Amber's POV
"So how was your day Amber?" My mother asked,
"Fine." I said, looking out the car window not bothering to put the seat belt on,
My day was awful, but I wasn't going to say that, Samantha Wreath The Wrathful Bully and her gang,
Tore up my new art book today I just got to replace the one she threw into the lake at the park last week it was the 25th one I had to replace, Now I have to replace it yet again with the money that I earn in tips from working as a waitress at my Mother's Cat Cafe, and that I earn from my art work and crafts I make at my Aunt Ouida's (Wee-da) small Art's and Crafts store,
But I'm used to the bullying now cuz it's manageable, why, cuz Samantha doesn't physically bully me(like hitting, punching, or kicking), she only verbally bullies me and she tries to make me mad by tearing up my painting, drawings, or my art books.
Taking then breaking or crushing my artistic pencils, artistic color pencils, crayons, oil pastels colors, and colored chalks.
She destroys my colored ink/gel pens and markers.
As for my acrylic paint, watercolors, and oil paints, let's just say that the first time I brought them she had took them and then poured them all over my head so after that the first time bringing my own paints to art class became the last time,
But when she isn't around, or is at home sick, or in detention, and thankfully that doesn't often happen which I'm thankful for,
but when it does happen is her so called 'friends' bully me physically, spit on me, and they bully me verbally as well.
But before the second semester of the second year of middle school Samantha Wreath use to be my childhood friend, but after summer break that year.
She changed for the worst and started bullying me at first it wasn't any big deal,
But then she started making up rumors about how I have a disease that will make anyone who is friends with me will turn into a nerd.
So after that I lost all my friends and then the teachers except one turned a blind Eye on me getting bullied.
That one Teacher was Ms. Kathy my art teacher she kept a watchful eye on Samantha and her friends making sure that I was all right.
"You sure your okay dear? " she asked, but before I could answer her a truck horn sounded from the left near my Mother along with the sound of glass shattering and then I blacked out.
"Wakie wakie Amber Faye, I don't have all day." Said a voice that I didn't recognized, "Uhggg... Where am I?" I said setting up shaking my head,
"And who the heck are you?!" I said, when I saw a young lady with light pink hair, pale skin, wearing a tanned colored scarf, a black buttoned up jacket, white pants, and white and white Converses.
"The names Bell as for where you are, well that's up to you. You are getting to choose where you want to be reincarnated to." bell said, holding out her hand for me, I grabbed it and she pulled me up,
"Wait Reincarnation!? I'm dead!?" I yelled,
"Yes and before you say anything else you got two choices of reincarnation, the first is you can return back to your world but you will have no memories and a new life,
and the other choice is that you can be reincarnated into the world of My Hero Academia, and you get to keep all of your memories, along with 5 wishes and a quirk. For a second quirk you can use one of your 5 wishes for it, so what will it be?" Bell said,
I looked at her in suprised when she said that I could be reincarnated into MHA. Because I must be dreaming because I love My Hero Academia, but I loves Izuku Midoriya the most and getting to meet him I was so excited, but I feel like there's a catch,
"What's the catch?" I said,
"It's nothing really just that you have to help Deku and heroes with your knowledge of My Hero Academia."
"I want the My Hero Academia world." I said,
"Okay so first what will your quirk's name be and what's is it's summary and drawbacks?" Bell asked, taking out a clipboard and a pen,
"I want my quirk to be name Quirk Collection: This quirk has 4 different ways I can use it.
Quirk Collection
The first is that I can use any quirk, superpower, or superpower items [like the Omnitrix and Miraculous Jewels] as long as I know the name of it of them. I'm able to use up to three quirks at once not including combination quirks.
Quirk Collection: Combinations
I'm also able to combine as many quirks/superpowers into one making them more powerful.
Quirk Collection: Giver
I'm able to give anyone or any item any power or quirk I know of without them having the drawbacks of the said quirk, but I can give them drawbacks, and they can lose their quirk I've given them if they choose to do villainous things for selfish reasons, but will get 3 warnings if they do it for selfless reasons before losing the quirk.
Quirk Collection: Miraculous Creation
I'm also able to make my own Miraculous jewels and kwamies out of the quirk/superpower that I put into the piece of jewelry, mask, or goggles/glasses. The Miraculous also becomes indestructible.
Drawbacks: Inorder to use power or quirk I have to say* the name of it outloud or when I give a power or quirk to someone else and then the name of the power or quirk outloud as well.[*= Can say in any language it will still work the same.]
When I am making Miraculous jewels I will need a piece of jewelry, mask, or goggles/glasses as well as written information about the Kwami I am making." I said,
"Okay now what are your 5 wishes?" Ka said,
"My first wish is that I want to be Momo Yaoyorozu's twin sister. My second wish is that I want a second quirk called
Full Healing: with this quirk I can heal any injury new or old, and even heal life threatening injuries no matter how bad they are.
Drawbacks: what food I eat depends on how fast I can heal someone. Fruits being the most effective and sweets being the less effective,
and mixing two food groups together like a Fruit and Vegetable smoothie makes my healing 60x faster than just fruit, and dessert with fruits in it like an Apple pie the Speed of my healing is 2x faster than me just eating fruit alone.
For my third wish, I wish that my quirks can't be taken away from me or stolen from me by anyone as well as the quirks/superpowers I've given people also can't be taken away, and the Miraculouses I've made and/or give can't be taken away by force or taken back once given, but can be given to anyone, like if I gave All Might one he will then be able to give it to anyone, but I wouldn't be able to take it back unless he gives it back to me,
My fourth wish is that Izuku Midoriya falls in love with me in his own way and Ochaco Uraraka falls for Tenya Iida in her own way, and for my last wish I wish to be in class 1-A at UA High." I said,
"Okay got it now I'll be sending you to MHA enjoy your second chance Amber Faye Yaoyorozu, b...." Bell said, but I cut her off,
"Wait!!" I said,
"Hmm? Do you have a question?
"Yes, did my Mother survive the car crash!?" I asked worriedly,
"Name." Bell said,
"Catie(Ká•tea) Gordin." I said, suddenly a folder appeared in front of Bell,
"Yes she survived it do you want to send her a letter?" Bell asked, I shook my head,
"No, but Can I asked you a favor?" I asked,
"Sure what's the favor?" She asked, I lend forward and whispered into her ear, when I lend away I saw mischief in her eyes and sinter smile on her face,
"I can do that without any problems I'll make sure her Friends regret hurting you,
and the Teachers who turned a blind eye on you when you were being bullied will have their reparations ruined,
and I will be sure to give Ms. Kathy Opal her dream job of being a well known artist, singer, and author as well as becoming a great auther, artist, song writer, and singer,
and She will also never run out of artistic ideas, so she will never have Writers block or Artist block,
and I'll also give her a extend life span where she can live to be a little over 100 years old, as well as a good husband and I'll be sure that she gets the family that she always wanted,
and when she dies I'll tell her that she will be reincarnated into My Hero Academia with all of her memories and with her memories of you stronger,
into a quirkless 10 year old girl with a great heart for art, you, Momo, and your Mother will find her near an orphanage drawing beautiful pictures for money, after your vist from the quirk doctor.
Then you must ask her to draw a picture of a Kwami for herself, it will then come to life after you pick it up it will then merge with your silver bracelet turning it into a miraculous of art.
You will then have to tell your mom that you want an older sister to look up to and Momo says that she also wants an older sister and that Kathy will be perfect for it, she'll agree to it." Bell said,
"Thank you, Bell and also tell her my new name too before you send her here and show her a picture of what kwamies look like so she will know what how to draw them to." I said,
"Of course anything else?" Bell asked,
"Yes, when I get my phone in MHA world please send all information from my world about all tv shows, anime, movies, and books dealing with some sort of superpower and/or superpowered items and all animals and creatures of mythology to my phone in the form of files with the name of what they represent, when I turn it on for the first time, and please make sure my quirk doctor isn't the same one as Izuku Midoriya's." I said,
"Okay I'll be sure to do that now if that is all then, this is goodbye Amber Faye Yaoyorozu." Bell said, with that I blacked out, with a smile on my face.
When I opened my eyes up I was in the body of a four year old girl with brown hair and glasses.
"Amber hello Amber. Earth to Amber?" Said a familiar voice I looked over and see Momo trying to get my attention,
"Sorry Momo, what you say again?" I said, she sighed.
"I was saying I'm going with you and Mom to the quirk doctor tomorrow morning to see what our quirks are." Momo said,
"Oh okay." I said, as I then went into my room that was in front of Momo's,
"Well good night Momo." I said,
"Good night Amber." she said, I then went to bed.
I woke up and started getting ready for my appointment with my quirk doctor after a nice shower and changing into some simple clothes there was a knock on my bedroom door.
"Amber you up?" Momo asked,
"Yes I'll be down in a minute Momo." I said,
"Okay breakfast is also ready." Momo said, walking away,
"Thank Momo!" I yelled,
after I brushed my hair and my teeth, and put on my glasses, I headed down for breakfast.
"Morning squirt, I'll see you after work okay." Dad said, as he got up to leave for work,
"Bye Dad." I said, and gave him a hug.
After he left I got up onto the chair and started to eat my breakfast blueberry muffins and a strawberry, banana, and spinach smoothie.
When we were done me, Momo, and our Mother, started walking to the nearby doctor's office.
After getting there Mom filled out the paperwork and gave it back to the nurse, we then waited for about 15 minutes,
"Amber Faye and Momo Yaoyorozu?" Said a female voice,
"Here." Mom said, as we got up
"Follow me please." She said, we followed her into a room with many medical devices in it,
"Wait in here the doctor will appear shortly." The woman said closing the door,
After a few minutes a young Lady with pink hair, cat ears, and a tail, in a doctor's coat came in,
"Hello I'm Dr. Sarah and I'll be your quirk doctor today so let's get started okay." Dr. Sarah said,
The doctor started with Momo first. She took some blood, some hair, saliva(spit), and some finger and toenails.
After putting the everything into a machine to be mixed and crushed into a smooth red liquid the doctor placed a small beaker in the machine, it then poured the red liquid into the beaker when it was done,
Dr. Sarah took it out then pressed another button then poured a bottle of water into it with a small packet of some sort,
she then came over to some kind of computer with a funnel on the top and on the left side was a type of small plastic bag that you would use for blood donation.
She then poured the Momo's red mixture of liquid into the top, suddenly the computer started printing out papers when the paper stopped.
The red liquid was sent into the plastic blood bag, after all of it was in the bag, Dr. Sarah took the bag off and screwed the top on, and picked up the papers and walked back over to us.
"So Momo Yaoyorozu, your quirk is already registered in the quirk database but the quirk isn't common it's called
CREATION: You are able to create anything from your body as long as it is nonliving and that you know what the object is and made of.
DRAWBACKS: Inorder to make the given item you will need foods with a lot of carbs in them.
So I suggest you add sweets to her diet okay Ms. Yaoyorozu." Dr. Sarah said,
"Yes I understand." Mom said,
"Okay your turn Amber Faye Yaoyorozu." Dr. Sarah said,
After she took the same things from me, and did the same thing, like she did Momo,
But when she looked at the papers I could see she was was shocked,
"Is everything alright doctor?" Mom asked,
"Y-y-yes Ma'am everything is fine I'm just a little shocked at one of Amber's quirks is all." Dr. Sarah said,
"May I ask why?" Mom asked,
"Well how should I put it her first quirk isn't in the quirk database so it has no name but I can tell you the summary of it and she can give it a name
???: This quirk has 8 different ways she can use it.
The first is that she can use or make any quirk, superpower, or superpower items as long as she know the name or gives them a name. She is able to use up to three quirks at once not including combined quirks.
She is also able to combine as many quirks/superpowers into one making them more powerful.
She is able to strengthen or improve other people's quirks. She can also awaken people's hidden quirk factors or dormant quirks.
High Intelligence
Her intelligence is that of a high schooler and will only increase more in the future. If I could guess her intelligence when she becomes 15 will be on par or better than Principal Nezu of U.A.
Internal Storage System/Quirk Storage
She can store anything she wants. Living and none living. She can even put a injured person in. Anything that she puts in that person or item will enter a time stasis.
She is able to give anyone or any item any power/quirk she knows of without them having the drawbacks of the said quirk, but She can give them their own drawbacks, and they can lose their quirk she has given them if they choose to do villainous things for selfish reasons, but they will get 3 warnings if they do it for selfless reasons before losing the quirk.
Just like she can give she can also take quirks away. She can even take away the drawbacks of others quirks. Without the person knowing.
Miraculous Creation
She is able to make her own Miraculous jewels and kwamies out of the quirk/superpower that she puts into s piece of jewelry, a mask, or a pair of goggles/glasses. The Miraculous are also indestructible.
Drawbacks: Inorder to use power/quirk she have to say* the name of it outloud and/or when she give a power/quirk to someone else and she must also give a name to a new power/quirk she has made outloud or write it down.[*= Can say in any language it will still work the same.]
When she is making Miraculous jewels she will need a piece of jewelry, a mask, or a pair of goggles/glasses as well as written information about the Kwami she is making.
So what will you name this quirk? " Dr. Sarah asked,
"QUIRK COLLECTION!" I said, without hesitation,
"Wow a quick response are you sure?" She asked, I nodded my head,
"Yes I'm sure plus the name fits it." I said,
"Okay I wrote it down and I will send the data to the quirk database now your second quirk isn't common but it's a lot more rare than your sister's it's called
Full Healing: with this quirk you can heal any injury new or old, and even heal life threatening injuries no matter how bad they are. You can also heal yourself unknowingly.
Drawbacks: what food you eat/drink depends on how fast you can heal someone/self. Fruits being the most effective and sweets being the less effective,
and mixing two or more food groups together like a Fruit and Vegetable smoothie makes your healing 60x faster than just fruit alone, and dessert with fruits in it like an Apple pie for example then the Speed of your healing is 5x faster than you just eating fruit alone.
So be sure to eat or drink something with fruits and/or vegetables in it as much as possible, okay?" Dr. Sarah said,
She handed me a carton of apple juice and Momo a small lollipop after that we left the doctor's office and we walked home.
But on our way home I saw a girl who looked about 4 years older than me drawing beautiful pictures in seconds and then hanging it up.
"Hey Mom can I ask her to draw me a picture of a kwami?" I asked my mom,
"Sure dear, here some money for you and Momo." Mom said as she handed us each a $5 dollar bill.
I ran over to her and waited for Momo when she came over,
"Hi can you draw me a Kwami that you would want for yourself for me please." I asked, she looked up and smiled then she nodded her head,
"Sure the names Kathy if you wanted to know." She said, after putting up the drawing she just finished,
"Amber Faye Yaoyorozu and this is Momo Yaoyorozu my older twin sister and that is my Mom Finna Yaoyorozu." I said,
Kathy then started drawing a Kwami that looked like a mermaid, when she was done drawing,
"Do you want me to color it? It will be $5 dollars after I've finished coloring it for you." Kathy asked, looking up at me,
"That's fine, but be sure you color it how you would like it, please." I said,
she nodded her head she then bent down and grabbed something from under the table she then placed a shoe box on the table and opened it to reveal a lot of colored pencils, she looked around in it then took out a lot of different colors and started coloring the Kwami picture after about five minutes she was done,
"All finished that will be $5 dollars." Kathy said,
"Here's $5 dollars." I said,
"Thanks." She said looking at the pictures she finished,
"Your welcome and thanks for the pictu...Eeep!" I yelped in suprise,
because the picture of the Kwami I asked for suddenly became real,
"Hi can you please give me a name Master?" It asked, looking at me,
"Umm... Is Umi (you•me) okay?" I asked,
"What am I the Kwami of?" Umi asked,
"Umi the Kwami of Art." I said,
"What are my transformation words?" Umi asked,
"Umi Let's Paint." I said,
"What are my detransformation words?" Umi asked,
"Umi We're Done." I said,
"What will be my Miraculous Jewel?" Umi asked,
"Will this do?" I asked, holding up my bracelet that had a paintbrush charm on it,
"It's perfect!" Umi said, as she flew over to it and touched it make it change a little and added color to the paintbrush charm.
"Kathy are you an orphan?" Mom asked,
"Yes I am the building behind me is the orphanag in which I stay at and I'm trying to help them with their money problem even though I'm quirkless with no powers I'm not the only quirkless kid here either their are 6 other quirkless kids here the youngest being 4 in a half and the oldest being 11. I'm 10 now I've already given up on my quirk coming, and being a hero is out of the question, so yeah I'm trying to help the best I can right now." Kathy said,
"Mom can I?" I asked giving her the puppy dog eyes,
"Of course honey it is your quirk after all." Mom said with a smile,
"Can you what? Cuz I'm lost." Kathy said,
"Why don't we take this inside, first, Amber." Momo said, I nodded my head in agreement,
"Mom can we go in?" I asked,
"Sure, Kathy can you lead us please?" Mom asked,
"Umm... Sure let me first put down anything that could be blown away by the wind." She said as she placed a medium sized stone on top of her drawing papers.
When she was done she got up and walked in front of us and lead us inside, when we got inside what we saw was beyond what a orphanage should look like.
If a Health inspector came I'm sure he or she would close this place down in a heartbeat.
"This this is unacceptable and is completely unsafe and unhealthy for children, much less orphans to be living here!" Mom said,
"Eeeeep RAT!!" Momo screamed, than ran behind Mom,
"THEO, MR. TOBE ESCAPE AGAIN AND IS SCARING OUR GUESTS!?" Kathy yelled while picking up the rat I then saw a small collar on it with a name tag that said Mr. Tobe on it.
"I'm sorry about Mr. Tod he's the only pet we have and his old owner ran away for having a useless quirk, after that
Mr. Tobe hasn't been the same and we don't know why." Kathy said,
" you know what the name of her quirk was by any chance?" I asked,
"If I remember correctly I think it was called Animal Talker. Why'd you ask?" Kathy asked,
"Animal Talker." I said, suddenly I could understand what the rat was squeaking,
"Put me down, I can find miss Cammi on my own I can still smell her living scent meaning shes still alive!" It squeaked,
"Hello Mr. Tobe would you like me to help you?" I asked him, suddenly Mr. Tobe stopped squeaking and looked at me,
"You'd help me find miss Cammi!?" He squeaked,
"Yes and no I'll carry you and you will lead me to where you smell her at is this alright with you?" I asked,
"Let me smell your scent first to see if you are worthy of my trust." He squeaked, I nodded my head and held out my hand to him.
He started sniffing my fingers suddenly he freed himself from Kathy's head and jumped into my chest he then climbed up onto my shoulder and sat there,
"So is this a yes Mr. Tobe?" I asked,
"Yes, I trust you more than Theo that is." Mr. Tobe squeaked,
"Ms. Yaoyorozu I'm so sorry Mr. Tobe has never done this before..." before Kathy could finish I spoked
"Kathy I just spoke with Mr. Tobe with my quirk Quirk Collection basically any quirk I know the name of I can use it as well as give anyone a quirk without them having any drawbacks with the quirk I give them this also includes items like this one, but before you say anything Mr. Tobe just told me that he can find Cammi and that she is alive..." but before I could finish an older boy who looked about 10 or 11 years old came running out from god know where trying to take Mr. Tobe away but before he could take him off my shoulder Mr. Tobe bit him making him yelp in pain
"I'm guessing your Theo right?" I asked,
"What's it to you?" He said, holding his hand,
"Quirkless?" I asked him,
"So what if I am, you got a problem with quirkless people!?" He yelled, I looked over at Kathy she just placed a hand on her head as if saying 'what am I going to do with you?'
"No I don't have a problem with quirkless people, but can I ask you a question?" I said,
"What do you want?" He said,
"If you could have any quirk you want what would you want? The same goes for you Kathy." I said,
"Why shou..." I cut him off,
"Cuz my quirk can give you what you want without any drawbacks for you. So answer my question do you want a quirk and become a hero if you want?" I asked,
"Even if you could what you want from me?" He asked,
"All I ask for is that you use the quirk to be a hero and if I find out you used the quirk I gave you for evil I'll take it back understand?" I said in a sweet sinister voice, I saw him shaking like a leaf
"I understand." He said,
"Good so what kind of quirk do you want? Also try not to base it off of someone else meaning the top 20 pro heroes if you have a quirk based on one of them I'll turn it into a different look so what you got?" I said,
"If you can I'd like a quirk a little like All Might, Eraserhead, Hawks, Enverder, or something that has to do with the elements." He said,
"Hmmm...If you want the ability to control any element then I guess could give you a quirk like from the show The Last Air Binder if that is what you want, is it?" I asked,
"Being able to control any element as my quirk I would indeed like that." He said,
"Okay give me your hand." I said, Theo did as he was told,
"Theo to you I 'give Complete Element Control' with this quirk you can bend any elements to your will and someone else who is also an element user you can use their own element quirk against them.
Now try to find water near you and bring it to yourself it will listen to you." I said, he nodded his head then he closed his eyes and held out his hand suddenly Water from everywhere started to form in his hand,
"Good now I want you to concentrate on shaping it into a sword." I said, looking at the ball of water started to take shape of a katana sword,
"Now focus on making the water sword into an ice sword imagine the water get colder and colder and colder and colder until I tell you to open your eyes okay." I said,
we watch as the water sword start to freeze I watch more closely to make sure that it is completely made soon it was done so I grabbed it so when he opened his eyes it won't drop and shatter
"Now open your eyes." I said, he did and his eyes widen in amazement,
"I made that, it looks totally Badass!?" Theo said,
If you think this is badass wait until you use the other elements let's try Lighting next imagine a thunder bolt in your head." I said, he nodded opened his hands and then suddenly a large neon blue bolt of lightning appeared in his hand, when he saw it his smile became more happy,
"Miss I never got your name?" He said,
"Amber Faye Yaoyorozu, now remember what I've told you now applied the same method for the other elements understand?" I said,
"Yes ma'am!" He said and he ran off, I then walked over to Kathy and grabbed her hand,
"Now Kathy I know you love painting and drawing so I thought of a quirk that is best suited for you and can help protect yourself so I'm going to give you
Living Pictures: with this quirk your drawings and paintings will come to life whenever you want them to and become the real thing. Your pictures will obey your every command without hesitation.
Kathy you said that there were 5 other quirkless kids well 4 now you mind calling them for me after I'm finished I'll ask my mom if she can adopt you, Theo, and the other 4 quirkless kids so me and Momo won't be lonely and have someone to look up to as well as someone who looks up to us." I said,
Kathy nodded her head she then turned around and put her hands up to her mouth and then
"Dame Girl if you didn't say you were quirkless I'd think you could be President Mic's secret love child or something with that voice." Mom said, holding her ears, making me and Momo laugh.
Suddenly two boys who looked like they were 6 or 7 years old and they looked exactly like Yuno and Asta from Black Clover, 'Are they reincarnations too' I thought,
"I'm just guessing but your Asta," I said pointing at the kid with platinum blonde hair, "and your Yuno?" I asked, then pointing at the kid with black hair and golden eyes,
"Yeah I'm Asta and this is Yuno are you the ones big sister Kathy yelled about?" Asta asked, I nodded my head and smiled,
"Yes I'm Amber Faye Yaoyorozu, the Lady behind me is my Mother Finna Yaoyorozu, and the girl hiding behind her is my older twin sister Momo Yaoyorozu." I said,
"Why is she hiding?" Yuno asked, tilting his head to the side,
"Because she's terrified of rats and mice, cuz Mr. Tobe is a rat, and is on my shoulder she is hiding from him." I said,
"Okay but why did Kathy called only 4 of us down?" Asta asked,
"You'll know once the other two come down. CHAN, BIANCA, HURRY YOUR SELVES UP OR YOU WON'T GET YOUR SUPRISES FROM ONE OF OUR GUESTS!!" Kathy yelled again,
"Wait!? Suprises from one of you what is it tell us, tell us!!" Asta asked jumping up and down,
"Asta calm down please, I'm sorry about him but if it has anything to do with your quirk I'm pretty sure he might faint from excitement cuz he loves quirks and wishes to have one every night and on our birthday wish." Yuno said,
"Just asking but how old are you two?" Mom asked,
"Yuno and I are 6 and a half we'll be 7 on December 20 but Father Found us on Christmas eve though, but because of how short on money we are, our birthday is celebrated earlier than the day Father found us on the orphanage door step." Asta said,
when he was finished two girls came one looked about 4 or 5 years and the other looked about the same age as Kathy but a little taller.
The little girl hid behind the older girl
"Kathy what did I tell you about yelling! You know Chan is shy about seeing new people and it hurts her ears." The older girl said to Kathy,
"I'm sorry I just got excited and I wanted you guys to know what I'm excited about." Kathy said,
"Hey Kathy do you think you can take us somewhere a little more private?" Mom asked,
"Sure come on everyone." Kathy said, she then took us to a conference room where people meet the orphans to get to know them, after Kathy closed the door I got up and stood in front of the 4 quirkless kids
"Okay first let's introduce ourselves I'll introduce myself and my family. My name is Amber Faye Yaoyorozu, the Lady with me is my Mother Finna Yaoyorozu, and the girl next to her is my older twin sister Momo Yaoyorozu, and the reason I'm here is because I'd like to give you all a chance at have a quirk to call your own, now I already know who Asta and Yuno are but I don't know about you two." I said,
"I'm Bianca and this is Chan." Bianca said,
Okay now I know everyone's name I'll tell you what my quirk is called and what it can do but first everyone in here must promise me that you will become hero and follow the rules and laws as both citizen and heroes, do you promise to protect the weak and help the helpless?" I asked them,
"We promise!!" Everyone said except Bianca,
"Bianca do you promise?" I asked giving her the puppy dog eyes, and it's super effective,
"How could I say no to that face, I promise." Bianca said,
"Good now let me tell you what my quirks are and what they can do the first one is,
Quirk Collection: This quirk has 4 different ways I can use it the first is that I can use any and make any quirk, superpower, or superpowered items as long as I know the name of the quirk or when I make a quirk I must name it outloud and say the summary outloud.
I'm also able to combine as many quirks/superpowers into one making them more powerful.
I'm able to use up to three quirks at once not including combined quirks.
I'm also able to give anyone or any item any power or quirk I know of or made without them having the drawbacks of the said quirk,
and I'm also able to make my own Miraculous jewels and kwamies out of the quirk/superpower that I've put into a piece of jewelry,
Drawbacks: Inorder to use power or quirk I have to say* the name of it outloud or when I give a power or quirk to someone else or item I have to say 'give'* and then the name of the power or quirk outloud as well. I will also get the same drawbacks as what quirk that I use.
When I am making Miraculous jewels I will need a piece of jewelry as well as a drawing of the a Kwami.
Now that you know what I can do I'm asking you all what kind of quirk you want. If you can't think of a quirk you want then tell me your top five pro heroes or your favorite hero tv show power, and to make this easier we will go in ABC order, okay, good first is Asta.
So Asta you have any idea on what kind of quirk you want?" I asked,
"Umm...Something with a weapon, high stamina, speed, strength, and shadow magic or demon magic would be pretty cool." Asta said, I smile and held out my hand to him,
"Take my hand Asta." I said, he nodded and then took my hand,
"To you I give you The Anti Quirk: with this quirk you have the ability to cancel other people's quirks who are within 10 blocks of you, you are also able to find anyone you are looking for with the tiniest bit of evidence, you are also able to summoned a hand gun and when someone is shot with it they will fall unconscious for 1 day but when you shot nonliving living items the bullets become normal before impact.
Now don't go playing around with that gun when you want to use it give my Mother a call okay.
Bianca your next do you have any idea on what quirk you want?" I asked,
"Gang Orca is my favorite hero so I want something that I can use to help him become more popular if I become his sidekick, like maybe a dolphin mutation quirk." Bianca said,
"Okay I can do that but we'll have to take you home with us before I can give you that quirk. Are you all right with that?" I asked, she nodded her head and sat down,
"So what about you Chan what type of quirk do you want?" I asked sweetly,
"....pokemon..." she mumbled,
"I'm sorry can you say that again a little louder please?" I said,
"pokemon." She said,
"Oh so you like Pokemon okay what's your favorite pokemon?" I asked,
"Sylveon." She said,
"Pokemon Summoner." I said,
"Come on out Sylv!" I said after throwing the pokeball up suddenly a shiny female Sylveon appeared,
"Sylveon!" Sylv said after appearing,
I looked over at Chan and saw that she wanted to touch Sylv but was too shy and scared. So I whispered into Sylv's ear,
"The little girl who looks scared wants to play with you, use your ribbons to calm her down, if that doesn't work use soothing voice, blinke your eyes twice if you understand." I said, Sylv blinked twice and started walking around taking in her surroundings
"W-what she doing?" Chan asked,
"She's checking for danger to make sure your safe here." I said slowly Chan started to follow Sylv who slow down a little for Chan who was starting to calm down after walking around the room a third time Chan was walking beside Sylv soon Chan started to play with her after 5 minutes Sylv started leading Chan over to me.
"Do you want a quirk where you can summon any Pokemon to help you or play with you?" I asked, she looked at me then at Sylv, then she nodded and held out her hand to me which I slowly grabbed,
"Chan to you I give Pokémon Summoner: with this quirk you can summon any Pokémon you want and any number of Pokémon you want, the Pokémon you summon will obey you, you will also be able to summon a completed Rotom Phone Pokédex that will tell and show you what Pokémon can be helpful in your situation.
Sylv is now your partner and you are now her trainer take good care of her.
Now Yuno what kind of quirk do you want?" I asked, looking at golden eye boy
"Magic like from Harry Potter without the wand." Yuno said,
"Hmm... Do you not mind reading the spell books to use magic?" I asked, Yuno shook his head,
"No I don't mind I actually enjoy reading." Yuno said, I nodded then held out my hand to him, he took it,
"Okay Yuno to you I give The Wizard King's Magic Spell Library: this quirk will allow you to summon any spell books of any elements, powers, buffs, and debuffs, depending no the number of times you use a spell the more powerful that spell will become.
So I suggest you train hard Yuno. Oh also Asta you will also need to train so help Yuno out with training be his living target cuz you won't get hurt when his quirk hits you, okay. Now Kathy, Bianca come with us we are going to buy stuff, okay, but first Bianca would you want a quirk or a quirked item?" I asked,
"What do you mean?" Bianca asked,
"You remember what I said about my quirk right I can give you a quick or I can give you a quick item, the quirk item that I make for you and then give to you, you can then give the item to someone else, but you will be quirkless after giving the item away the reason why I asked is so you when you retire from being a hero you can give the item to someone else who has a good heart when that time comes the Kwami will help you find someone, and I already have a Kwame picture here." I said, handed Bianca the picture.
"It's beautiful but where can we find a bracelet?" Bianca asked,
"Creation. That won't be a problem for me I'll make one for you that won't fall off or get to small." I said, seconds later I finished creating the bracelet,
I then grabbed the picture and placed the bracelet on the picture, I then picked up the bracelet and placed my hand on the picture,
"Quirk Collection: Miraculous maker!" I said, suddenly the picture disappeared and then a Kwami appeared,
"Hello Master I'm Slippi The Mutation Dolphin Quirk Kwame." Slippi said,
"Slippi Bianca will be your owner from now on until she gives you to someone else or when she dies you and your Miraculous Jewel will come back to me." I said, as I gave the bracelet to Bianca.
"Understood Master Faye." Slippi said,
"Oh and Mr. Tobi I'm going to give you a tracking quirk as well as a wrap gate quirk, but I'll also be putting a tracking device into your collar with a destress signal button on the back of your name tag, so when you find Cammi press it and I'll send some one to your location do you understand?" I asked,
The rat gave me a nod and I gave him a nod back, after he said his goodbyes he wrapped away.
* = can say the in any language