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After changing into our fighting attire, we went out to hunt Victor Creed, which was remarkably easy to do thanks to my satellite, which I used to track Sabertooth to a forest nearby the prison he had escaped from.

"Is this criminal you are hunting, dangerous?" Sif asked with a curious look.

I hummed at that thought, "Yes, he's quite the threat."

Sif smiled, "Good, otherwise, this would've been dull." 

I chuckled, "Well let's keep going then." 

According to my map, Sabertooth was not moving, he was one mile away, motionless, meaning one of two things, one he had smelled us and was waiting for us, or two, he was waiting for something else.

"Are we getting close?" Sif asked, her right hand gripping on her sword.

"We are," I nodded.

We continued running towards our objective for the next two minutes, finding our target sitting on a rock with a wild grin. He was happy to be found, which I found extremely odd.

"Victor is time to go back to prison, a better one this time," I said, staring right into his eyes.

"But why the rush?" Victor grinned, his fangs showing in a threatening way.

Sif looked at me and then at Victor, and with a smile, took a step forward, unsheathing her sword that shone under the moonlight that covered the forest in a dazzling manner, "We will capture you, dead or alive, your choice."

"You found yourself a mate?" Victor cackled, sniffing the air, "Though you two haven't mated yet, she doesn't smell like you."

"Ok, enough talk," I sighed, turning to look at Sif, "Wanna go at him alone, or?" I asked.

"I wish to try my skills against him on a one-on-one," Sif declared with a smile.

I chuckled, "Go ahead," I said, taking a seat on the ground.

I knew Victor Creed was stronger than her, I knew that, with him being more than a few levels ahead of her, but I wasn't worried about them fighting, I had the skills and the power to stop them both should the necessity arise.

"Letting your woman fight your fights," Victor snorted, "How disappointing," he added with a snarl.

"This woman will cut you to pieces," Sif declared in a challenging manner.

"And I will eat popcorn while she does that," I winked at Victor who growled at me.

"Don't hold back or I'll break you," Victor growled turning at Sif.

Sif shrugged, smirked, and slowly brought one foot back, "Same kitty cat."

With a smile, Sif rushed at Sabertooth.  Her blade weaved through the air in a swift motion,  and just as she was about to reach him, she jumped into the air and slashed downwards with her sword at him.  

Grinning, Sabertooth parried the attack with an attack of his own, clashing his right claw against Sif's sword, creating sparks that flew into the air briefly illuminating the night.  

Sif seeing this, was quick to adjust and moved her blade to the side, slashing the feral warrior.

"Not bad," Sabertooth complimented, seeing his injury with a hint of amusement, "But not enough," by the time he had said this his injury had been healed.

"So you heal?" Sif smiled, "That means I can play rough."

"It means, you will die," Sabertooth shot back with a growl.

I coughed, a fake cough, "I'm here kitty cat, which means you will do nothing but go back to prison, one way or another."

Sabertooth growled at me, baring his teeth in an animalistic gesture, but as he turned his attention at me, Sif rushed at him, and plunged her blade into his throat, "Pathetic," Sif scoffed, slashing his throat open.

All while I was keeping my mouth open like an emoji.

"You bitch!" Sabertooth hissed, coughing blood as his throat regenerated, but Sif gave him no chance, sinking her blade on his spine, impaling the mutant.

"Every warrior wants a worthy opponent. There is no glory in fighting the pathetic," Sif said with a cold tone, "You are strong, possibly stronger than me, but you have let your confidence in your skills dull your warrior senses, you could've dodged my first attack, and the second, for Odin's sake, even my last, but you know you can take a beating, so you do just that, you take the beating, and look at you, you can't move, or regenerate with my sword on your spine."

"I will kill you bitch!" Sabertooth hissed, trying to move, but as Sif had said, his spine was severed right now, and he could only move his head, he had been defeated by someone weaker than him, and that probably hurt more than the sword on his back.

"It seems our hunt came to an end," Sif declared turning to face me with a wide smile.

"It sure looks like that," I smiled, opening a portal beneath Sabertooth, sending him back to prison, this time one reinforced with Magic, courtesy of the Ancient One.

"That was surprisingly easy," Sif admitted, "With his power, he should've been able to press me more."

"He was stronger than you, physically, but he lacked your experience," I nodded.

"I noticed that," Sif nodded, "So… will I get my sword back? Or??" 

"You will, in a few days, I just want to mess with him first," I chuckled.

"Fair enough," Sif chuckled back.

"So, wanna go back to the city?" I asked with a smile.

"Yes, you have yet to show me the nightlife of Midgard," Sif nodded, and so I opened a portal to my house so that we could change back into a normal attire.


Back into civilian clothes, we continued our tour of the city, which eventually lead us to the best part of New York's nightlife, the street tacos near the most dangerous zone in all of the city.

Yes, you could hear a shot or two every now and then, and people would try to rob us every now and then, but in all honesty, the tacos around the area we worth it.

"These are truly delicious!" Sif shouted with a smile for everyone to hear, and by everyone I mean the ten robbers we had so far knocked and tied down.

"They are," I nodded, so far we had eaten twenty each.

"Would you like another dozen, sir?" Miguel the taco truck owner asked with a smile. [Miguel Gonzales the Bringer of Tacos  LV 19]

"Of course," Sif answered before I could, "I want them extra spicy," she added.

"You got yourself a keeper Mr. Walker," Miguel chuckled.

"Miguel, why do you even sell your pieces of heaven here?" I asked.

"Well, to help the community, why else?" Miguel chuckled, "I sell my food at a reasonable price, Mr. Walker, and give the people around this area something affordable to eat, something good, I help in my own way… which by cooking, yes I get some that rob me, but the more I come, the less those bad ones come."

"We knocked out ten robbers," I deadpanned.

"Well, it's because they know you, Mr. Walker, you are a billionaire, for them, you are their free out of this dumb ticket, their words, not mine," Miguel chuckled.

I sighed, "I think I will invest some money into these parts,"

"It would help a lot of people," Miguel nodded with a smile, "Anyway, another dozen coming right up!"