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The battle had ended.

Leaving nothing but a bad taste in my mouth as I stood from the ground.

Hela had died.

And where she once stood, the only thing that remained was the essence that made her so powerful.

The Odin Force.

Or half of it anyways.

"We were having troubles with her all of us together, but you defeated her alone!" Thor barked with a grin, approaching me.

I chuckled, "You don't have three infinity stones to power you up, besides, unlike you, I adapted to my new strength quite easily." If there was one thing I liked about the gamer was how easy made my life in terms of adaptation.

"Still, you have proven how much of a warrior you are," Thor smiled, pulling me into a hug.

I smiled, hugging him back as I turned to look at the Odin Force, a small orb glowing with dense power, "You should take that," I said, pointing to the orb, the last thing we needed was a power-hungry Asgardian, cough cough, Loki, appearing out of nowhere to consume it.

"What is that?" Thor asked, looking over my shoulder, without breaking the hug.

I sighed, how could he not know what it was, he had half of it inside of him.

"That's the other half of the Odin Force," The Ancient One replied before I could facepalm myself.

"Oh," Thor mouthed, breaking the hug up as he approached the orb with a tentative look on his face, almost as if afraid to touch it, "So, what do I do?" he asked, looking at the orb.

"I don't know… touch it?" I offered.

"That should work," The Ancient One nodded.

"Ok," Thor shrugged, slowly moving his hand to the orb, who it turn, started to glow more and more as if beckoning Thor to take it, "I feel like it's calling me," he muttered in a daze.

"Maybe it is," I nodded.

"Here we go," Thor sighed, finally, but nervously touching the orb. Immediately after, the orb expanded around Thor, covering a small area around him while effectively engulfing his entire body before any of us could react, creating a small dome of light where Thor once stood, before exploding in a blinding show of light.

"Fuck," I heard Bucky muttered as I covered my eyes.

When the light died down, and my eyes once again adjusted to the light around, I saw Thor looking at his hands in mild shock, for a moment, I saw no difference in him, but as I watched Thor stand there daydreaming, I felt something.

His magic.

It had increased exponentially.

He was several times stronger than he was a few moments ago.

[Thor Odinson - The All-Father LV ???]

I blinked, before starting to chuckle.

He had really increased his overall power by a lot with the Odin Force.

As he is right now.

I doubt I can defeat him.

"I feel," Thor muttered, clenching his hands, "Incredible,"

I chuckled, "Of course you do, you are now mighty," I grinned as he turned around with a smile of his own.

"We should spar later today!" Thor grinned.

I nodded, "Sure, but don't expect much, as you are right now, I doubt I can challenge you much." 

Thor beamed at me, "Then I will help you reach this level! So that we can continue pushing each other."

I smiled, before turning to face the others, "So, what now?" 

"We bring the Asgardians back to Asgard I would say," The Ancient One said, summoning a cup of tea.

I raised an eyebrow at that, "Tea? Right now?"

"Well, what can I say? It has been a really tiring day, Mr. Walker," The Ancient One winked, "Oh, that reminds me," at this, the Ancient One snapped her fingers, creating a portal a few feets away from us, from where Loki fell, landing face-first in the ground.

"You… bitch…. I've been falling! For an hour and a half!" Loki roared, summoning his daggers, only for Thor to slap him unconscious.

I chuckled.

"Yeah, I don't have the patience to deal with him today," Thor commented, grabbing the unconscious Loki by his belt like a sack of potatoes.

"The fact you deal with him on a daily basis is your most mighty feat," I snorted.

"Indeed," The Ancient One.

"Yep," Bucky nodded.

"Totally true," Sif sighed.

"Well… I mean, he's adopted, so yeah," Thor sheepishly replied.

"He is?" Sif asked, mild shock lacing his tone.

"Frost giants," Thor nodded, scratching his head with a weak chuckle.

"Wow, your father sucks," Bucky snorted.

"Hey! I mean, it's true, but still, only Loki or Alex can say that," Thor scowled.

"I get why Loki, but why Alex?" Bucky inquired.

"Duh! Because we are brothers!" Thor replied giving me the thumbs up.

"I… forget it," Bucky sighed.

"So that makes Alex what? A prince?" Sif teasingly asked before slapping my ass playfully.

"Oh! GREAT IDEA SIF!" Thor beamed at her, grinning.

I blinked, oh no.

"Oh yes! Dear brother!" Thor said, seemingly reading my mind, "My first decree as ruler of Asgard is making you a prince!"

"Please don't," I groaned.

"Too late, I already have the paperwork done," Thor grinned.

"Thor you haven't moved from here, and you just got the idea, you have nothing done," I shot back.

"Can't hear you over all this paperwork done!" Thor laughed, running towards the castle.

"He will do it regardless of what I say, right?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Yes," Everyone in my group replied, as Thor ran like a child towards his castle, a powerful, Godly child.

"So, I'm dating a prince now?" Sif asked, grabbing my hand.

"I suppose you are," I chuckled, "Maybe I will get powers from this, like… I don't know, the ability to summon animals with my voice, or the ability to sing."

"That's princesses, Mr. Walker," The Ancient One stated.

"So, what do I get?" I asked turning around.

"Responsibilities," The Ancient One grinned, "Thor is not the brightest tool on the shed, but he ain't stupid, he knows he can't rule Asgard alone, therefore, he's giving you a title."

I blinked, that little overpowered bastard!

"The hell he wont!" I shot back, teleporting to the castle.

"They truly act like brothers," Sif chuckled.

"Stupid ones," Bucky snorted.