
In a large Hall where there are, figures that can destroy a country with ease, but for some reason they seemed tense though some tried to hide it.

Guy: " so have any of you got any information about the pressure we felt a few days ago "

They all look at one another and no of them say anything, until one says.

???: " I don't get what's the big idea here we're all demon lords and there are man of us what can this guy do I mean even that pressure might have been fake just to scare us ".

' what an idiot that pressure was real nothing can hide from me but even I can't find it's source and if what Velzard said is true I need to make sure it doesn't hinder my plans and I he might have some ultimate skills I can copy and if I can make him join us this will be easier but if not I know I can't win but I will fight ' Guy thought it might be the effect of Prideful King Lucifer but he can't admit that.

Guy: " well Karazeam if that is what you think the be my guest to step out but we won't offer any aid if he attacks you do you really think any one can fool me for not to know if the pressure was fake ".

Karazeam remained silent and didn't move even though he is strong he can't compete with the monsters such as Guy and Milim, he had once challenged Guy when he thought he was the strongest and deserved the title of strongest demon Lord only to be defeated instantly and almost killed it showed him the read gap between him and the monsters but if that pressure scared them he just couldn't believe that a monster among monsters.

Guy: " now back to business even though Jura were it appeared is Veldora's territory we must find a way to get in "

???: " do you think that monster Veldora will just let you in, he loves destruction and if it's also the same for this guy they are probably already working together "

Guy: " Luminous I know that you hate Veldora very much but you must remember that with his arrogance he won't be able to accept that this guy is stronger than him let alone partner with him "

Luminous just shrugged it off still angry at Veldora because he destroyed her kingdom years ago killed her people and still roams free she swore to get her revenge no matter what.

Guy: " ok continue searching for him, if we can get him to join us we will have an upper hand in the next war "

As they where discussing none realized they where being watched by the person they were looking for .

{ it seams the demon lords have started to make plans for you stay low if you don't want them to find you or you can destroy them }

Shiro: " let them be they can't do shit the biggest threat they can be is an annoyance ".

{ ok dear. . .by the way my body is complete so you wanna see it or wait till we get to Blumund so we can have our time together}

Shiro: " maybe we first get to our destination "

In the past days I have been training Alacia non stop to help her gain more control some times I would get her to fight some monsters and then spar but she can't do much against me though now she can even fight an S rank so am happy with my work.

But according to Alice I can train her an make her evolve into a human saint then hatch the egg and if the she can become a human Demi god.

Shiro: " Alice can you show me Alacia's stats ".

{ ok.....

Name: Alacia

Race: Enlightened human

Ultimate Skill: none

Unique skill : Great sage.

: eyes of truth.

Common skills: Magic sense , night vision , cold resistance , pain nullification , regeneration , holy attack resistance. }