A/N: The first few bits of the chapter are just a COPY AND PASTE from Fairy tail wiki and Wikipedia. Fairy tail wiki is about Storm Magic used by Erigor, God Slayer Magic and Dragon Slayer Magic(Focus on Fifth Generation Dragon Slayers). Wikipedia is just about Storms. This is just to let you know what to expect, some things are different in my story so treat it as an AU. I recommend that you read Storm Magic, God Slayer magic and Dragon Slayer Magic that I have posted down below. You can skim through the Storm Wikipedia.
Storm Magic: A Magic that allows its user to manipulate the weather by the use of his hand or a large scythe with a skull on it. By using this Magic, the user has control overwinds, clouds and lightning for attacking, as well as possible defensive purposes. This Magic has been called to have mastery over natural phenomena.
God Slayer Magic: It is a form of Ancient Spell in which the caster can attain the abilities of a "God", using a specific element as their type. The certain elemental type of God Slayer Magic can be conjured from the caster's body and be used for various purposes, mainly in combat. It is said that the original usage of this Magic was to slay "Gods". In addition, the colour of each God Slayer's element has a black tint, regardless of what it may be. Although it is unknown how one learns God Slayer Magic, one such occasion allowed Sherria Blendy to learn it from a book.
Similar to Dragon and Devil Slayer Magic, the caster can eat their element and also use it for combative purposes. It appears that they cannot eat their own "God-like" element directly, but can eat Dragon Slayer magic of that element. The reverse does not hold of Dragon Slayers, who cannot eat God Slayer Magic unless the Dragon Slayer has emptied their Magic Power to create a vessel for the respective element.
Dragon Slayer Magic: Dragon Slayer Magic is a type of Lost Magic that allows its users to transform their physical bodies into a Dragon. As a result, the user can transform their body with features of their respective element, utilizing both offensive and defensive styles. A Dragon Slayer is immune to the effects or hindrance of their element, even if it is reflected at them with greater power, and can consume external sources of their element to replenish their strength. However, a Dragon Slayer cannot consume the element that they produce themselves, and elements must be consumed through the mouth. It is known that Dragon Slayers have been able to consume elements other than their own, allowing them to combine both elements into one inside their bodies and use them to increase their abilities. Dragon Slayer Magic is the only way to kill or even hurt Dragons, who are shown to be mostly unaffected by other forms of Magic.
There are five natural ways one can learn Dragon Slayer Magic, outside of unnaturally being enchanted with the Lost Magic through a Dragon Slayer Seal
The first way is one must be taught by an actual Dragon. The ones who learned their Dragon Slayer Magic through this method are referred to as First Generation Dragon Slayers.
The second way is one must have Dragon Lacrima implanted into their body. The ones who learned their Dragon Slayer Magic through this method are referred to as Second Generation Dragon Slayers.
The third way is a combination of the first two methods: ones who both learned their Dragon Slayer Magic by receiving the teachings of a Dragon and also having Lacrima implanted into their body. The ones who learned how to perform Dragon Slayer Magic by utilizing both methods are referred to as Third Generation Dragon Slayers.
The fourth way one can learn Dragon Slayer Magic is through self-taught.
The fifth way is for them to consume a Dragon's flesh or an actual Dragon Slayer. The ones who learn Dragon Slayer through this method are referred to as Fifth Generation Dragon Slayers.
Storms from Wikipedia: A storm is any disturbed state of an environment or in an astronomical body's atmosphere especially affecting its surface, and strongly implying severe weather. It may be marked by significant disruptions to normal conditions such as strong wind, tornadoes, hail, thunder and lightning (a thunderstorm), heavy precipitation (snowstorm, rainstorm), heavy freezing rain (ice storm), strong winds (tropical cyclone, windstorm), or wind transporting some substance through the atmosphere as in a dust storm, blizzard, sandstorm, etc.
Storms have the potential to harm lives and property via storm surge, heavy rain or snow causing flooding or road impassibility, lightning, wildfires, and vertical and horizontal wind shear.
Systems with significant rainfall and duration help alleviate drought in places they move through.
Heavy snowfall can allow special recreational activities to take place which would not be possible otherwise, such as skiing and snowmobiling.
A thunderstorm is a type of storm that generates both lightning and thunder.
It is normally accompanied by heavy precipitation.
Thunderstorms occur throughout the world, with the highest frequency in tropical rainforest regions where there are conditions of high humidity and temperature along with atmospheric instability.
These storms occur when high levels of condensation form in a volume of unstable air that generates deep, rapid, upward motion in the atmosphere. The heat energy creates powerful rising air currents that swirl upwards to the tropopause.
Cool descending air currents produce strong downdraughts below the storm.
After the storm has spent its energy, the rising currents die away and downdraughts break up the cloud. Individual storm clouds can measure 2–10 km across.
Somewhere on the continent of Ishgar, we find a small but peaceful place. In the middle of nowhere, it's a small but humble place. A village if you will, with a small population of 200.
We see many people laughing, playing and just having an all-around fun time. But there is just one tiny problem, there is a mountain right next to it, while that wouldn't be a problem for the village as a whole. But when you cannot even see the top and it's almost constantly storming at the top. For some reason, Thunder and Lightning never strike or even release a sound.
And when anyone tries and climbs the mountain it feels like gravity increases immensely, each step is harder than the last. Almost like it is a challenge that one must overcome. But we aren't talking about the mountain just yet.
We see a boy around 3. Black hair, dark gray eyes almost like the colour of a storm cloud. He was alone not playing with the other children, the only thing he likes to do is read and stare at the storm cloud above.
A lonely child but it won't last long if fate has anything to do with it.
X300's roughly a few months ahead.
Screaming, Pain, Terror, The fog of Death rolls over the entire village, people are running from the enemy in which case are bandits and dark mages who are, killing, pillaging, raping.
The boy is seen running from the village up to the mountain.
---------Pov Change------
Bandits and Dark mages
"Hahaha, this is GREAT! The screams the pain, the PLEASURE" - Bandit 1 who is currently raping a woman while her husband is watching powerless to do anything. His legs and arms are chopped off.
"The beautiful stench. Who knew learning magic would make this all so much easier" - Dark Mage 1 as he is cutting apart a child. Dissecting him one piece at a time.
"Focus on making sure no one escapes!" - Leader
"YES SIR!" - They both shout as they both stop what they are doing.
"BOSS! One kid is running to the mountains" - A Goon shouts out as he noticing someone escaping.
"AFTER HIM!" - The Leader yells out.
"YES SIR!" - Everyone yells out.
As they chase the boy towards the mountain dodging trees, roots sticking out of the ground and even branches.
They are gaining ground while the boy is slowing down the farther he goes towards the mountain, eventually, they also start to slow down due to the weight pressing them down.
"Why am I slowing down? it's like a boulder is on my back?" - Bandit 1
"KEEP PUSHING FORWARD!" - The Leader yells out.
Eventually, they all start slowing down to a turtle pace due to the weight pressing them down as if gravity itself has tripled. However, the only one that can keep running is the boy.