
We talked to a while and I have to say this girls are scary they talked about different things while Mia had quickly warmed up to me and sat on my lap while the girls were giving me a death glare. ' come one girls am not into little girls, but maybe Lolis like Milim ' I wanted to say but something stopped me and I think it was for my own good .

Anna asked how I met her sister and when I told her she did the same thing as Hina with the damsel in distress and continued to tease Alacia much to her displeasure making her turn red making us all burst out into laughter.

Hina : " by the way Alacia is it me or did you get stronger ".

Alacia : " ohh I've been training and have a pretty good teacher though his very rough " . she said making Hina look at me weirdly and I think she misunderstood something here, I couldn't even guess the thoughts going through her head but when I saw her blush I thought ' huh so she's an M ' and it made me smile. ' Maybe she will like to join her best friend '.

Anna : " really who is your teacher " said enthusiastically.

Hina : " really Anna . . it's Shiro who else would be the teacher his literally the only person she met the last few weeks " and then Anna looks at me with stars in her eyes. " and I can't believe out of everything she said only her teacher interests you, you didn't even hear her warning ".

Anna : " really can you train me to " she ask will looking at me I can only say.

" huhm yes " at which Anna starts celebrating .

Alacia : " I don't know what's with you and your obsession with getting stronger ".

Anna settles down and replies " well I want to be strong enough to protect mom and Mia so you don't worry about us all the time.

Alacia : " but it's my job ". while the sister were in their family talk Hina approached me with a blush on her checks.

Hina : " huhm Shiro I would also lov . . I mean like you to be roug...I mean train me ". she clearly has another motive here.

Shiro : " buy why ".

Hina : " well I don't want to be weak ". ok there is only one answer here and since she works at the guild she might give me some nice information though I can know anything with Alice I think that would be too boring but it's good to have an ability but not use it than want to use it and not have it. so " then it's fine you can join, what's one more student ".

Hina : " really ... thank you " she says as she kisses my check then turns away blushing.

Alacia mutter's " and another one how am I going to keep Shiro to myself . . well atleast she's my best friend not some random girl " her voice was low so no one heard it but me.

We decide to head in as the girl enter Alice gives me a message.

{ darling someone's watching you }

< really who's it, is it a demon Lord but it can't be.' have I been realising my aura unconsciously ' . Alice who is it ? > even though I can take care of any demon Lord I don't want to endanger Alacia and her family.

{ close she's a subordinate of demon Lord Ruminas sent here to investigate the cause of the phenomenal which is you and even though you don't realize your aura strong beings can tell your stronger you give of a feeling of fear to anyone below your rank and above A+ rank. }

< ok can you please help me take care of it >

{ ok . . . done}

< thanks I love you >

{ it's fine and don't forget I have a surprise for you tonight }. I replied < how can I forget I look forward to it >

The I followed the girls inside. the inside was quite normal in the first room was a chair near the fire place with a pot over it then a large tree stem cut in the middle acting as a table and smaller ones acting as seats then a store and one I think was the bed room . when we got in Alacia quickly entered the bedroom there was a woman in a bed who I could only assume was her mother.

Alacia : " how have you been mom " she didn't respond but I could feel she wanted to " don't worry mom you will be alright soon I have found someone who might be able to help you ". she tried to us her Great sage to scan her mother but the results weren't to good. I had already asked Alice to tell me the source of her problem and she said it's some sort of course and a strong one guess some one couldn't kill her but wanted to shut her up and he had to be strong .

Anna : " really Shiro can you help mom "

Shiro : " yep it shouldn't be to heard it's just a simple curse so don't worry your mom will be ok ".

Mai : " mommy mommy is going to talk again "

I step towards their mother and place my hand on her head. < ok Alice am counting on you >

{ don't worry dear I have everything under control. . . but why did you have to put your hand on her I could do it without you touching her }

< please I don't want to look to suspicious plus you don't need to be jealous she's my mother in law >

{ fine...}

My hand started to shine with a bright light and so did her body the girls were force to cover their eyes even though I knew it was just dramatic effect Alice added ' must be because I told her not to act suspicious ' .

{ done } . < did you have to be that dramatic > I asked { it was your idea } .I just gave up and watched as the woman started blinking .

Mother : " Mia " she said in a low voice " Mia , Anna , Alacia I can talk I can finally talk to my babies " she said happily as she hugged the three girls.

Mother: " thank you for making me able to talk to my girls again I don't know how I can repay you "

Shiro : " no problem and there's no need to repay me ". I was suddenly hugged by Mia .

Mia : " thank you big brother for bringing mother back to me ".

Mother : " big brother !!! " she asked and then moved her eyes from me to Alacia who was blushing. " ohh I see my daughter chose a nice man from now one you call me mom ".

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// first waifu finished who should be next ///

Pherus remember to drop some power stones ..