"Wow, Amber so I can use all of these quirks by using One For All?" Deku asked,
"Yes and no right now you can only barely use the speed enhancement quirk without you hurting yourself.
Remember when you destroyed the 0-pointer you ended up breaking an arm and both of your legs
and that was only a medium portion of your power. I'd say it was 35% to 40% of One For All.
So you already know what would have happened if you used it at 100%. The chances of you surviving it are almost none existent.
The reason why your power was held back is thanks to the previous users of One For All, thanks to them your alive.
So starting tomorrow you and Mr. Yami will be coming to my house for training your quirk. Do you understand?" I said,
"I understand Amber-san." Deku said,
"But first please don't call me that, if you want to give me a nickname I'm fine with Amber Faye, Bambi, or just Faye." I said,
"Why Bambi?" Deku asked,
"It was the first nickname my first father gave me before he died in a car accident like me when I was 5." I said, with a sad smile,
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mea..." but before he could finish I cut him off
"Izuku stop saying you're sorry when you haven't done anything wrong, okay." I said,
he was shocked that I used his real name instead of his nickname knowing that he upseted me and was about to apologize again before stopping after he remembered what I said.
"O-okay Faye, may I ask a question?" Deku said, I nodded my head
"Sure Deku what is it?" I asked,
"When did you start drawing me and what was your first drawing of me?" Deku asked,
I smiled at him and walked over to my bed taking down one of them before walking back to him with it.
"To answer your second question this is the first picture l drew of you
and I started drawing you when I was 4 the day after I went to the quirk doctor to find out what my quirks were
and this picture is the first one I finished two days after I also retained my ability to draw pictures like a grown person who loved making art." I said,
the picture l drew of him was him age 4 before he was diagnosed quirkless,
in his All Might onesie holding an All Might plushie smiling with his mouth open at the person holding the picture with the words HAVE NO FEAR FOR I AM HERE written in bold with him doing a cute version of All Might's pose when he won a fight.
"Can you give this to your Mom as a thank you from me?" I said,
"What!? Why!?" Deku asked,
"Because I think she will like it more than me and also because I don't want it to become old and faded then it already is." I said,
"Oh okay if you really don't mind then I'll give it to her." Deku said, as he put it in the One For All's History notebook I gave him,
"Let's go eat my mom fixed Katsudon and an American Apple Pie!" I said, running out of the room while dragging Deku behind me,
"Wait did you say Katsudon!?" Deku asked,
"Yep so come on before it gets cold!" I said,
with that said Deku match my Speed useing One For All at 2%.
A couple of minutes later we arrived at the dinner table with All Might sitting on the right side at the top right corner,
my Father sat across from him, Deku sat on All Might's left side,
my Mother sat down in between All Might and my Father at the top of the table,
my twin sister Momo sat beside our Father and across from Deku, and I sat down in between my sister and Deku.
"Thank you for the food!" Everyone said, after a few minutes of eating Momo decided to started making small talk,
"So your the boy my twin sister won't stop talking about, Izuku Midoriya right?" Momo said,
"Yes but you can call me Deku like Amber if you want." Deku said,
"So did you see her room right?" Momo asked, I started to give her a death stare,
"Telepathy." I whispered,
'Deku, All Might, my family don't know I'm a reincarnated person so they think I've been stoking you Deku cuz of all my drawing of you and how I drew you at different ages along with the rest of class 1-A and some other Pro heroes, but most of the pictures I drew were of you Deku.' I said speaking to both of them,
'Young Amber why don't you tell them that your are reincarnated, do you not trust them?' All Might asked,
"Yes and I think she a very talented young artist just so you know." Deku said,
'Of course I trust them, but like you there's a reason why I haven't told them the more people know I'm a reincarnated person the more dangerous it is for my safety and those who know my secret, so I only told four people you, Deku, Recovery Girl, and Nezu, cuz I trust you all to be careful about who you tell my secret to.' I said,
"Oh my, your quite the gentlemen young man." My Mother said,
"Amber whose the man sitting beside Midoriya?" Momo asked quietly not wanting to be heard by anyone but me,
"That's Toshinori Yagi sensei, he works as All Might's personal assistant and a teacher for class 3-A in hero studies,
he's also Deku's fitness instructor and planner but after today I'll be helping him out with Deku's training." I said quietly,
"Why did he asked you for help?" Momo asked quietly,
"Well you see until quite recently Deku was quirkless, he just got his quirk not even a month ago and he isn't able to control it, at the entrance exam he saved me from the 0-pointer,
but all his bones in his right arm and both his legs were completely destroyed from using his quirk, so I healed him with my healing quirk but after healing him, I fainted from using up all my energy." I said quietly,
"So that's why mom said you wouldn't be coming home after the exam?" Momo asked quietly,
"No I woke up maybe three hours after the exam was over,
but Recovery Girl, All Might, and Principal Nezu were there and they asked me some questions,
then Yagi sensei and Deku came in after All Might left, to see if I was all right,
after Recovery Girl gave me some fruit that she asked Lunch Rush for me to regain my energy Deku invited me over to his house for dinner,
while walking we got to know each other better he told me what his mom was making for dinner,
and he asked me about my quirks I told him about them and boy did he start to fanboy over them,
and who can blame him he loves quirks with a passion he even keeps a notebook with him,
and when he sees the heroes battling villains it's like he's able to see the pros and cons of their quirks on the spot,
and writes down what they could do to improve their quirks, as well as what kind of support equipment,
they could use to make there jobs easier, if Mr. Yagi sensei didn't tell me that he used to be quirkless,
I'd probably think he had a analysis quirk." I said quietly, but loud enough for Deku to hear as well,
'Amber do you really think that?' Deku asked me telepathly,
'Yes of course Deku your quirk analysis are top notch, oh by the way my father is willing to make your hero suite for you for free,
just hand him one of the hero suite designs I gave you and he'll have it done in time for UA
and if you want any upgrades just write it down and I'll proofread it and add more detail to what you want, okay.' I said,
'Thanks Dimesea, can I call you that?' Deku asked hurriedly,
'Hmm, I'll think about it, I think you should add explosion proof
and fire proof and durability clothing cloth to the suite so your clothes don't get damaged,
when you fight against Katsuki or someone with a fire type quirk. Oh that reminds me you should stop trying to be friends with him,
and before you say anything about him still being your friend, did he or did he not tell you to kill yourself before you met All Might for the first time,
and bullying you because you were quirkless is not what someone who is trying to become a hero should do,
a true hero stands up for the little guys and protect them with every fiber of their being like you do.
You understand right now I don't care about you and him being rivals and all,
but I don't think you'll be able to become friends again, and that's the sad truth Deku.' I said,
'Bu - I-I understand Amber Thanks." Deku said,
'Hey at least you got me I count for something right?' I asked,
'Of course Dimesea we may have just met but I feel that with time soon we might become a couple.' He said, and I started choking on my food, when he said that,
"Amber's choking!?" Momo yelled, but before my father could help me,
Deku was way ahead of him and he started doing the Abdominal Thrusts on me, after what seemed like an internity he finally got my throat cleared,
after Deku helped me get my breathing back under control we sat back down, it was time for dessert American Apple Pie.
"Please help your selves." My Mother said, and handed All Might a giant piece of pie,
"No I can't take this much it will be quite selfish to do so." All Might said,
"I insist Mr. Yagi, and I'm not taking no for a answer." My Mom said,
"Mr. Yagi I'd listen to my Mom if I were you or she will use her quirk on you." I said,
"Fine." All Might said, soon we were done eating,
"Would you two like to spend the night here?" My Mom asked,
"I'm sorry Ms. Yaoyorozu but I must decline your offer I have work to do, after all I am All Might's personal assistant." All Might said bowing then left,
"Deku what about you?" I asked,
"I just have to get permission from my Mom first." Deku said, opening his phone and calling her he walked out to speak to his mother about permission to stay. A few minutes later he came back and he was as red as a tomato,
'Deku I'm just guessing but from how bad your blushing, Inko said something about how she couldn't wait for grandchildren, am I right?' I asked, Deku face became even redder than it was before, so I knew I hit the nail on the head,
'Relax Deku besides we're still a little young for that but just so you know I have a box of condoms just incase, plus I'm on birth control, too. I love you but I won't force you to do something your not ready for, but don't forget my spirit came here still 14 but was put in the body of a 4 year old, so my mind is about the same age as that of a 24 year old, so please don't make me wait for to long.' After I said that, Deku started to calm down, and walked over to me,
"So are you staying the night?" I asked, but I already knew the answer,
"Yeah my Mom is fine with it." 'And Amber your right I shouldn't make you wait but we aren't dating yet and we should wait at least until we get into the UA dormitory before we start don't you think?' Deku said,
'I guess I can wait that long, so did your Mom agree to you going to the dormitory?' I asked,
'Yes, but where am I sleeping?' Deku asked confused,
'With me who else and don't worry I just want to cuddle right now.' I said,
'I don't know how to get myself out of this.' He said,
'Izuku!' I said, I felt him flinched
'I already said agree to wait until we get to the dormitory for that plus it's me so you don't have to be scared or nervous, okay.' I said,
soon we made it to my bedroom, after I closed the door and locked it, I pulled him into a kiss, he was suprised at first but he immediately started kissing me back, suddenly I felt his tongue on my lips asking for entry and I gave it to him, after a battle for dominance he won, he explored my mouth than his tongue went over to mine and I moaned,
'Deku if you keep this up, I might forget about having sex with you until the dormitory and fuck you here!?' I screamed,
But instead of stopping he hummed and his hand started to roam one went under my shirt and started rubbing my boob, THAT'S IT!! I warned him. There is no turning back for him now, looking for my Kwami to asked her for a condom 'TIPP Condom now!!' Suddenly I felt something being pushed into my hand, 'Thanks Tipp.' I said,
'Just so you know, Midoriya isn't in control anymore.' Tipp said, hearing this my eyes widened,
'Tipp, get the other Kwamies to help me push him off me!!' I said,
'IZUKU!? Please get yourself under control Tipp said your not in control right now!!' I screamed, but it didn't help,
suddenly I noticed his eyes weren't Emerald anymore but red now I know what's going on, the only way to snap him out of it is pain, so I immediately bit down hard on his tongue, suddenly his eyes returned back to there Emerald green,
And I pushed him onto the bed, breaking the kiss,
"Izuku, you already had a quirk before One For All." I said, trying to get my breathing under control,
"Amber what do you mean by that, I told you know I was quirkless." Deku said, I held up my hand telling him to be quiet until I spoke again, after about 5 minutes, I was able to speak again,
"No you are quirkless without OFA, what I meant to say was that you have a kind of superpower that isn't able to be found as a quirk!" I said,
"Nooroo can you get that thing out of him so we can see what the hell that was please." I said to Deku's Kwami Nooroo nodded he than flew over to Deku then he placed his hand on Deku's chest, suddenly a Deku look alike came out and stood beside him, but he had Black hair and blood red eyes, but one of his eyes was covered by his hair.
"What the hell who are you, and don't say Deku what's your real name!" I yelled, looking at him for some unknown reason I felt drawn to him like Deku but I feel a different vibe coming from him he had an air of confidence around him,
"Wow I'm impressed Amber you found me unlike everyone else you found me easily! Oh where are my matters I'm Yamikumo Midoriya but I'm pretty sure you knew that so call Kumo." Kumo said bowing,
"Ummm...Amber can you tell me what's going on?" Deku asked, looking at Kumo,
"To put it simply Deku this guy Kumo was what you were going to look like before he was put on the back burner so he is you like you are him but I'll just say this to make it easier for us he's like your older brother you never knew you had." I said, Deku seemed to understand,
"But that doesn't explain why he was inside you, so Kumo care to explain also is your friend Kat stuck in Bakugo?" I asked, looking at him, he smiled and nodded,
"You are smart, Yes Kat is stuck in Bakugo, and I would like your help getting him out." Kumo said, I signed and shook my head,
"Kumo I'm guessing that your quirkless am I correct?" I asked,
"Yes, why you ask?" Kumo said,
"Deku can you let, Kumo borrow the butterfly Miraculous please, Nooroo will get his friend out of Bakugo, and Casper Bring your Miraculous.
Caspar can give you the powers of a ghost and anyone you grab will be able to follow you.
I'll be coming with you to make sure you don't do something." 'Deku I'll be right back okay.' I said, he nodded his head after giving him the Miraculouses he unified the Ghost and Sparrow Miraculous then put the butterfly Miraculous on I then went to my balcony and Kumo followed me.
"Kryptonian." I said.
"Follow me and don't try anything." I said,
"Why would I try anything?" Kumo asked,
"Because I don't know much about your character, that's why! And you need to turn invisible cuz your pale skin is a dead give away!" I said,
"But you said..." "I know what I said but I don't want us getting caught by a pro hero, got that!" I said, looking back I saw him nod and then he disappeared,
We soon arrived at Bakugo's house me and Kumo flew up to second floor window and saw that Bakugo was asleep, to make sure he doesn't wake up I sent some sleeping gas in then waited for a few minutes before we went in, "Ghost ability." I whispered, then motioned for Kumo to follow, we went through the wall and I opened the window for Nooroo, Nooroo then went over to Bakugo and placed his hand on his heart, suddenly Kat stood next to the bed, when he saw Kumo, he was about to shout but I covered his mouth and whispered,
"Be quiet or we will be in deep trouble okay!" I said, Kat nodded his head and I removed my hand, I then grabbed wrist,
"Tipp Portal Open." I said, after transforming I made a portal back to my bedroom, "Kumo you and Kat first I'll right behind you." I said, Kumo then grabbed Kat's hand and pulled him through. Once they were through I looked back over at Bakugo, I was about to leave but something caught my eye, I look and saw that it was a picture of Bakugo and Deku when they were kids, but that's not all I saw right beside it was a apologize letter that looked liked it was just written and saw that it was for Deku, I picked it up and read it,
Deku, I'm sorry for everything I did to you, but I understand if you don't want to forgive me, cuz what I did to you was wrong, but I was told that if I hurt you I could make you give up on your dream of being a hero, but the reason why I did it was because I was afraid that you'd get yourself killed, I'm also sorry for telling you to kill yourself I didn't mean it, and I don't know why I said it, but I knew that bullying you was wrong but I didn't want to show weakness. Deku I am really and truly sorry for what I did and I hope that we can be friends again. The reason why I gave you a letter is because you know I'm not a person that speaks out my emotions.
Katsuki Bakugo
After reading the letter I looked at Bakugo and thought maybe I was wrong about him he just doesn't want to show weakness, but I have to make sure first,
"Creation." I said, I then made a fox mask that had two faces on one half it looked friendly had the word rights on it, but the other half it looked angry had the word wrongs on it, I then put the mask on,
"Dream talker, Confession, and Illusion." I said, activating the quirks, I then walked into Bakugo's dream after closing the portal home,
Using the Illusion quirk and Dream talker quirk I change the look of the dream to show to different halves on one side there was a peaceful scene, but the other was pure chaos and darkness, and in the middle of where the two sides are divided I put a cherry blossom tree on the peaceful side there was cherry blossoms and on the chaos and darkness it was dead and creepy looking, I was sitting in front of the tree with a cup of tea in hand, looking in front of me, I summoned Bakugo from his dream, as soon as he appeared he had a confused look on his face, after a few minutes I spoke,
"Hello Katsuki Bakugo, and welcome to the land of Good and Evil, my name is Fate and I have summoned yo..." but Bakugo ran at me and started using his quirk to try and hit me, yelling "Die!"
Using my illusion I stopped his quirk pinned him to the ground,
"What the ****... Why can't I use my ******* quirk and why can't I ******* curse!?" Bakugo yelled, I put down my tea and walked over to him,
"Because you try to attack me, you gave me no choice, now where was I? Oh, the reason why I summoned you here is because you hope to mend your broken relationship with your childhood friend Izuku Midoriya or Deku as you call him, but don't know how." I said,
"What the hell do you mean by mend bitc..." he started to say but I grabbed him by the neck and whispered into his ear, "Just so you know your Fate is in my hands and I can kill you in a matter of seconds without even trying, so choice what you say next very carefully understand!!" I said in a sinister voice, looking him die in the eye, seeing the look of fear was on his face, he knew I wasn't bluffing, he then slowly nodded his head, then letting him go,
"Now listen Bakugo I've watched you for a long time now see you beat Izuku Midoriya every day for the last ten years, but Izuku Midoriya still wanted to be your friend even after all your bullying, but when you told him to kill himself, and here's something you should know before that sludge villain attack you, it attacked Izuku and nearly killed him now tell me if he had been killed by it and this happened right after you told him to go kill himself how would you feel?" I asked,
"Deku was attacked by that thing before me!?" Bakugo asked, I nodded my head
"And he almost died, right after I told him to kill himself." Bakugo said,
"I'll show you what happened." I said, suddenly a big looking mirror appeared next to us,
It showed us how Bakugo used his quirk on Deku's Hero Analysis notebook and then through it out the window, then Bakugo placed a hand on Deku's shoulder and started making his shirt smoke, then Bakugo said, "Don't you dare get into U.A. nerd!" walking away, with his two followers, "Jeez...Typical. C'mon, say something..." one of them said, "He can't say anything. He's so lame. Even as a third-year... He still can't face reality." Bakugo said, Then him and his followers started to leave but Bakugo stopped at the door and looked back at Deku, " Oh, if you wanna be a hero so bad? I've got a time saving idea for you. Go take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a quick in your next life Deku!!" Bakugo said suddenly Deku turned around with a angry look on his face, "Yeah? What?" Bakugo said making an explosion in his hand, Deku just looked down, after Bakugo left, Deku went outside to the koi pond near the school to get his Hero Analysis notebook, "That's not food stupid. It's my notebook...'Idiot! If I really jumped, you'd be charged with bullying me into suicide!! Think before you speak!!' idiot... idiot..." Deku said, started walking home after walking under a bridge, he was so into his thoughts that he didn't notice a villain come out of the sewer, "What do we have here a medium sized body to hide in.." said the sludge villain, "?!Wh-BUHH!" 'A VILLAIN?!' Deku said, "Don't worry. I'm just going to hijack your body. Calm down. It'll only hurt for about 45 seconds... Then it'll all be over." The sludge villain said, "UGH... NGH!!" Deku muffled, Deku tried to claw out but it wasn't working, "There's no point in trying that. I'm fluid, you see!!" The sludge villain said, 'I can't breathe! My body... Getting weak.. Is this how I'm going to die... If so I'm sure Kacchan will be happy that I'm gone... I just... hope... in... my next... life... that I... will... have a... quirk... like... he... said...' Deku thought, before he Blacked out he saw a muscular man, 'is... that... All... Might..?' After Deku thought this, he was out,
With that I snapped my fingers and the mirror disappeared,
"Now Bakugo what do you think of Midoriya's last thoughts about you? Would you be happy that he got killed, if so and how do you think his mother your aunt would have felt that her only child died leaving her all alone. What would happen if a villain came and attacked her no one would know what had happened to her." I asked, looking Bakugo in the eye and instantly I saw regret, sadness, and pain,
"I... I... d.. didn't... t-t.. think about that..." Bakugo said then tears started falling down his face he looked down at his hands, I knew that he was having flashbacks of all the things he had done to Deku,
"Bakugo the reason I summoned you here was to ask you do you want to have help, asking for help dosen't mean that you are weak, having help makes people stronger, but you have to allow people to help. So do you want my help to mend your relationship with your friend Deku, Kacchan?" I asked, looking at him making my mask look real the whole time,
"Yes if you can I beg you to help me please." Bakugo said, looking at me
"That's good to hear Kacchan when you wake up there will be a fox mask that looks like my face on your desk put it on and it will tell you where to go after you say 'Fateful Show The Way!' understand?" I asked, Bakugo nodded his head,
"Yeah I understand Fate." He said,
"Good, now you will start becoming a true hero Bakugo or should I say Explosion Hero: Ground Zero." I said with a smile, then held out my hand to him to help him up, he looked at my hand for a moment before grabbing it I pulled him up,
"Will I see you again?" Bakugo asked mme, I shook my head,
"I'm sorry Bakugo but this may be the only time you see me, because I am the godess of Good and Evil,
I only did this as a favor from a friend, and Bakugo remember what heroes do help, save, and protect anyone and everyone from villains
and true heroes will risk their own lives to save others like Izuku.
Izuku is a true hero he stood up to you when you used to bullied others and do you remember what he said to you when you were being attacked by the sludge villain,
he said 'I don't know my feet started moving on their own but you looked like you were asking for help!'
and also try remember names and never call people extras because if you want to be the number one hero you have to be a good person,
you can show your feelings and no one will ever see that as a weakness everyone shows there feeling it's what makes you human.
It looks like our time is up Bakugo you remember what I said when you wake up." I said smiling, while using Illusion to make it seem like I was fading away along with the land of good and evil,
"Wait did you see my apology letter I made, do I need to put more into it?" Bakugo asked, I nodded,
"When I saw you write it, I thought it was the best you could do at the time, but now you have the knowledge of what you should add to make it better also know heroes also help the community dosen't matter what it is they will do it." I said as faded away from Bakugo's mind,
I then take the mask off and made it into a Miraculous with the power to guide anyone,
KWAMI APPEARANCE: A half White Fox and half Black fox with red markings
MIRACULOUS JEWEL: a two face fox mask
After I made the Kwami sound like me as Fate, I told Fateful to stay next to the mask until Bakugo woke up, telling her to tell Bakugo that she was from Fate and was Kwami, that the Miraculous couldn't be taken, taken back, or stolen, but can be given or given back.
After giving her, her instructions I left and went through my portal back to my bedroom, where Deku, Kumo, and Kat were waiting.