The Beginning of Changes

<3rd PoV>

The boy is sleeping soundly without any care for the world around him. His computer which was left opened showing a loading screen with a download percentage bar. It looked normal with a normal progressing download. Slowly but surely its going up.






But something unexpected happens when the download reached <50%>. The computer screen started to shine brightly. The light is so bright yet so warm and relaxing. But the light never dimmed, it keeps getting brighter and brighter until it covers the whole room. The light became so bright until even the boy started to open his eyes.




"Ugh, Why is it so bright? I thought I already closed the window." I complained slowly opening my eyes while occasionally closing it again because of the brightness. But eventually the light itself dimmed down until darkness remains.

I then could finally open my eyes and look around. I could clearly see that this isnt my bedroom where I slept. I looked up and see.. a beautiful sky filled with stars and other things. Then I looked at the moon, it is certainly bigger than the normal moon. When I was admiring the night sky, on the ground something incredible is happening. The ground is suddenly glowing brightly with the occasional sound of water drops hitting the surface of water.

I then looked at the 'ground' or more spesifically at the surface of the water. The ground itself is an infinite surface of water that extends until who knows where. Above the surface of water, flowers were blooming. The flowers are Lotuses, but its not only the normal pink lotuses. There are all sorts of different colors, like I could see some turquoise colored lotuses, some colored like sapphires, I also see some aquamarine colored lotuses, some emerald green ones, light pink similar to rose quartz colored ones, light yellow ones and finally Indigo colored ones. They seemed to actually be glowing in this infinite vast space. I have an urge to pluck them and keep it for myself but I know its not mine and I wont take it. Because I could understand the hardship it takes to grow all of them. Also I have a feeling that the color of the lotuses have their own meaning for the owner itself.

'But still, its very beautiful' I silently thought to myself while slowly crouching down enjoying the scenery of the flowers.

"It is indeed beautiful not only from the looks but the meaning itself" Suddenly a soft and melodious voice coming from behind me spoke. Strangely enough I felt that she's not dangerous, nor she has any harmful intention. But the strangest thing is probably I felt that she is familiar. I then turned around while saying.

"What does that mea-?" I suddenly stopped talking when I saw her face. She looked extremely beautiful. She has pure white hair that looked smooth like silk threads. She has icy blue eyes that are looking at me with gentleness. Her eyes are like sapphires with the color and shines. She wore simple a white dress with a blue coat. She looked elegant yet so simple. Her smile is warm and hold so much affection yet hold the same amount of sadness.

*Drop* *Splash*

"H- Huh w-w-whats happening?" I touched my face. Tears are dropping from my face even if I don't know why. The person in front of me widens her eyes but quickly reverted back. But now her eyes hold much more than affection and sadness, but also.. hope. Then, suddenly a very heavy drowsiness suddenly hit me. I started to stumble and finally I can't hold the drowsiness anymore and fallen asleep.




<3rd PoV>

Yuuji is about to falls down but the mysterious girl catches him on time. She then sat down elegantly on the surface of the endless sea of lotuses. She then laid Yuuji down on her lap and started to gently patting him.

"Even if your body forgots, your soul will remember, huh" She said to herself while thinking about something. She has a gentle smile on her face. She keep being like this for quite some time, until..

"I see, my time is up." The tip of her finger started vanishing into thin air. Her face showed her melancholy expression with a smile full of sadness. She laid Yuuji down carefully to not wake him up. She then stood up in one motion then looked up to the sky admiring the beautiful scenery of the night sky for a bit.

"The world where you carefully made, the people you protected, the promise you made to return. We are still waiting." She calmly said.

"Even if you forgot about us but your soul will never let us go. So I'm sorry that I can't do anything. I'm sorry we let you go. I'm sorry for everything the world has done to you. But now your own journey will start once again." She said with a lot of sadness in her tone. Even if she's still smiling tears started to form on her eyes. She then knelt down once again but now her face is very near Yuuji's face.

"And now we will always be together, even if you don't realise it." Tears starting to stream down her face pouring onto Yuuji's face. She cried and cried until her time is almost up. She brought her face closer to Yuuji's face then kissed him on his forehead. She then embraced him while waiting for her time. But before she disappeared she could hear.

"Hmm, thank you, Hoshi." She widens her eyes but then released a big smile on her face.

"You're welcome" She said before completely dissappearing into Yuuji. After she disappeared countless sillhouette of many different people appeared in the background. From the sillhouette of men, women, kids, old people until even animals appeared. They all circled the sleeping boy. All of them have a smile on their faces. But then they started to disappearing into Yuuji just like the mysterious girl.

Because of them the sleeping boy is starting to glow brightly, lighting up the empty space once more. The glow on his body brought vigour to all the lotuses as they all started to also glow brightly. Different colored light starting to fill the infinite vast space he's in, thus creating a beautiful scenery for no one but the empty space. But this phenomenon didn't last long and the light started to die down in a rapid pace until darkness once again surrounded the empty space.

The only thing different from before is that the spot where Yuuji is supposed to be is now replaced with a similarly beautiful looking girl just like before. But unlike her who has white hair and icy blue eyes. This girl has short, smooth and silky black hair. She has crimson red eyes that looked like a shining ruby. She wore the same clothes that Yuuji used. This girl is of course Yuuji himself. Somehow he has became a girl because of an unknown reason.

(A/N: The picture of Yuuji and the mysterious girl could be seen at the cover.)

Then after the glowing phenomenon the space started to shook, a crack started to appear underneath the now girl Yuuji. When the crack is big enough Yuuji falls down the crack and disappeared from the space.




'Finally some time off!' I thought happily. Its been a while since I got my time off. And now I finally got it! I'm so happy.

'It's also been a while since I've seen Yuuji. I wonder he's doing?' I thought remembering about my time with him. But that isn't important as I'm here at his house! Because in the past he gave me a spare key I've been coming here if I have any time off. I slid the spare key to the key hole and twist it gently.


A small creaking noise reverbrated around the house. I went in and take off my shoes. Inside the lights are still off while the windows are still closed. It seems like that Yuuji is still asleep.

"Well better start making breakfast. But before that let's wake him up." I muttered to myself while finding the knife.

"Yuuji! Wake up!" I shouted at him to wake up. But instead of his usual voice I heard someone different.

"5000 more years!" The voice is high pitched and more to the feminine side. It's not his voice...

'Then who is it? And isnt 5000 years too long?!' I went upstairs while still holding my knife because I forgot to put it down. I opened the door to his room and found something incredibly, outstandingly, astonishingly, extraordinaly surprising. It's so surprising I accidentally dropped my knife but other than that my jaw also dropped on the floor.




"Yuuji! Wake up!" I could hear someone calling at me downstairs.

"Hnghh, 5000 more years!" I said while going back to sleep not feeling anything wrong.


"Hyah!" I got startled by the sudden loud noise and let out a weird noise. I instinctively covers my mouth with the both of my hand. Then I realised something was wrong. No something was wrong was an understatement something was REALLY wrong. My hands are too slender and my voice is too high pitched to be normal. But I put those aside for now and looked at the source of sound.

The source of sound was a dropped knife on the floor. The one who dropped it was someone I really know in my life. It was my.. sister.. or spesifically my big sister. She is 4 years older than me. It's rare for her to actually came here to my house but I gave her a spare keys to enter. Our cirumstances were.. complicated too be said. But to simplify basically our parents split but neither of them actually took us into custody.

So when that happens my big sister who is only 16 worked part time alongside her school. So because now she's in college she moved away and now I usually lived alone. But she sometimes visit me from time to time.

"Umm... Nee-san?" I asked her. Again I felt something was really wrong with my voice but my sister is more important. I quickly got off my bed and ran up to her to see if something was wrong with her. But I noticed... I felt shorter and my center of gravity actually changed. My skin also turned paler and my body became skinnier.


But because of my center of gravity is changed I accidentally fell down and hit my face on the floor.

"Ugh.." I groaned a little.

"Eh, are you fine?" I heard my sister's voice from beside me. I got up from the floor and noticed I've really became shorter. As usually I only am a little shorter than her but now I became way shorter. I think my height is around 145 cm in height. That is.. pretty short. Noticing my dazed state she called out to me once again.

"Um.. are you really fine?" She once again asked. I finally break out from my dazed state when she asked the same question again.

"Hmm, I'm fine." I answered her. But then I realised something.

'Slender limbs, skinnier body, shorter height, higher voice.. wait?!' I ran towards the bathroom to look at the mirror. And there it is, a reflection of a body which is definitely not me. I take a closer look and immediately knew this is me. Even in a shocked state my face is still pretty emotionless without any trace of expressions.

"It felt really weird seeing this. Even though this is not my body, I still quite accepted it subsconsiously. Maybe because it just felt really.. familiar." I muttered to myself.

"Oi are you actually fine?" I looked towards the entrance of the bathroom and see my big sister looking at me with a worried face.

"Hmm? I'm perfectly fine?" I said while tilting my head.

"Why do you answer it with a question?!" She became a little annoyed but ultimately gave up and released a sigh.

"Sigh. So who are you and what are you doing inside my little brother's house?" She asked me with a stare.

'Well let's just say the truth, I got nothing to gain from lying anyway.' I thought. So I decided to explain it. And so a long explanation on my situation that I also don't know the cause of began.




Well we right now are sitting down opposites to each other at the dining table. While I looked very nonchalant my big sister has a very complicated expression. She furrowed her brows while rubbing her forehead.

"Do you really not remember about anything why you changed like that?" She asked me.

"No" I simply answered. But even if my answer is simple, I still am thinking about it. But then a memory hit me, the dream last night that I forgotten.

"AH DAMNIT!" I heard my big sister shouted in frustation. But I still am recollecting ny memories of last night's dream. I started to remember the things one by one. Starting from the bright light, the beautiful yet empty space, the mysterious girl...

"That's right the mysterious girl.." I muttered and without realising it tears started to drop once again from my eyes. But even when my tears are flowing my facial expression did not change at all. Other than that theres this tugging pain on my chest where my heart is.

I looked at my big sister while my tears are still flowing. She widens her eyes and rushed towards me embracing me with her hug. She started to pat my head while gently brushing her fingers along my hair.

"Could you tell me what happened?" She asked with a gentle voice. I tried to open my mouth and speak but no words came out. She noticed this and put a finger on my lips.

"Shush, if you can't speak now, speak when you want now." She said while tightening her hug at me. I didn't answer her and just accepted her warm hug with a small smile on my face.




"I'm fine now" I said with a low voice. After a while crying I finally calmed down. The tears have stopped flowing and I looked perfectly fine.

"So mind telling me now, Yuuji?" My big sister asked me once again.

"*nod* *nod* I nodded at her and went to my chair to sit back down but she pulled me towards her and put me on her lap. I felt my face heating up a bit but I quickly composed myself.

"So... last night I have a dream." I started to tell her about the dream.

"I was in an empty space. The ground is an endless sea and the sky is filled with stars..." I looked at her and she gestured for me to continue.

"But the space is actually not empty. It's filled with.. lotuses." She became confused about it and decided to ask.

"Lotuses?" She looked very confused.

"Yes, lotuses. A lot of them completely covering the whole ground of the space. There are a lot of them with different colors. But despite that there is no lotuses where I stood at." I answered her question.

"But then I heard someone.. she looked familiar but I couldn't remember her face. She looked at me with sadness and regret. I don't know her but I felt I've met her before. But then..." I abruptly stopped.

"Then what?" She asked confused at my sudden stop.

"Tears started to flow from my eyes. Without any reason. Whenever I tried to remember about her I felt a tightening pain on my heart." I said while clutching my heart lightly. She widened her eyes at that but recomposed herself quickly.

"I see, a forgotten memory huh. But that still didn't explain your change..." I heard her muttering. But after that I heard she released a big sigh.

"*Sigh..* Right then, because of this we will need to have an appointment with the doctors. I'll have to also live here for a while." She stated. I widened my eyes at her statement.

"But why? I could still live normally like this you know?" I said to her.

"Haaaa? Normally? You probably could, but you don't know how to girls things right?" She asked me. I only tilted my head at what she meant.

"*Sigh* You know? Bathroom, drying your hair, we will also need to get you clothes. But for now you could use that big sweater you have." She once again explained. My mouth formed an O shape at that explanation. But soon her smile turned scary.

"U-Um w-w-what do you want to do?" I asked while cold sweat were dropping on my back.

"Because you're now a girl.." She stopped. I gulped hearing her said that.

"So lets take a shower together!" She said while looking at me. I slowly backed up from her trying to run away.

"C'mon don't run away from me~" she playfully said while trying to catch me.




"How could she catched up to me?" I muttered to myself while releasing a sigh. She successfully catched me after chasing for a while because I tripped and fell. She used that chance to catch me and now here I am.

"Now now let me wash you, Yuuji-chan~" She said my name playfully.

"NO!" I refused immediately. She tried to forcefully take my clothes off but I hanged to my clothes with dear life.

"Oh come on.." She seemed to be thinking of sometthing. Then an imaginary lightbulb appeared besides her head.

"If you let me wash you, I'll make you Tempura Udon." She bargained. Then I fell into deep thinking about the bargain.

'Is it a good trade off? Probably. I mean she is my sister what's worst that she could do?' I nodded metally.

"Okay.. I accep-" Before I could even finished my sentence, she grabbed my clothes and pulled them off leaving me completely naked. My face began to heat up and noticable blush appeared on my face. It even looked like steam is coming out of my head.

"Now lets start!" She said with a big scary smile.




(A/N: Sorry for long upload. I'm lazy.)