chapter 24

After spending your whole day with your brother you goes back in the mansion as it was important for you to stay with jungkook looking at the situation. You were scared but you were more scared because when the news of jungkook would come out that he is the lost heir of bangtan. He is the next maffia king. You were in car looking out of windows many thoughts were running in your mind. When you reach the Mansion you both got off and walks in the mansion you saw everyone were sitting on couch nervous in tension as if something bad happens. You clutches you skirt tightly. Jungkook notice his hyungs expression he walk to them "hyung? What's wrong?" Hearing jungkook everyone look up at him. "Lee .. lee rang has held taehyung in captive" namjoon spoke while jungkook widens his eyes "what!! But how.. for lee taehyung was working for him then why would he capture tae hyung?" Jungkook ask while looking at the leader whose own brother was held captive. Taehyung was namjoon's brother.

" of our man betrayed us" hearing this jungkook's eyes became dark "who is it hyung?" Jungkook ask gritting his teeth."Seo jihyun" namjoon blankly told his name. Who could he betray them who could. Seo jihyun was their most trusted man. They all trusted him but they never knew that he would join hands with lee rang forgetting his friends and brother. For power and money.

(Few hours ago)

Taehyung went to lee's mansion to tell him the truth of jungkook who he exactly was. As soon as he enter lee's men held him on gun point. "Yah what are you doing im with lee rang why have you pointed gun on me?". Taehyung yelled while one on the man kick taehyung's leg he groaned and fell on the ground. He heard footsteps coming towards his direction so he look up he saw lee rang walking. Towards him smirking "w..why?" Taehyung ask him while lee took a chair and sat in front of Taehyung. "Do you know what i hate most in this life 'betreyal' and you have betrayed me " taehyung groans and look up at lee rang "do you think my removing all Bugging device and camera I won't know what's going on in your smart brain lemmee tell you how i came to know about it.. do you remember the day yn got to Know truth about her brother and jungkook .. you thaught i trusted you . Well for a while i trusted you fully but then see this"

lee takes out his phone and shows taehyung a video. In video taehyung was explaining everything to you and jungkook. "You see the moment i trusted you . You broke my trust". Lee spoke gritting his teeth with his darkest gaze " did you get this clip" taehyung ask he was not scared but still he wanted to know who betrayed him. "I gave him the video.." taehyung look in the direction from where the voice came he was shock and surprised when he look at the person "j.. jijyun". Taehyung mummbles "oh my friend i know i shouldn't have betrayed you or others but what to do lee promise me to give a huge position in this gang so yeah and for power its okay to cost someone's life. ". Jihyun chuckles and sits beside lee. "Send his video to bangtan ask them to eithee send yn and jungkook or we'll send his death body they have 12 hours to do it" jihyun nods and send the clip to namjoon and tell him to do what lee rang has asked.

(Present time)

Jungkook boiled in anger "how dare he held captive ny my hyung. And how dare jihyun to betray us" jungkook grabbed his gun and was walking out to his car. You look at him scared you never saw jungkook this angry. You realise one thing looking at jungkook . Jungkook never show it but he does love his hyungs more than anything. She was too scared to stop him "jungkook stop don't be reckless" namjoon stops him hearing namjoon's voice jungkook's step halted "hyung tae hyung is your blood brother how can you be so calm " jungkook ask namjoon while namjoon just sigh " i know he is my. Brother but don't you trust me.or him. You can't just go there without any plan without being prepared think about it jungkook."

Namjoon tries to explain jungkook he stays still in the position no matter how jungkook must be powerful or arrogant but he can't go again the elder. He juat sighs and sits back on couch. You sat beside him and Caress his back. "Im ready to go to him if that would make everything fine then im ready to go to him". You spoke while jungkook's cold eyes softens ."we will go together okay . But after preparing fee things. We'll not just go like that. Cause i have a plan already." Jungkook spoke while everyone looks at him ready for listening what he was saying. "So the plan is --------" jungkook smirks looking at them others give him thumbs up "okay then we'll prepare things. I'll save my soulmate " jimin spoke.