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Extra chap coming later today.

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[Thor Odinson POV]

Hela and I clashed, our weapons meeting each other with earth-shattering strength.

"Is this all?! King!?" Hela laughed, summoning a few dozen blades behind me before said blades plunged at great speeds towards me.

I said nothing, jumping into the air before slamming Mjolnir against the soil beneath my feet, landing in one knee, creating a shockwave of electricity to blast her blades away, as I pushed myself forward, swinging my hammer at her face.

"Is any of this power yours?" Hela spat, parrying my attack with a swing on her blade, forcing my swing out of her way.

I gnored her once again, charging at full speed. However, Hela simply stood there in a defensive stance yet relaxed stance, parrying my first blow with her left sword, before twirling around cutting me on ribs with both blades. 

The cut wasn't deep.

But it had hurt.

Knowing a follow-up attack would come next, I turned around just in time to dodge a pair of her blades flying towards my face, inches away from dealing lethal damage had I not reacted in time, before attempting to counter with a lightning bolt aimed at her feet, which failed when Hela created a giant blade in front of her that protruded from the ground, blocking the attack like a lightning rod.

Alex was right, this would not be easy.

Taking a deep breath, I looked at Hela before exhaling, moments before she dashed towards me with the intention of continuing our battle, summoning hundreds of blades from every conceivable direction in the process, before delivering a horizontal kick that I blocked with my arm, as several blades blasted towards me the moment her leg made contact with my arm.

Realizing what she was doing, I grabbed her leg and threw her into the sky as I jumped back, scarcely evading the blades that plunged into the ground I once stood, some of them cutting me as they flew by.

"Not bad," Hela commented, turning around in the air, before landing on her feet as if nothing had happened.

Without another word, Hela was back on me, delivering a barrage of powerful attacks, each set sending more blades my way, making it harder and harder to dodge her advances. 

It pained me to admit me, but I was starting to be overwhelmed by Hela's fighting style, but I didn't mind, for now, I would only buy time, and had avoiding the onslaught of incoming blows, as I waited for my friends to come and aid me in battle.

"Show me your power, Thor!" Hela laughed, blurring out of sight, reappearing in front of me, diving her blade deep into my stomach.

Spitting blood, I grabbed her arm, the one holding the blade, before I summoned my mightiest lightning with a smile, "Don't you dare thinking you can touch me without repercussions," I barked with a smile, as my attack stroke us both in a massive blinding explosion, that sent the both of us flying, both in opposite directions.

Once the smoke from my attack cleared, Hela and I stood, both seemingly unharmed, though I was sure I had taken more damage than her, but not nearly enough to make me quit this battle.

"That's better," Hela smiled, her wounds healing at an alarming rate, almost like Alex's, "That's your domain, right? Fifteen hundred years, and you barely can tap into it, what a shame, if you knew how, this battle would be a lot more interesting," she sighed, summoning two blades, one for each hand.

My domain.

Alex had talked about that.

So had Sif.

Both said I had yet to tap into my Godly domain in its entirety, with Sif being the living proof of that.

During the tournament she had tapped into that power, awakening her true Asgardian strength.

I had gained this power I now wielded because Father had stepped out of the throne.

"Now, shall we resume our battle, dear brother," Hela grinned, starting to walk towards me.

"Let's," I nodded, doing the same before we both blurred out of sight, resuming our battle, clashing in the middle, once again our weapons meeting with equal strength.

"You are too green," Hela spoke, summoning a few dozen blades beneath the ground I was standing, seeing this, I jumped, only getting a few cuts on my legs as the blades emerged from the ground.

Had I stayed there any longer, I would've been impaled.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I raised my hand and charged Mjolnir with all the power I could muster, before hurling it at her, blasting her several hundred feet underground before I commanded Mjolnir to release the power I had charged within it, creating a massive explosion that seemed eat the entire forest away.

"Good, but not good enough," Hela laughed, her body charred almost to the bone, before she hurled Mjolnir back at me, her body healing all wounds in a matter of seconds.

I frowned, catching Mjolnir with one hand before I descended to the ground.

Her regenerative powers were a problem.

"I have to admit," Hela chuckled, "You are way better than I expected, I suppose that has to be a lot with the Odin force you now wield, and Alex's training," she sighed.

I nodded, "I owe my brother a lot," I was not ashamed to admit it.

"Yeah, you do," Hela smiled, "He's the King that will stand by my side in conquest," I frowned at that.

"Alex would never be with you," I shot back, "Even if you somehow win this battle and claim Asgard for yourself, he would never love you, I know the type of man my brother is."

Hela scowled before her expression turned into an amused one, "Maybe not at the beginning, but he will have no other choice to but to take his rightful place at my side, that's if he wants a few certain people to be spared, after all, as a King he would have the right to save as many as he wants."

She was threatening the girls in an unspoken manner, "If you think I will allow you to touch a hair of my nieces hair, you are utterly mistaken." I growled.

"My, how protective of them," Hela chuckled, index finger pressed upon her lips, "But you can't stop me, even if you wanted to."

I grinned, "Maybe not alone, but Alex has formed a pretty odd family of his own, a family I'm a part of, a family you can actually rely on, and mark my words Hela, this family, will eliminate you." I declared, pointing at her with my hammer.

"Bold words, for a dead man," Hela sighed, shaking her head in a disappointed manner.

"I say the same Hela," I shot back, before blurring out of sight to restart our battle. Each second I survived on this, was an extra Asgardian getting away from my father's mistakes, each second I battled, was a second closer to Alex being freed.

I was not worried.

For I was not fighting alone.

And above all, my allies were mighty, just like me.