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My morning had started like any other. I woke up, I went to the kitchen to find Bucky cooking some breakfast, the girls were playing, everything was a-okay, and I was happy about it. Since the tournament, I had come to appreciate the normality of things.

I craved this.

A normal life.

However, my normal, run-of-the-mill morning took a drastic turn when all of the sudden, a portal opened in my living room.

From that portal, a woman walked through.

A woman I immediately recognized without even reading her name and level above her head.


"Alex," She greeted me with a rather seductive smile, her eyes sizing me up.

I blinked, taking a step forward.

"What do you want?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her, as I messaged Bucky to take the girls out of the house through our party link. From there, Emily knew what to do, open a portal to one of my safe houses, and wait.

"Many things, amongst them, you," Hela replied, walking around my living room while looking around with a smile.

I blinked once again, she wanted me?

"I'm sorry, but what?" I asked, for a moment forgetting the possible implications of her being here would have on the canon timeline I knew.

Hela smiled before taking a seat on my sofa, "Well, I want you, as in to be my King,"

The fuck?

"Sorry, but as flattering as that sounds, I have a girlfriend," I replied frowning while wondering, was Odin okay? If she was here, and my knowledge was accurate in some kind, then he had to be dead, right?

"You mean that little girl," Hela chuckled before rolling her eyes, "I'll take care of her later, so don't worry,"

"Over my dead body," I growled, summoning my axes.

Hela smiled, "That's sexy,"

"I won't let you do whatever you wish to do," I growled, staring at her.

"I know," Hela nodded, "Which is why, I came here to stop you from interfering, at least momentarily,"

Stop me?

"Enough talk," I snarled, jumping at her, swinging both of my axes down at her in a crossed slash, sister of Thor or not, she was too dangerous to be left alive.

"I agree, darling," Hela grinned, summoning a pair of blades to match my own attack. Our attacks clashed, the earth beneath us shattering as she pleasingly smiled staring into my eyes.

[Hela Odinsdottir LV 441 (Powered by the Odin Force - Incomplete)]

I was stronger than her.

I just had to play this smart, and avoid letting her take any openings.

For a few seconds, our weapons clashed with one another, strike after strike, creating shockwaves that destroyed everything around us, she was strong, very strong, what she lacked in level, she had in experience, battle earned experience.

Keeping up with her was proving to be a challenge.

"You are everything I dreamed of!" Hela grinned, baring her fangs at me like an animal would do to its prey, "Everything I was promised! I can't wait to make you mine!" she declared, summoning hundreds of her blades around me, before bringing them all down at once.

"You need to read a book about relationships," I scoffed, blasting all her blades away with a pulse of my mana.

"We'll have time for that later darling, therapy and all," Hela smirked, summoning a strange item to her hand, it looked like a lamp, a black one, with white flames inside.

[The Lamp of Hel - Legendary Item

The Lamp of Hel, an item found in the depths of Hel only given to those able to wisthand to this torturous world without losing themselves to it. This item is said to appear in the lake of suffering once every one thousand years, and only re appears after the current instance of the lamp is used, after all, there can't be two lamps in existence at the same time.

Once used, the lamp will seal the user's target for a duration between 1000 years - 1 hour in Hel, the duration depends on how strong the target is in relation to the user.

Usage = The user needs to think of the target with a clear image of said target in mind, after that, the lamp will do its thing, sealing the target away, no matter where said target is.

This item can only be used once, after said use, the lamp will break.]

She wanted to seal me?!

"I must apologize, truly, but if I were to let you interfere, you would undoubtedly stop me," Hela sighed, as the Lamp broke on her hand, turning to dust. "With my power as it is now, you are stronger than me, but once I claim my birthright from my little brother, things will change,"

So she wanted to claim the part of the Odin Force Thor had, "I will escape," I spoke, as ghostly hands started to wrap around me, sealing my strength, "That seal won't hold me for long,"

"I know," Hela grinned, walking towards me, stopping right in front of me. "I only need a few hours to reclaim what is mine, so, I'll be waiting for you in my rightful Throne, ready to offer you a seat beside me, as King of Asgard," at this, she tried to kiss me, but I moved out of the way.

"Thor knows you are here," I grinned, I had after all, already messaged Thor, the Ancient One, and Sif about the situation.

"Good," Hela chuckled, before turning her back on me, "See you later, darling,"

"Fuck you," I replied, as the Lamp finished the sealing, with my body now being fully covered in ghostly hands that tightened their grip around me before dragging me to Hel through a portal that had opened on the ground beneath me.


[Alex Walker POV - Hel Realm]

By the time the ghostly hands had dropped me, I found myself in a very dark, and desolated place. The place in question was damp, a smelled like a morgue, which I supposed was to be expected considering where I was of all places.

"Status," I spoke.

[Sealed by The Lamp in Hel - 2 HOURS

For the next two hours, you will be unable to leave Hel by any means]

I suppose that's okay.

Now I wonder, can I interact with the outside world.

Time to check that out.

Sighing, I took a seat on the ground and tried to connect to Clay, my elemental, and thankfully, I felt the connecting being established, as Clay allowed me to take control of his body.

I grinned, looking at my destroyed apartment through Clay's eyes.

{Brother!} Thor shouted through the party com.

{Jesus Fuck, don't scream,} I complained, rubbing my ears in mild pain.

{Where are you Alex?} Sif asked, concern lacing her tone.

{Hel, Hela sealed me with a stupidly broken lamp,} I sighed, scratching my head in annoyance.

{The Lamp of Hel,} The Ancient One sighed, {I have read about such item before, but never seen it work in person, my master did,}

I sighed, {Well, at the very least the sealing will only last two hours, so… I guess, it's not that bad,}

{Remarkable,} The Ancient One stated, {I have read the spell within the lamp, can seal Gods for up a thousand years, and yet, the sealing spell can't hold you for more than that little amount of time,}

{Of course, it can't hold my brother, he is mighty!} Thor declared.

{What do we do with the weird lady?} Bucky asked, drawing the attention back to the main subject.

{I still can't believe I have a sister,} Thor muttered.

{Your dad sucks,} Bucky snorted.

{Hey!... maybe, but still!} Thor huffed.

{Children, we have to focus, we lost one of our heavy hitters, so we need to proceed with caution,} The Ancient One sighed in a scolding tone.

{She's right, right now, our priority is stopping her, my guess is, she's going to kill your dad,} If she wasn't already attacking Thor, then that was the logical second option, killing Odin.

{We'll deal with this, don't worry Mr. Walker, Hela made a grave mistake, underestimating the rest of us, even if we can't defeat her, we can buy enough time until you can,} The Ancient One assured, as I chuckled within the hellish realm of Hel.