CHAPTER 3: Entrance Exam

Everyone got out of the bus and stood in front of a giant gate to faux city B. I looked over at Izuku Midoriya who was next to me, then back to the gate I then got into a running position,

"FLASH'S SUPER SPEED." I whispered, and if you're wondering the answer is yes I can use any super powers as a quirk like.











So yeah any shows or movies I watched back home I can use as a quirk here the only drawbacks are that they all (Except one) have a some short of time limit on how long I can use them.

DC quirks are timed to be 20 minutes, Marvel 15 minutes, The Omnitrix 10,000 depends on which alien I use, Danny Phantom's ghost ability is 30 minutes, Miraculous Jewels the time limit 60 minutes when actived but the Miraculous I made myself don't have a time limit, Vanellope's Glitch ability is different instead of a time limit I have a limited range of how far I can glitch.

But back to the story I looked over at Midoriya and saw that he was also in a running position seconds later the gate opened and I was running fast but not as fast as the Flash I looked over my shoulder and saw Midoriya close by with green electricity surrounding him,


I came across ten 1-pointers smashing a few and leaving the rest for Midoriya, and kept running, I then came across a batch of 3-pointers,

"LASER EYES." I said, destroying all of them, I then deactivated Laser eyes,

"TELEPATHY." 'Midoriya how are you doing?' I asked,

'Fine thanks to you.' He answered,

'Good to hear, heres a secret to the test we are also marked with rescue points, so when you help someone out you get rescue points.' I said,

'Wow thanks for the tip Amber!' He said,

'No problem.' I said, punching a 3-pointer in the eye and karate kicking a 2-pointer in the face,

'Where are you I want to help.' Midoriya said, 'look for pink smoke coming from the east of the gate ' I said, "PINK SMOKE BREATH." I said, I then blew it up into the air make a small pink smoke cloud, after a few seconds I deactivated the quirk,

'Alright I see you. AMBER LOOK OUT!' He said, and I turn around to see a 3-pointer shooting rubber bullets and I was unable to move,

but before I knew it I was in Midoriya's arms Bridal Style which made me blush, Midoriya saw how he was holding me and his face turned as red as a tomato,

"S-s-sorry!" He said as he put me down,

"It's fine, Thanks for the save." I said smiling I then gave him a kiss on the cheek, making his face even redder.

"W-w-w-w-what w-w-was that-that f-f-for?" Midoriya asked,

"For saving me of course, why? Did you not like it?" I said, making a pouty face.

"N-no, I-I m-mean Y-y-yes." He stuttered, I laughed.

"Midoriya it's okay it was a trick question after all, let's go rack up some points. Follow me." I said,

"O-o-okay." Midoriya Said,

"RADAR." I said,

"This way I found five 3-pointers and five 2-pointers and ten 1-pointers and someone who is in trouble." I said.

Running together towards the direction of the robots and the person in need of help, when we got there the person who needed help was someone I hate the most in the My Hero Academia series the purple pervert.

"Midoriya you take down the 3-pointers and 2-pointers I'll take care of the 1-pointers and the boy." I said.

He nodded his head and went after the 3-pointers and 2-pointers and I used super Speed to take care of the 1-pointers but one of the 3-pointers got away from Midoriya and was about to smash the purple pervert so I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him out of danger and also destroyed the 3-pointers with a kick to it's robot head.

"Nice boobs." He said, touching them, and angering me.

"Big mistake bub!" I said in a sinister voice that made him jump back.

I then used murderous intent on him making him pee his pants.

"If I were you I'd leave and never come back, if you know what's good for you." I said sinisterly, when I said that he ran away as fast as possible with his short legs.

"Uhhh, did I miss something?" Midoriya said, I shook my head.

"Let's go before somethi...." but before I could finish.

There was a big bang behind us and then the 0-pointer appeared I cursed under my breath, and we started to run but I tripped and fell and twisted my ankle then a piece of Rubble started to fall on my leg but before it fell onto my leg.

"KAVEN'S MATERIAL TOUCH.[BEN10]" I said, I then touched the ground becoming as hard as the concrete, but that didn't stop the piece of rubble from hurting me.

"Ahhhhh!!!" I yelled out in pain, Midoriya turned and saw me on the ground.

He then ran back towards the 0-pointer jumping using 100% of ONE FOR ALL and then he reeled back his arm and yelled at the top of his lungs.

"SMASHHHHH!!!" He yelled.

Punching the 0-pointer with the full force of ONE FOR ALL destroying it as well as his arm he then started to fall, I used ZERO GRAVITY on the rubble to get it off my leg, then I jumped with my good leg, and then.

"DRAGON WINGS." I said, with a single flap I was in the air and caught Midoriya in the air I than flew down and placed him down kneeling down beside talking his uninjured hand into both of mine I closed my eyes,

"FULL HEALING: INSTANT HEAL!" I said while holding Midoriya's uninjured hand as he was surrounded by a Emerald green aura as soon as he was fully healed and I passed out from using up all my energy


Later I woke up to find Midoriya, Small Might, and Recovery Girl talking, so I listened to what they were saying,

"And that she knows about ONE FOR ALL and she wants to help you train me?" Midoriya said

"Yes Young Midoriya, from what you said she seems to have a better understanding of ONE FOR ALL than even me or my old teacher did, and that's not all she also healed my injury I got six years ago." Small Might said,

"Your saying this young Lady healed your unhealable injury just like that and that she's a reincarnated person. All Might I find this really hard to believe." Recovery Girl said,

"If you don't believe me then take a look at this." Small Might said, pulling his shirt up,

"NO WAY YOUR SCAR IS GONE!!" Midoriya yelled, which earned him a hard wack from Recovery Girl's cane.

"Owww!!" He said,

"Are you trying to wake the girl up!?" Recovery Girl said,

"I'm already up if you three haven't noticed yet." I said setting up, looking at them.

"Well young Lady is what All Might saying true?" Recovery Girl asked,

"Yes everything he said is true." I said,

"E-e-even y-y-y-your c-c-c-crush on-on m-m-me?" Midoriya asked, I was shocked All Might told him that I sent a glaring at him making him flinch.

"Yes but I wanted to be the one who told you not someone else." I said, looking down.

Suddenly I felt someone's hand slipped into my own I looked up and saw a pair of emerald green eyes looking into mine, Midoriya then pulled me into a hug.

I buried my head into his chest, I started to snuggle into his chest, but Recovery Girl stopped us.

"So where did you reincarnated from Yaoyorozu?" She asked,

"Before I answer your question please call me Amber and that you three have to promise not to tell anyone outside this room except Principal Nezu without my permission about what I am about to tell you and show you, do you understand?" I said,

"You have my word Young Yaoyorozu." Small Might said,

"Mine as well I'll be sure that Nezu promises as well." Recovery Girl said,

"I p-p-promise not to t-t-tell anyone without your p-p-permission A-amber." Midoriya said,

"Imagine a world where everything was boring and normal, if you can't then I'll show you, SHARED MEMORY." I said and we were put in my memories of my life, starting with me playing with my childhood friend SAMANTHA WREATH.

"My home world didn't have quirks, superpowers, or anything like that, the only thing I looked forward to was my favorite TV series and anime series," I said showing them how I came home from school and started watching tv.

"My Hero Academia was by far my favorite anime this is how I fell in love with you Izuku Midoriya the main character of the series because I know how you feel being bullied by a childhood friend, SAMANTHA WREATH was my childhood friend but for some unknown reason in the Second year of Middle School after summer break she changed. She changed for the worst," I said.

The scene changed to me at the park drawing some Kwamies in my art book when Samantha suddenly snatched it away and threw it into the park lake.

"But Samantha never physically bullied me, she only verbally bullied me and she either broke, crushed, tear, or destroyed my art stuff. But her 'friends' that was a whole another story," I said.

The scene changed again but this time I was being beaten up by Samantha's so called 'friends' only Samantha wasn't there.

"Her 'friends' physically bullied me, verbally bullied me, and they even spit on me, but for some unknown reason they only did this when Samantha wasn't around like if she was in detention or at home sick, which wasn't often which I was thankful for, then their where the teachers all of them always turned a blind eye on me being bullied," I said.

The scene changed showing how all my teachers ignored me while I was being bullied. When I was being bullied in class the teachers just kept teaching, in the hallway they just pass by without a word or turn around from which they came.

"All except one, one teacher, that one teacher was my art teacher Ms. Kathy Opal," I said.

The scene changed once more showing Ms. Kathy talking to me, giving me new drawing ideas, and closely watching Samantha and her 'friends', and when she finds me in the hall being bullied she gave Samantha and her 'friends' detention, and when she finds me beaten up, she would take me to her house and fix me up, and she would give me some hot chocolate or a cup of warm sweet tea to calm me down.

"Then I died in a car crash at age 14, and Ka gave me a chance to live here so I took it and here we are." I said.

Then the scene changed to what I last saw and heard, before I died, then it showed the white room and how I met Ka and everything that was said except for 3 of my 5 wishes I also let them hear my second wish and my wish that my quirks couldn't be stolen or taken away by anyone, and the quirks I give or the item I put quirk in made magical items I made to couldn't be forcefully taken but could be forcefully given like ONE FOR ALL.

"Wow so you know about everything about us and everyone else?" All Might said,

"Oh that reminds me All Might I'm sorry to say this but 'he' isn't gone." I said.

Small Might's face changed from curious to shooked, he then looked over at Midoriya then back at me.

"You mean?" Small Might said, with in serious voice.

"Yes but I don't know where at the moment but when the time comes I'll be able to tell exactly where he is but I have something more important to tell you at the moment." I said,

"What is it?" Small Might asked,

"You being a teacher here as All Might will put the students in more danger than you may think so I advise that you keep a low profile and teach them in this form with the alist as All Might's personal assistant it may help, but when you are in your buff form please make sure that you are outside the school and/or fighting villains so if anyone asks just say that you were in the area and just wanted to help out this may help to confuse some of your enemies, don't you agree Recovery girl?" I said,

"Hmmm... Young Lady you are correct and with his injury healed he can continue his hero work like he use to without the time limit and as Yagi he can teach the hero classes here, but that is only if he chooses to do it let me call Nezu to come in." Recovery Girl said, walking out to call Nezu.

When she returned Principal Nezu came in right behind her, after the door was closed, and Nezu grabbed a seat to sit down I spoked,

"Principal Ne..." But I was cut off by the white mouse/dog/bear.

"Call me Nezu Ms. Yaoyorozu." He said,

"Okay, then call me Amber then Mr. Nezu, same applies for you All Might please call Young Amber Faye if you must, cuz I don't want any confusion in my class all right?" I said,

"All right Amber so why did Recovery Girl tell me to come?" Nezu asked,

"I'll get straight to the point, just a warning I'm about to use my quirk, okay." I said, everyone nodded



Suddenly we started watching from a 3rd person POV as class 1-A and Eraserhead get off a bus and meet pro hero 13, Eraserhead walks up to him and asked where All Might is 13 held up 3 Fingers telling him that he went over his time limit, after saying this 13 started talking about his quirk and how it can be dangerous and how quirks don't make the person what or who they are. Only how the person uses their quirk is how they should be treated, when 13 was done, a wrap gate appeared and a guy with pale blue hair and hands all over him and a big black bird beaked monster with it's brain showing were the first to step out then a whole lot of villains started walking out of the wrap gate, Kirishima said 'Cool you even have fake villain.' 'Get back! Those aren't fakes those are real villain, 13 protect the students! Kaminari try to contact the school!' After he said that he was about to jump and fight the villains, but Midoriya tried to stop him saying that his quirk wasn't meant for close combat fighting, but Eraserhead said he wasn't a one trick pony and that he as a pro hero had a more than a couple of tricks up his sleeves, with that said he jumped down and started fighting the villains, Midoriya stood there watching Eraserhead in amazement, but Iida got his attention, and told him to hurry up and follow the rest of the class, as the class made there way to the exit a guy made of purple mist in a bartender suit appeared, introducing themselves as The League Of Villains and how they came here to kill All Might, then suddenly Bakugo and Kirishima attacked him only for their attacks to go through him, after saying that was close but only Bakugo heard him, he used his quirk wrap gate and scattered most of the students all around USJ, Midoriya along with Tsu and the purple pervert were teleported to the shipwreck zone, after being saved by Tsu, Midoriya started talking about how the villains didn't know what their quirks were if they had they wouldn't have sent Tsu here, she agreed and said that if they had known they would have sent her to the Fire zone, after that Midoriya asked to talk about quirks, after explaining what their quirk could do, Midoriya made a plan, suddenly one of the villains used their quirk to slice the ship with their water quirk, after that Midoriya put the plan he made into motion, jumping into the air then yelled "GO TO HELL!!" he then flicked his middle finger and thumb using 100% of One For All breaking them, sending a force of air into the water, 'Tsu now!' Tsu then jumped with the pervert with her tongue she grabbed Midoriya, then she grabbed him with her free hand, then the pervert started throwing his purple sticky balls into the whirlpool that Midoriya made, then all the villains were stuck together, after that they went over and watched Eraserhead fight, suddenly the blue haired handyman grabbed Eraserhead's elbow, turning his skin to dust, Eraserhead then kicked him to get away, but the handyman said that he wasn't the final boss suddenly the Black monster appeared behind Eraserhead and started pumbling him into the ground, then the wrap gate appeared next to handyman. Handyman asked if 13 was dead, the wrap gate said that 13 was out of commission, but one of the students escaped and was going for back up, this upset handyman saying for them to go home, but then he looked over at Midoriya and his friends, 'but before we go let's injure the #1 hero's pride by killing some of his students!' Suddenly handyman ran over to Midoriya, Tsu, and the purple pervert, Midoriya stood there in horror as he sees handyman reach a hand toward Tsu and watched in horror as he sees what would happen if handyman touched her head, but when he dose nothing happened, 'Your so cool Eraserhead.' Handyman said, 'Numu kill him.' , but that distraction was all Midoriya needed, he then jumped and pulled back his arm, 'SMASHHHH!' he yelled, but before he could hit handyman the Numu blocked his punch, and was phased by it suddenly the Numu grabbed Midoriya's arms, but before the Numu could do anything All Might appeared, the Numu dropped Midoriya, suddenly All Might grabbed Midoriya, Tsu, the purple pervert, and Eraserhead, and brought them to the entrance, telling them to take Eraserhead to the entrance, but Midoriya knew All Might's secret and knew that he was going pass that he say this but stopped himself before he could reveal his secret, All Might smiled and gave him a thumbs up, All Might then started fighting the Numu but it had no effect handyman then said that super strength wasn't the only quirk the Numu had and that it also had shock absorbent, then All Might flipped the Numu from behind making dust fly when the dust cleared the Numu had All Might in a death grip with the help of the wrap gate. Suddenly Todoroki's ice appeared on the Numu's right side, than Bakugo grabbed the metal collar on the wrap gate telling it that he revealed his weakness and that if the wrap gate tried anything he wouldn't hesitate to kill him the wrap gate said that a hero wouldn't do that but Bakugo slammed him down again and said try me, Kirishima went after handyman but he jumped away from Kirishima who mumbled at how his attack attempt felled. All Might then was able to free himself, but handyman told Numu to free their way of escape, suddenly the Numu started coming out of the wrap gate not caring about it being frozen and losing his arm and leg but they started regenerating, 'I thought his quirk was Shocked Absorbent!?' All Might said, 'it is but that isn't his only quirk Numu also has Regeneration so it can take you on at 100%, Numu free our wrap gate!' Suddenly the Numu ran fast at Bakugo and punched at him 'KACCHAN!!!' Midoriya yelled, 'Why'd the hell you yelling nerd I'm right here.' Bakugo said, 'Bakubro how you dodge that attack!?' Kirishima asked, 'Shut up shitty hair I didn't dodge it!!' Bakugo said, 'Dame you could of hold back a bit he's just a kid! ' said a voice from the dust cloud, revealing All Might, 'He was holding my comrade hostage so of course I wasn't going to hold back, now Numu kill him!' Suddenly All Might started fighting after telling Todoroki, Midoriya, Bakugo, and Kirishima to stand down, when the two collided they sent shock waves so powerful that the wind pushed both sides back, then All Might sent the Numu flying through the USJ's dome and through the sky, All Might then turn to the two villains, bluffing they then started running towards All Might but Midoriya jumped forward breaking his legs just like at the entrance exam, 'LEAVE ALL MIGHT ALONE!!' the wrap gate then made a portal next to Midoriya as handyman reach out to him, but suddenly a bullet shot handyman, 'Your Class Ref has returned with back up.' Iida said from the entrance.

With that I ended the Shared Memories.

"What I just showed you was one of the My Hero Academia Episodes but with me here it might change that's only if you All Might do what I suggested to do unless you want UA to have villain attacks on a regular basis and the people to lose hope in heroes, also Nezu I think your idea of making UA into bording school is a great idea, I ask you to make it happen as soon as possible, But I suggest you do it before me and Midoriya start school here for safety reasons, don't you agree?" I asked,

"Yes I agree with you Amber, a couple of days before you receive your UA letters me, Eraserhead, and Vlad King will have a press conference to announce that UA will become a bording school soon and that we will be sending agreement forms with UA's acceptance letters, Thank you for giving us a greater reason to make this happen, if I need any help I'll be sure to ask your opinion on it." Nezu said,

"Of course, may I add one more thing Nezu." I said,

"Go ahead." Nezu said,

"I'm pretty sure you know about the problem with the new generation of quirks and how some kids have quirks that they can't control and seem a bit OP then most of us, even Gang Orca has seen it so I have an idea about making UA also have a middle school as well as a daycare so if a child develops a quirk that they can't control UA can help them get it under control, heck UA should also look at drawbacks of kids who applied for the entrance exam I'm sure you all heard of the Hero Killer Stain right well in the future original Midoriya and two other people will take him down during their internships after the first years sports festival this year, but let me show you Hero Killer Stain's video that was made after his capture, Shared Memory: Hero Killer Stain's monologue and His Followers." I said,

Hero killer Stain was once someone who loved heroes, but his quirk was something that people feared called villainous and for that reason he was bullied and the hero school turned him away, that is when Stain saw that the heroes he loved were all fakes except one All Might. All Might will risk his own life to save anyone in trouble, while others only save who they want just for the fame and money, a ture hero would save anyone without hesitation or if they had to break a law to ensure that everyone should be saved and treated the same,

I stopped it there "Nezu I now want you to take a video of the people I'm about to show you be sure to give it to Eraserhead these kids come from real bad backgrounds I give you their names that they are know by and if they are using a alias I'll tell you what their real name is afterwards okay?" I said, Nezu nodded and took out his phone,

The first follower appeared a boy who looked no more than 17 or 18 had patch work on him he had blue eyes and black hair "Alias: Debi /Name: Toya Todoroki Quirk: Cremation (hot blue fire can turn anything to ashes)"

Soon a girl who looked about Midoriya's age she had blond hair put up in two messes buns " Name: Himiko Toga / Quirk: Blood Tranformation (can transform into anyone and use their quirks but she must have enough of their blood for her to keep up the transformation)"

Next was a guy with Lizard skin that looked like a ripped off Raphael from TMNT "Alias: Spinner / Name: Shuichi Iguchi / Quirk: Gecko (looks like a gecko and can stick to walls)"

Next was a man who wears a mask and does magic tricks"Alias: Mr. Compresser

/ Name: Atsuhiro Sako / Quirk: Compression (can compress anything into marbles) "

"This one is the last one." I said,

Lastly a picture of a man who had a scar on his head before he put a black and white mask on "Alias: Twice / Name: Jin Bubaigawara / Quirk: Double (can make a double of anyone)[But he won't make a double of himself due to a trauma of watching his doubles killing each other. After this Twice has now split personalities that happen to be able to make decisions cuz of this it's like two different people speaking neither agree with the other, Twice is in his 30's or 40's, he also has panic attacks where he argues with himself, he's most vulnerable in this state here and easier to capture]

"Well thanks for info young Amber we'll look for him and the people you showed us if you have any more information on him please let me or Nezu know." Small Might said, leaving the room,

"Well young Lady if you feel alright then you can go." Recovery Girl said,

"Thank you RG and Nezu if you ever want any advice here's my phone number." I said,

"Of course dear." She said, with that I got up but I immediately felt light headed, "Whoaa... Ummm Recovery Girl do you have any fruit so I can replenish my energy." I asked, grabbing hold of Midoriya so I wouldn't fall,

"Sure I had some right here after reading your file I had Lunch Rush Bring some bananas and strawberries for you." She said handing me a bowl I took it and saw sliced bananas and strawberries and a fork,

"Thanks RG and tell LR my Thanks as well." I said, quickly eating the food,

"Your welcome dear after all we healers have to look out for each other." RG said, I nodded my head agree with her,

"Indeed healing quirks are extremely rare, I'm glad that you made a wish for a healing quirk as a second quirk, Amber if you can I'll like you to come visit me after your first day of school I'll have Gang Orca and the teachers come for the meeting." Nezu said,

"Can you tell Detective Tsukauchi, Sir Nighteye, Endeavor, Gran Torino, Edgeshot, Fat Gum, Ryukyu, Mirko, Hawks, Best Jenest, UA's Big Three, and the Wild Wild Pussycats to come as well and make sure that they stay, also can you allow Shoto Todoroki to come to cuz I have a few choices words for his father Endeavor and I bet he will find what he sees as Comdie Gold." I said,

"May I know what you have in store for the number 2 hero?" Nezu said,

"All I'm going to tell you right now is that he'll lose his number 2 spot and never get it back if what I say and show goes public." I said with a sadist smile on my face,

"Phffffff...Hahahahaha, kid consider your request granted I'll be sure to call them and tell them to be there our they may regret it." Nezu said with the same sadist smile,

"Be sure to have your blackmailing martial ready to use on them if they are busy cuz none of them or the UA teachers are allowed to pass on this meeting, all right?" I said still had my sadist smile on,

"Oh don't worry I'll make sure that they all be there and they have to be on time. Well I'll be leaving now I got some phone calls to make and maybe some blackmailing, too, Haha, Amber consider yourself my favorite student, and if what you say is true for number 2 then I'll record the meeting, if you give me a good show then I am putting you in my book for never ending favors from me to you, well I'm leaving now have a good two weeks." Nezu said,

"Nezu I just remember something. That boy with grape like hair I think his name was Minoru Mineta he's the boy me and Midoriya saved, he grabbed my boobs, so when I get home I'm filing him for sexual harassment, if you let that perv here don't blame me for any backlash UA gets plus the only reason he wants to be a hero is for the girls." I said,

"Thanks Amber for the info and I agree I'll be sure to remove him do you have a replacement?" Nezu asked,

"Actually I do his name is HITOSHI SHINSO and his QUIRK: BRAINWASHING can you also take a video message from me and Midoriya to him to put on the hologram you'll send him?" I asked, "TELEPATHY." I whispered,

"Sure just tell me when your ready." Nezu said,

'Nezu this is Amber I'm using a Telepathy quirk you can talk back, as soon as I make prayer hands start recording immediately this guy loves to analyze quirks.' I tell him Telepathically.

'Oh if he gives a awesome analysis I'll consider letting him join the meeting with you and Todoroki.' Nezu said, I then make prayer hands giving him the signal he started recording.

"Midoriya can you tell Shinso how useful his quirk can be if he goes pro?" I asked,

"I guess what is his quirk?" Midoriya asked,

"His quirk is BRAINWASHING also tell him what you think and feel about people telling him that his quirk is a villain's quirk and being bullied for it." I said, Midoriya eyes brighten, but when I told him people saying his quirk was a villain's quirk and he was bullied for it, I saw how Midoriya could relate to him.

"First I want to say Shinso your quirk doesn't make who you are it's what you use it for that matters, second I know exactly what it's like to be bullied, you see until about a half a month ago, after you've seen this, I was quirkless and for my entire life after I was 4 I was bullied by someone who I thought was my friend but after I told him that I was quirkless he became a bully he used his explosion quirk on me every chance he got. But your quirk isn't villainess if anything it's awesome you could just tell the villain to surrender without any violence and if you use a voice changer you could trick your enemies into thinking that one of their comrades spoke to them and use them to lead other heroes to the place where they can take out the remaining members, if any thing I say I'm jealous of your quirk and I'll be happy to be friends with you, what about you Amber do you have any thoughts?" Midoriya said,

"Just that be who you want to be and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise will see you at UA Shinso class 1-A." I said then winked while waving. Nezu then stopped the recording.

"Well good bye Amber, Midoriya. See you at UA!" Nezu said leaving,

"Well we're off bye RG." I said,

"Bye Amber, bye Midoriya." RG said, with that me and Midoriya left.