chapter 19

( Few days later)

It's been a few days since you were staying at Jungkook's place. At first you were a lil awkward and scared living with seven maffia men. But Jungkook was always by your side. He made sure you were comfortable all the time. And even his six brothers were good to you. They used to talk to you and always stay with you. They never left you alone. It was the kind of family you always wanted. you longed for it. On the other side your brother was anxious. He knew you were safe with Jungkook but how can he stay away from his sister whom he loved and cared for a lot. He tried to contact you but you were reluctant. You just rejected Talking to him. You were now in Jungkook's room listening to the same radio podcast.

Obviously you love reading books but after you went blind you started listening to radio podcasts.

They had many stories that you loved. Jungkook was having a meeting with his brother about that person. You didn't know what you did to him that he would spoil your entire life. You just close your eyes not wanting to think about it but you couldn't help but think about it. What did he do to Jungkook? I still didn't know why he hated my brother. All these questions always come to you but Jungkook never answers any. You sigh and continue listening to your podcast .

(Lee's mansion)

He was sitting in his room thinking about how did things turn about this way. According to his plan when taehyung would tell you the truth about your brother as well as jungkook you would naturally distance yourself from jungkook because he was maffia and from your brother cause he is the reason you were suffering. Once you were away from these two who would have protected you . You would have stayed alone and it would be easy for him to captive you or may be destroy you. But everything went wrong. He was successful have way as you distance yourself from your brother but jungkook who was your other big support stayed with him now he had to think about something else. He dialed a number "hello come here we need to plan something else?" Lee spoke through phone. The person on the other side replies with a simple yes lee kept his phone. And thought about the time when he and jongki where partners.

(Lee's pov)

Me and Jongki used to work together. We were partner's more like brothers. Everyone was scared of us. No one dares to cross us, no one dares to go against us. We were the most powerful.


One day i was returning back from a mission i was alone because jongki was busy with some other work as i was walking i injured my hand and it was bleeding. As i was Walking to the car it was late night obviously there were. Less people who would notice my wound. I bump into someone i didn't saw properly who it was but i heard a thud voice which indicates that the person had fallen down. I usually ignore these kind of things but today i didn't knew why i did it. As soon as i look down to the person i saw a girl but her face was covered with her hairs as she fell down. She was moving her hair off her face when she tucked her hair behind. I was stunned. I won't lie, she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Moreover, her eyes are the most beautiful one. They stand out the most for me. I unconsciously held out my hand for her to get up. She smiles and gets up holding my hand. "I'm so sorry for bumping into you mr" she said "no no it's okay. It was my fault for not looking, " I replied .

She just smiles omg that was the most beautiful smile i have ever seen. But soon her gaze fell on my wounded wrist "omg !! There's blood on your hand, are you hurt or something" she asked worriedly, holding my hand. I felt my heartbeat raising. She took out her handkerchief and tied it around my wrist( typical bollywood 90s😭✌️) . After that she let go of my hand and started walking to the other side as her friends called her. I smile to myself and get in the car and start driving to our hideout where me and joong ki always stay and plan. As soon as I walked in I saw jongki already there. I went to him and sat beside him. Though he was busy working, I thought about the girl I just met smiling. Jongki seems to notice it "what are you smiling about lee? Did something happen?" He asked, growing my smile wider . "Just met someone .. and i want her at any cost". I spoke while looking at the handkerchief tied around my wrist. Jongki just chuckled. "There are girls who want you more than anything. But I'm surprised to know you want someone. Who is that girl? I would really like to meet her. Someday" he said while I just smiled.

It took me a few days to get total information about her. Her name was 'song yn' . I called Jongki the time I found information about her as he waa the only trusted friend of mine. After some time he arrived at my place. I asked him to sit on the chair and made two drinks for us. "I finally found the information about the girl," I said, giving him his glass. "oh wow so tell me everything about her". He said and I took my tablet and gave it to him.. As soon as i showed him the information about yn i could seee joong ki's forehead was full of cold sweat and his hand was trembling.``no… no you can't be with her '' he spoke I was confused why did he reacted this way. "what's wrong joong ki? Why can't I be with her? '' I asked him while he just threw the tab smashing it on the floor because she is my sister!!" Jongki said ``I frown a lil but then I smile "That's a good thing right. If she is. Your sister, you can convince her, ``I said smirking. While he got up from the couch. "dream on lee rang. She is my sister. I have kept away from all thos mafia worlds . I would never let my sister be with a wild beast like you. " He spoke and walked away from there.

(Present time)

That was the time we talked to each other as friends. I was Angry.. so angry because he left me just like that. How could he. So I decided to court her myself. But she just ignored me like I was an air. I was angry with yn and her brother too, but i was angry at jongki more because he didn't do what i wanted so target his weakness. His family. He should have known how cruel I am when I decide to do something. And just like that I killed his mother and made her go blind . People think it was just a big accident but noo.. I made sure that she was out of the car when I blasted her car when her mom was in it . I didn't kill her because I wanted Jongki to come to me and beg me to save his sister. So I just injured her badly. I didn't know she would go blind because of that. There was one more person related to yn who was dear to her and joong ki. I killed her too . But now I have waited enough.. this time i will destroy yn Fully not only her alone but every person who is related to her.