he was now. It was something new but they loved it .

Jin- " ohh kook you are back!! You seems happy did something good happened?"

Jk- ( clears throat ) "ah not hyung Nothing happened."

Jin simply nods he had no idea about jungkook's feelings about yn. No one knew what he felt for her. Except taehyung and jimin . Both of them looks at each other grins and lookks at jungkook with the look ' we know everything'. Jungkook then looks at his leader namjoon. He remember what jongki asked him.

Jk- " hyung i need. To talk to you it's important"

Rm-" sure sit first and then tell what is it"

Jungkook nods and sits on couch. Everyone looks at jungkook waiting for him to speak. Looking at his serious and handsome face they knew it was really important. Jungkook takes a deep breathe and looks at namjoon.

Jk- " hyung you know who is yn's brother.."

After hearing yn's brother's name namjoon sat up straight with a icy cold eyes. Looks like everyone hated him. What was the reason everyone hated song jong ki. Namjoon nods slowly and waits for jungkook to continue.

Jk- " hyung i met him today.. and he has asked me to protect yn.."

Rm- "why does he wants to you to protect her. Why can't he do it himself. If he can burn Down a mansion with people inside why can't he protect. His own sister?"

Jk- " hyung important thing is i have already agreed to it."

Namjoon look at jungkook. He was angry that jungkook agreed even without discussing with. Him. It was not something jungkook would do for anyone. Why do jungkook wanna protect yn when that's what all he was thinking.

Rm- " and you didn't thought of discussing with me?"

Jungkook knew this was the very wrong of him to decide things on his own but when things are about you he can't just let go of them. When it comes to you he didn't wanted to take any risk.

Jk- " hyung i know but since she has saved my. Life once i wanna repay it"

He lied not because he was Afraid to tell namjoon aboutr his feelings. But he knew what would be namjoon's answer. He was waiting for right time to telk everyone ABOUT his FEELINGS. After his parents death his hyungs.. his sworn brothers were his parents figure to him. But he wanted to tell them only after you say yes. He just look at namjoon waiting for his response.

Rm- " you know jungkook though she is song jongki's sister she is still innocent. Tell me do. You want to use as youe revenge. If you are planning something like this I won't let. You go even near her."

Jk sighs as everyone person who sees him and you together ask the same question. Was he that cruel. And heartless that everyone thought this way. He was tiredd of giving same answer again and again but knowing namjoon's personality he had to tell him the truth

Jk- " hyung my revenge has nothing to do with yn. Nd her life is in danger. I know jongki would never lie when it comes to his sister. So I agreed."

Rm- "okay. I allow you to be with her only for sake of her protection. But if i find that you are taking advantage of her for your revenge.. then you. Would be in a great trouble."

Namjoon looks at everyone . He gets up and goes in his room he knew jungkook won't lie to him. But he also knew that when it comes to song jongki and HIM he can go to any extent to kill those two.

As soon as namjoon went in his room everyone again started their chitchatting for them this conversation was over but jungkook was still thinking about 'him'. He got up and went in his room. He gets change into his comfy clothes and lays on bed he opens a drawer and takes out a small box in which he kept your bracelet.

Jk- "i should return it to you right."

He smile again thinking about your reaction when he kissed you. He knew it was not the right thing to do but he couldn't stop himself. He kept the bracelet back in the box and coverr himself Falling asleep with bracelet box still in his hands

Both yn and jungkook were sleeping peacefully not knowing what storm is knocking in to their lives.

(,?? Mansion)

?? - "so you are saying that jongki has asked that kid to protect yn. Is he out of his mind. "

Man1- "s-sir he i- i mean jungkook though he. Is very young everyone are scared of him. Please don't underestimate him"


The man looks down runs away from there before he gets himself killed.

?? Looks at the screen with. Yn's picture displaying on it.

"I didn't wanted to kill your mom or hurt you but what could i do you were. The only person who would have brought jongki to me but what a brother he is even after killing his mom he didn't came to me nor did he ask for mercy.. i hateee it most. Now soo bad that i would have to kill you too."

He smile devilish and hums

With that he took a permanent marker from pen stand and drew a cross on yn's face. Then he look at jungkook's picture and make a scoff.

??- "i have nothing to do with you but if are gonna be involved with jongki or his sister them you will have to die too. To bad for no reason -ill have to kill you"

He said and looks at jungkook not knowing anything about him. He underestimated jungkook. He didn't knew what jungkook can do or he didn't knew that it was jungkook's life goal to kill 'him'.

(Next day)

(Jk's room)

Jungkook was sitting on his bed with bracelet in his hands. He decided to return your bracelet to you and also give you an another one that he designed himself for you. He took. His phone and call you.

You were out in your lawn it. Thinking about jungkook and his confess. As you were in you own thoughts you heard your phone ring. You pick up

Yn-" hello?"

Jk- "sunshine!"

As soon as you heard 'sunshine' you knew who it was. You were blushing. This one word was enough for your heart to go boom boom.

You calm you heart that was beating too fast and spoke.

Yn-" jungkook!! Hey how are you?"

Jk- "im good sunshine. But i wanna meet you. I have a surprise for you"

Yn- " huh ? Surprise what surprise?"

Jk- "yn if i tell you what surprise is then would it still be a surprise. "

Yn- "but-"

Jk- "no buts. Im gonna pick you up in an hour. Okay?"

Yn- "okay I'll meet you then later"

Jungkook smiles and hangs up. He goes in his closest to get ready. Whereas you too smilw widely. You now were slowly getting to know your feelings for jungkook. You got up and walk in house .your Maid help you in getting ready.

Both of you were happy. And excited for your 2nd date . Whereas someone who was keeping an close eyes on you both was probably planning how to ruin your and jungkook's life.

??- "enjoy your time now. It is said that when a person is at his vulnerable state killing him becomes more fun.lets see how long can you survive this song yn"

??- " no need to attack for now. Let them spend some time together. Because. After that they won't be able to"

He smirks and keeps his phone aside looking at your and jungkook's pictures with cross on mark on your both faces.

Who was he and what he wants from jongki.. why did he killed yn's mom. Why did made yn go blind. Why did jungkook wanted to kill jongki and his partner.

Is it really that yn is not getting any suitable donar or someone is the reason why yn. Can't get a eyes donar.

Who is' he'?