
Hello Janet

How are you doing I'm doing well thank you I just finished lunch and I'm about to put the groceries away anyway but anyway I'll just squeeze in this email I don't mind being friends with you that's actually pretty interesting that you're who you are and I would be honoured to be your friend and Pen Pal. I am about LGBTQ lesbian female as well and also human being extraordinary meeting I'm a human being. I also like to do stargazing in astronomy as well as writing books and other stuff I'm sorry if I couldn't get to you soon enough. My name is Lilly and I'm 32 going on 33 years old this February 4 coming up pretty soon it's gonna be Christmas so I'm excited about that. How are you doing. How does Uganda treat you.

I am going to send you a piece of my artwork that I did the other day that I am very proud of because it took a lot of patience for me.

Hope to hear from you Lilly