If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreó

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I finished the dungeon with little to no difficulty, testing my strength in the process. The bosses still proved to be difficult; nonetheless, I was victorious, defeating each challenge in the dungeon with relative ease, including the bosses, who know while still a challenge of its own, they were at best a nuisance.

Now, it was all a matter of continuing my training and learning how to control my newfound strength.

Anyways, after I finished the dungeon, I did another, and then another, and another, so on and on, until the night came, where I went back home to eat dinner with the girls.

As expected, Nat asked if I had taken magical steroids, to which I laughed; I mean, in a way, she was right; after all, what other explanation to me getting 30 pounds of muscle mass overnight could there be?

As for Emily, she just shrugged it off as something normal, which, to be honest, considering the things she sees on a daily basis with the Ancient One, it's to be expected.

Bucky, however, was mad, mad that I had ruined his metal arm with a visible dent, well... he wasn't mad mad, more like annoyed his arm was not in pristine conditions, so I did what a friend with money and resources would've done, I started a new project, just for him.

Project: New Arm cuss I am sorry.

I had enough Vibranium and Adamantium to forge him an arm, one that would never break down, but why stop there? Why not give him an upgrade.

I mean, having an indestructible arm was good and all, but what if the arm had some gadgets on it? Like, I don't know, a very powerful inbuilt taser? 

Or... I don't know, retractable finger claws?

I mean, anything I added would effectively make his arm better by a long shot.

So, I started to work on it after dinner.

First, I took his arm off, which sounds terrible without context.

Then, using his Hydra arm, I made some schematics by reverse-engineering the arm. Then, I made a template of what I wanted, discussing it with Bucky; I mean, it was his arm I was making, after all.

Eventually, I had the list of things he wanted on his arm alongside the list of things I wanted to add besides his requests, and so, with both lists at hand, I started to work.


Three days later, the arm was complete; I didn't leave the lab unless it was to pick the girls up from school or to eat; working on the arm had proved to be the perfect training when it came to finesse.

Newfound found strength meant being delicate was extra hard.

Regardless of that, I came up victorious.

Finishing his arm, which had a long list of modifications on it.

Taser function.

Blade function, a blade made entirely out of Adamantium that cut almost through anything like it was butter.

Kinetic force absorption and redirection, as expected of Vibranium related items.

Retractable finger claws, because why not?

And that was about it; other functions were not really worth mentioning; they were, at best, tiny details I had added, like enhancing the arm with magic and such.

"Here it is," I said with a smile, presenting Bucky with his new arm.

"It looks... incredible," Bucky muttered, putting the arm on; it operated just like his old arm, some of the new functions, though, those needed voice commands until I figured out how to connect the entire interface to his brain.

"The new functions, some of them, like the blade and the taser, they need a voice command," I informed him, "Your voice, so don't worry,"

"So, I can't say taser or blade, or it will activate?" Bucky asked.

At this, I shook my head, "I still haven't managed to figure out how to connect everything to your brain, so while I find a way to do so, the arm operates on intent thanks to a combination of magic and genius,"

"I see, so if I don't mean blade as in my arm blade, it won't work," Bucky sighed in relief.

"Yes, as you can see, you are not stabbing yourself right now," I chuckled, pointing to his arm, which effectively was on its normal mode.

"I feel stupid now," Bucky smiled.

"Now, go ahead and test it out," I smiled at him.

"Will do," Bucky grinned, "Maybe on Alexei," he added with a slight smirk.

"By all means, kick his ass," I snorted.


After leaving Bucky to kick Alexei around like a training bot, I went back home to relax, with the girls at school and with a party later today, and Bucky out of the house, I had the house to myself.

"Well, time to do nothing before doing some dungeons," I muttered with a yawn when all of a sudden, a violent burst of light engulfed the entire living room with me in it.


When the light died down, all that stood in my living room was me in an enraged state, my now scorched living room, and Thor and The Warrior Three.

"Brother, we came to party in Midgard!" Thor greeted as if he hadn't fucked my living room.

"You burned a hole through my house...." I hissed.

"I know," Thor beamed, with Volstagg and Fandral nodding with a smile, both waving two bottles of Asgardian booze at me.

"I will... walk... out of here," Hogun muttered, being the only one to realize I was not happy at all. "I am sorry for what it's worth..." he added, walking out of sight.

"Now, let us party!" Thor grinned.

"I think he's not happy..." Fandral muttered at Volstagg.

"Do you think it has something to do with the hole in his house?" Volstagg asked Fandral as I glared at them.

"Maybe... but that would be silly," Fandral scoffed.

"Goose!" I called, and soon after Goose appeared, her tail puffed as she hissed at thor, "Sick him, girl!"

"Sick hi-- AHHH!" It took two seconds for Thor to understand his situation, "WHy does this feline have some many tentacles!" 

"He's not happy at all," Fandral muttered.

"I... I will follow Hogun's example," Volstagg nodded, but alas, it was too late; I was already behind them.

"You will leave this house better than it was when you came, or you will pay in blood..." I smiled at them.

"NO BAD CAT, tentacles don't go there NOOO!" Thor screamed; I could almost swear I heard him say Yamete kudastop... "You lied to me; asking the tentacles to stop doesn't work! it doesn't work at all! they are so slimy YAMETE KUDASTOP STOPPP! AHHHH!!!"