
Ruminas PVO.

I received news from my subordinate that they had found the cause of the disturbance from a few years ago, they had disobeyed my orders and attacked the target I don't blame them it is just that they were not strong enough to sense it's true power back then. and now am here pandering if I should see him alone, he had warned Ori that if I go or tell anyone other than my subordinates he will do something to the sisters he took as hostages they might be my subordinates but I don't think I would risk my life for them but Ora did say the guy is not a war monger he might be just who I need to take care of that damn Veldora so after a few days of thinking about it I decided to go and meet him though I will still place some precautions just in case. " go get Ori ". ' what to do ' I thought taking a sip from my glass.

The person at the door immediately goes out and comes back a couple of minutes later with the girl. " welcome Ori grab a seat ". I say , she obediently goes to where it was and sits down.

" ok I have decided to meet this guy of yours ".

" but my lady have you informed any other demon lord ". she asks.

" no I first want to see this person you spoke off we are still not really sure he's the one we are looking for " I told her.

" but the power he displayed, I mean my sisters and I are enough to take on an awakened demon lord so he must be atleast as strong as the top three " at her explanation I just shook my head.

" let me tell you something what we felt back then was not something just on par with the top two it completely surpassed them if it's pressure didn't disappear in a second many people could have died you think a walpurgis would be called immediately if it was that simple " when I stop she's deep in thought I could feel the fear she's giving of but am not surprised if that something is strong enough to scare the gods then it must be strong.

" ok I understand, I will never question your discussion again my lady " she says bowing her head.

" good now this is the plan " I begin explaining to her the details they might be my subordinates but they are also among the few people I managed to rescue from Night Rose. and I will protect when ever I can . " okay now go and prepare everything needed it's going to be an eventful journey ". she gets up bows and then goes to carry out her duty.

I remain there thinking about what back up I should have maybe I can get Kazariem but the guy is two paranoid I don't even think he cares about the phenomenal so I will have to go with Milim despite being childish she is still among the most powerful demon lords and not just any but second place *sigh* I don't even know how am going to get her to join.

Unknown to her someone had already received a hint of her plans and was extremely happy with her decision.

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After tell the girls about my situation, they took it pretty simple except for Martha who took time to convince but after that she proceeded to ask me if I could revive her husband so I had to lie to her that he probably already entered the cycle of reincarnation and since he was a good man might as well as be in a nice loving family in a better world. I have to say it hit her hard but she surprisingly handled it well, or she just didn't want Mia to see her crying well.

" now you know that I want to tell I will no be staying in this world for long " I said.

""" what!!!""" they exclaimed " how long till you go " a teary Alacia asked.

" around 400-500 years " I answered then the girls sighed in relief.

Anna : " bastard if it was that long why are you telling us now " she asked angrily.

" well I wanted to take you with me " I answered.

"" really "" they asked " yes and I wanted to ask before you get to attached to this world ".

" well we will think about it " Martha said. " well atleast we have 400 years Hina commented.

With my conscious finally clear I could rest peacefully cause I have been with these girls for almost 3 years now and keeping alot of secrets from them was not sitting well yet I was using them.

After the meeting we went to our bedroom for some fun you know after a year of being with the girls they had finally got me to sleep with them I mean a nice foursome was always nice and all but I took their V- cards one by one.

after our activities the girls were already asleep when Alice told me Ruminas had finally decided to start her move and she was planing to bring Milim when I had that I couldn't be happier she was bringing Milim to me so I finally got up carefully so as not to wake the girls and went to see my little hostages.

I walked from the teleportation circle and headed to were the girls were when they saw me they started.

Stella : " hey you better let us out of this place cause when our mistress comes for you, your dead " she threatened.

I just replied calmly " well then I have good news for you your lady is on her way as we speak so don't need all the threats if everything goes according to plan you will be free in no time ".

Irene : " yeah she will kill that as of yours and all those girls..." she didn't complete her sentence when a pressure descended upon her making her kneel on the ground.

" let me warn you though your lady is more thoughtful than you if I free you and you dare as touch a here on there heads you will know true torment ".

I said pulling my aura back in, Irene remains on the ground and her sister quickly tends to her.

" well if you excuse me ladies I have preparations to make " I teleport away.

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