CHAPTER 9: First Day At UA And Amber's Speech

I walked out of my house with Momo through my portal to the entrance of UA "Amber why did you use your quirk, you know it's against the law to use our quirks in public, so why?" Momo asked, looking at me,

"First of all sis I didn't use my quirk in public, I used it on private property and an in a alley so no one saw us, and second of all it's just faster then us taking the limousine to UA." I said, as we started walking into UA,

"I can't believe I agree with you but you do make a point." Momo said,

we were in front of class 1-A's door, we walked in and saw that only Todoroki was here, I take a seat in seat number 19, Momo sat down behind me and next to Todoroki,

I looked back at him and decided to start a conversation,

"Hello are you Todoroki by any chance?" I said, I caught his look of surprise before he covered it up,

"Yes and you are?" He asked,

"I'm Amber Faye Yaoyorozu, but please call me Amber and this is my older twin sister Momo Yaoyorozu." I said,

"Nice to meet you Todoroki." Momo said,

"By the way I get that you hate your Father for what he did is unforgivable but your Fire isn't his it's yours and yours alone don't let him control you I'll even help you put that piece of flaming trash behind bars for what he did to you, your family and most of all your Mother. Telepathy." 'You'll be coming with me and Deku, after school today to the school conference room I'm sure you won't regret it.' I said, I then held a finger to my lips, 'don't say anything, okay.' I said, he nodded then went quite,

'You can talk to by your mind as well I can hear what you say.' I said

'How do you know about my life?' Todoroki asked,

'Because I'm a reincarnated person don't tell anyone without my permission okay.' I said,

'Does your sister know?' Todoroki asked,

'No and neither does my family, it's for their own protection if someone finds out about me and want to use them against me.' I said,

'What's your quirk?' Todoroki asked,

'I'm like you I have two quirks, but my quirk Quirk Collection basically lets me use, give, take, and make any quirk I want or need, my second quirk is called Full Healing I can heal any injury be it new, old, fatal, cancer, a lost organ, or a disease that has no cure. But I'll need to drink my self made strawberry, banana, spinach, with milk and strawberry milk smoothie so the speed of my healing will only take 30 seconds to heal a fatal injury.' I said,

'Wow your OP but why didn't I see you at the recommendation exam?' Todoroki asked,

'Cuz I wanted to take the entrance exam with Deku and I wanted to prove myself.' I said, the class started to fill up Bakugo saw me and was about to sit down in front of me but I stopped him,

'Bakugo no I'm saving this seat for Deku you can sit in the desk in front of his.' I said, he nodded then sat down in front of Deku's desk,

After a little while Deku shows up, he sees me and sat down in front of me, next to show up was Hitoshi Shinso,

I waved at him to get his attention he noticed me and started walking towards me I motion to the seat next to me,

he nodded and sat down, the last person to come was Ochaco Uraraka, she sat down behind Iida, everyone was talking, but I stand up getting there attention,

"Everyone quiet the teacher is here!" I said, as soon as I said that the door opened showing Eraserhead in his yellow sleeping bag, with a surprise look on his face,

"Well that was something, anyway I'm Shouta Aizawa your Homeroom teacher please call me Mr. Aizawa now put these on and meet me outside." Mr. Aizawa said,

"Yes, sir!" I said grabbing the gym uniform and going to the girls locker room, after I get it on I go over to the hole in the wall "Pink Crystal." I said and sealing it on both sides, "What the hell is this pink crystal stuff." I heard Bakugo said,

"Sorry Bakugo but I found a peephole in the wall and I decided to seal it off with my quirk." I said,

"Thanks for doing that Amber." Momo said,

"No biggie." I said, then ran outside and saw Mr. Aizawa waiting there, so I hid my presence and sneak up behind him

"Good morning Eraserhead." I said, making him jump back like a cat,

"Jesus kid how you do that?" Mr. Aizawa asked,

"You'll find out at the meeting after school today." I said,

"Wait how did you know about that?" Mr. Aizawa asked,

"You'll just have to wait to find out." I said walking away, After a few minutes everyone else arrive,

"Combo Hits and Cremation Explosion." I whisper, I then walked over to Deku.

"Here are some memories for you to use OFA at 5-8% Shared Memories." I whispered, only he could hear me, after that I walked away but not before I heard him say, "Thanks Amber."

"Yaoyorozu." Mr. Aizawa said,

"Which one?" Me and Momo asked,

"Amber Faye Yaoyorozu, dang I forgot there are two of them." Mr. Aizawa said,

"Mr. Aizawa, if you don't mind please call me Amber Faye when you refer to me the same thing goes for everyone else here." I said, Mr. Aizawa breathed a breath of relief,

"Amber Faye, what was your score in the softball throw in middle school?" Mr. Aizawa asked,

"75 '' sir." I said,

"Okay now do it with your quirk you can do anything as long as you don't step out of the circle understand?" Mr. Aizawa said,

"Yes sir." I said, he throws me the ball and I catch it with one hand, I walked into the the circle, then I looked over at Mr. Aizawa, "Just so you know you might want to stand back close to your students for your own safety Mr. Aizawa." I said he raised an eyebrow but didn't argue walked over to where everyone else,

"Alright go." He said, I nodded, I then started to make a Combo of hits on the ball as soon as I hit it 50 times I'll use the next to send it flying,

No one's POV

"Oh no Amber not the combo hits plus quirk attack please don't use it!?" Momo said,

"Miss Yaoyorozu what do you mean by don't use it?" Mr. Aizawa asked,

"All I can say is to get on the ground now if you don't want to get blown a block away from the UA entrance!" Momo said hitting ground seeing that she wasn't joking people followed her example except one person who thought she was kidding,


I made it to the 50 combo I then reeled my hand back and then threw pitcher strike with a blue Explosion while I yelled, "GO TO HELL!!!" Making the ball break the sound barrier 5 times, as well as creating a super strong gust of wind that blew a dust cloud that could be seen 10 miles away from UA,

"kid 'cough cough' are you trying to kill us!" Mr. Aizawa said, I looked over to see all of my classmates on the ground but someone was missing,

"Mr. Aizawa I think someone is missing?" I said, at my comment he looked back and saw that I was right, suddenly I knew who was missing,

"Kirishima is missing!?" Deku said,

"I'm sorry I'll find him, Radar and Kryptonian." I said jumping into the air flying, then I saw something red in the sky, "Super Speed." I said, then flew straight to him catching him under his arms a few feet from the ground,

"I'm so so sorry Kirishima, next time I'll have to make sure that you all know what will happen before hand!" I said holding him, he looked up at me then he gave me his signature shark smile,

"Don't worry about it Amber Faye, but there is one thing that I'd like to say." Kirishima said,

"And that is?" I asked,

"THAT WAS SO MANLY!!!!" Kirishima exclaimed, making me chuckle,

"Let's head back before Mr. Aizawa expels me for putting a student in danger, okay." I said, flying back to the rest of the class,

once I landed with Kirishima the whole class except 4 people surround me and started asking me questions,

"Okay okay, please everyone I'll answer your question later but right now isn't a good time right Mr. Aizawa?" I asked, looking at him,

"Indeed and you Amber Faye are not allowed to compete after that little stunt you did but I'll allow you to watch and give me your input on the test, oh bye the way whoever gets last place in all test will be deemed hopeless and expelled, welcome to UA." Mr. Aizawa said with a shit eating grin,

"That's not fair it's only the first day!?" Ochaco said, but before Mr. Aizawa could say anything I cut in,

"Not fair? Not fair!? Life is never fair for anyone Deku is a perfect example of how life isn't fair he used to be quirkless until a little over a month ago and he was bullied, having people suicide bait him and called him worthless or useless, Shoji and Koda were also bullied for having mutations, and that not all, Shinso was also bullied for having a so called villainous quirk.

Fairness isn't something you'll have here, villains will never play fair in a fight, family who lost their homes and love ones to nature disasters or to a villain attack isn't fair.

If you think the world will play fair then leave, UA doesn't have time to show you fairness here. We have 3 years before we become pros and UA is going to push us harder and harder with each coming day till we become proper heroes.

A true hero dosen't care about fame and glory, what a true hero stand for is self sacrifice, they will save anyone be it from a villain, someone's own interdemons, and sometimes even save villain from themselves, and a true hero will never crush someone's much less a child's dream, instead they should encourage them to find something that will help them achieve their dreams

I maybe just a kid but I know plenty of heroes who fight villains without the need of a so called quirk or superpower!

Mr. Aizawa here better know as Eraserhead fights quirkless and he still able to handle villains, and when I go pro I'll be sure to make a school where anyone can become a hero it doesn't matter if they have a great quirk, a weak quirk, a villainous quirk, or are quirkless in general. This society needs to change and I plan on making that change in anyway I can!!" I said with determine look,

suddenly I started hearing people clapping first it came behind me then in front of me I looked up to see Mr. Aizawa looking at me then I saw the rest of the school coming outside Mr. Nezu in the front was clapping as hard as he could to make his point Recovery Girl was in the same boat, even students who weren't in the hero course were clapping and charring along with my class I saw All Might looking down in shame at what I said, I catch his eye then I used "Telepathy."

'Learn from your mistakes and use them as a lesson for the next generation All Might, remember that.' I said giving him a smile, All Might nodded,

'I won't repeat the same thing again. Thank you young Amber.' He said,

'I hope so.' I said,