
I started moving through the forest, there was nothing much apart from a few stupid monsters that dared to attack me. 'Man those fights were well unimpressive I really thought beings in this world where stronger but am quite disappointed even if I give them a chance to attack me not even a scratch but maybe am just to strong I really need to fight some on like Guy'.

This is exactly why God is always bored you know having the ability to do anything really takes the excitement out of living but God lived trillions of years

so it's understandable that he got bored

but I just got this powerful I still have time to enjoy it.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After traveling for about a month I found some things interesting a girl was fighting some humans they seemed to be bandits the girl had a nice figure, young seemed to be around 16-17 years beautiful figure. 'kukukuku found first harem member


As am admiring the girl the bandits cornered her one knocked her down.

it seems they want to **** her but no one takes part of my harem. it's finally time to act.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


My name is Alacia am a B class Adventurer. I was on a quest when I got attacked by a group of bandits I thought I could over power them but they where just to many and one had a weird skill and knocked me down. ' these bastards want to **** me God someone help me '

Bandit 1: " well beautiful lady you caused us quite the trouble, and as payment we are going to enjoy ourselves till we're satisfied hahaha the will sell for some nice gold hahahahaha"

Alacia: " you sick bastard let me go and I will let you live "

Bandit1 : " Missy your in no position to make demands "

???? : " well didn't your mama teach you it's bad to miss handle ladies in such a manner "

Bandit2: " who the heck are you to think you can stop our fun come on guy let teach this fucker a lesson "

The bandits attacked the man while one still held me down but I could hear sounds. they ran towards the man but all I heard where sounds off metal clashing together. from the sour look I saw on the bandit holding me things weren't going to great for the bandits.then the sounds stopped and a voice said.

????: " well that was disappointing thought you guys can give me a real fight guess I overestimated you. now you know you are the last one let the girl go and I won't kill you "

The guy holding me was in a visible state of panic cold sweat ran down his face. he drew a knife and placed it on my neck.

Bandit : " what about you drop your weapon and kneel or I will kill her "

???? : " you guys are really stupid alteast I gave you a chance "

The figure dissapeared from place and the next instant I away from the body of the bandit who now lacked a head. I turned to see who saved me and I have to say the guy was handsome golden blond hair and golden eyes then he spoke.

????: " are you ok "

I unconsciously nod ' this has to be the most handsome guy I have ever seen ' control yourself Alacia.

????: " my name is Shiro nice to meet you "

Alacia: " am Alacia nice to meet you too "


These guys where really weak and I think they had a death wish I defeated the strongest among them in seconds.

you should have seen the leaders face he went pale. after finishing up the rest I walked towards the leader who was still holding the girl but still panicking.

Shiro:"well that was disappointing thought you guys can give me a real fight guess I overestimated you. now you know you are the last one let the girl go and I won't kill you "

Man these guys really do have a death wish. he lifted the girl up and placed a knife over her throat ' huh he really thinks he still has a chance '

Leader: " what about you drop your weapon and kneel or I will kill her "

As I thought these guys were real idiots. I really thought he would pick his life and how is he so sure I care about the girl so much that I would surrender. she might be a harem candidate member but no a real member well even if he killed her I could always resurrect her with a thought.

Shiro : " you guys are really stupid alteast I gave you a chance "

I disappear and go for his head chop it off and take the girl from his hands.

she stares at me though I know am handsome if she's like this with this face what would happen if I had my original face. I decide to break the silence.

Shiro: " are you ok "

she nods still in dase if I wanted I could probably take her now and she wouldn't complain.

Shiro: " my name is Shiro nice to meet you "

????: " am Alacia nice to meet you too "

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the incident I've been traveling with Alacia I got alot of information from her though this is still the world of the anime things are pretty much very different here for example the previous ranking system I knew from the anime hasn't been implemented throughout infact there is no free guild that means no Yuuki but their is also no demon Lord Carrion or Frey and Clayman's territory is still in the hands of Kazariem from what I know Leon has to first defeat Kazariem for her to summon Yuuki so am thinking of erasing her soul it's not like it would be missed but then that destroys the entire canon so that won't do for now.

Back to Alacia she's from Blumund so fuck my amazing luck had come here for a quest that's when she was attacked and I have to say she's a nice girl, I have gotten to know her better through our talks and I couldn't help but to feel sad for her, her father passed away when she was 11 on a mission so the mother was the one taking care of the family but had fallen ill only a few years later forcing Alacia to become an adventurer at 14 to take care of her sick mother and two sisters.