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[Thanos POV]

A rumor had spread around the universe a few weeks ago, about a being who knew where to find one of the infinity stones, one no one had in possession. Rumors like this weren't new, their validity, on the other hand, that was another matter altogether. Lies were a common occurrence in the universe, a nuisance I had learned to live with, after all, the more you are lied to, the easier it becomes to see through the falsehoods of others.

I had been lied to a lot.

I had learned a lot.

I had to.

I had a mission, a mission that required me to be more than I was, to do what no one else was willing to do.

The universe was in suffering, it cried for salvation, it cried for release, as the ever-expanding threat of life ate away the finite resources within.

They all knew it.

Everyone was aware of this, some to a bigger extent than others.

Everyone simply ignored it.

Why worry about tomorrow's problem? That was their mindset.

They all act when it is already too late.

They call me mad for giving them a solution, they call me a monster, demon, and more, but even when I don't intervene, even when I don't dirty my hands with their blood giving them salvation, they all go down the path I offered, only that when they do, it's already too late to make a difference, they killed for nothing, their sacrifices pointless.

Only when they were suffering, is when they would understand me.

I would fix that.

I had to.

No one else would.

It was my calling.

A grim one, but mine nonetheless.

"Sire, are you sure you which to go to that planet personally?" Ebony asked, bowing as he did so.

"I do, not now, but soon," I nodded, part of my duty, my mission, was revealing the truths and lies about the stones, only then, I would find them all.

"I must apologize for my insolence, but why not send one of us, there is no need to sully your hands," Ebony replied, keeping his head down.

"I understand your concern," I replied, my eyes firmly gazing at the mind stone, "But this is something I would like to do."

"Then your will shall be done," Ebony replied.

As hard as this mission was, I wasn't truly alone.

"Worry not, Maw, when the time comes, you will accompany me," I added, a small smile on my face.

"It would be my honor," Ebony replied.

"Any update on the other stones?" I asked, changing the subject.

"None sire, but soon, we will unveil the mystery behind it, and claim what is rightfully yours," Ebony assured me, his tone full of confidence and admiration.

"Very well," I replied, wondering when my mission would end, when I would be allowed to simply live, instead of leading, a life without the weights I have, I guess, as with everything, only time would tell.


[Ego the Living Planet POV]

Things were changing, things were changing a lot, and I didn't like it.

The Celestials were moving, breaking out of their normal patterns, patterns they had kept for eons, and that had me on an edge because whatever had them like that, was nothing small.

I had no idea what could've possibly gotten such a reaction from them.

But whatever it was, was of a universal scale.

Threatening to break their precious balance.

I needed to know what had them like that.

If I had no idea what was to come, I would not be prepared to deal with it, and chances were not something I enjoyed taking, especially not on this scale.

Obviously enough, asking them was out of the question.

But, that wasn't to say I couldn't investigate the enigma myself before drawing my conclusions.

All I knew was that their predictable behavior had drastically changed after the emergence of a new Celestial, the one sleeping within Earth's crust, what vexed me was, how that Celestial had managed to emerge without destroying the planet.

I guess I would only find out if I went back to earth to investigate the matter myself, or at least I would get a better understanding of it, I guess I will see.


[Loki Odinson POV]

If I thought I hated Alex before, I was… unbelievably wrong.

I hated him now with the passion of a thousand suns, NO, TWO THOUSAND SUNS.

I was a god, the prince of mischief himself! 

And yet, here I was.

Drinking tea with the spawn of the man I hated. In the body of a child, totally powerless.

"More sugar on your tea?" Emily asked.

"Two please," I nodded, moving my cup towards her to facilitate her work.

"What about you Hela?" Emily asked, turning to Hela.

"I fine as it is," Hela replied, taking a sip of her tea.

He would pay for this humiliation.

"Want some biscuits Loki, Hela?" Emily asked, smiling.

He would pay after the biscuits.

"Two please," I nodded.

"Four," Hela replied.

"What about some cake, I baked one today," Emily added, looking at us.

The child would live.

Her father would not.

"Alright, I'll be right back!" Emily smiled, skipping towards the kitchen.

"You will regret planning anything," Hela smirked, turning to face me the moment Emily left.

"I have no idea what you mean," I replied, taking a sip of my tea.

"I know that look, even a blind man would see right through you," Hela rolled her eyes, "He's far beyond you now, beyond me, beyond Thor, you have a better chance of teaching Thor manners, than of defeating Alex."

I snorted, "I doubt my chances are THAT low," teaching Thor manners, ha! That was beyond anyone's power.

"You will see," Hela chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, and before I could reply or say anything Emily walked through the door, holding a plate with biscuits and one with a scrumptious-looking cake, "I'm back!" she happily exclaimed, setting the food on the table.

Yes, the child would live.

"Do you think Miss Frigga would like some cake?" Emily asked while serving the food.

"During this time, I have seen her eat more than her body weight twice a day," I snorted, "I believe if you offer her a couch with mustard on it she would eat it."

Emily giggled, "That's mean!" 

"Well, we aren't here for our exemplar behavior are we not?" I grinned.

"Huh, she's good," Hela muttered, looking between Emily and me, I wonder what she meant by that.

If she was referring to her cooking skills, then yes, she was the paragon of a chef, one deserving of having a god eating her food. 

"Hela is right, take pride in your skills, after all, no one else will," I stated with a bitter tone.

"That's not true, dad is proud of me, and so is Nat, and uncle Bucky, and uncle Thor, and Sif!" Emily beamed at me.